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Police Wage Dirty War Against Animal Rights Activists & USe Smear Campaigns.

Lawrence | 15.12.2007 16:15 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Other Press | World

Police are waging a dirty war against animal rights activists. They are using smear campaigns and underhand tactics. Some of this was secretly recorded and read out in court. Informers have alsobeen encouraged to approach activists while wearing furs / bringing fur clad girlfriends up to AR / SHAC /SPEAK stalls in Camden and the West End of London. [Where they were ignored!]

A police dictaphone was accidentally left on and police were recorded plotting aaginst AR activists.
They planned to incite members of the public to create "incidents" [including ideas involving babies buggies that could have endangered children] so that they could arrest activists.
Police have also incited trouble between animal rights activists and other members of the public.
People [informers / informers' girlfriends / undercover cops] have been asked to goad activists by approaching them wearing fur coats. Activists on the SHAC / AR stall on Camden High Street and Oxford Street were approached by these weirdos who would then just simply stand there for sometimes up to half an hour. This would sometimes occur several times per day even in Summer... On one occasion a woman wearing a full length fur coat entered the courtroom at the High Court where Mel Broughton and Rob Cogswell were defending themselves. Activists ignored the fur clad nutters.
Police have also used informants to spread false rumours & smear campaigns against Animal Rights activists in their local areas. [This has also been done vice versa]. On one occasion drug dealers were told [falsely] that Animal Rights campaigners were "dealing on their patch" by a police informant.
And so the list goes on......

This is called "upholding the law / maintaining peace" but is really nothing but bully boy / gangster tactics on behalf of their paymasters the big corporations / Big Pharma!



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Big pharma,snake oil bullies

15.12.2007 23:16

Big pharma companies never invest in herbal medicine, they just make copies with side products from the petrochemical & other industries. After mild monopoly busting of his Petro business John Rockefeller senior went into partnership with IG Farben in Germany who used Aushwitz death camp for labour & experiment, encouraging eugenics & vivisection on nazis enemies & people deemed weak, this research was for the direct benefit of big Pharma & oil companies.
Today vivisection continues on animals & humans, to create patentable drugs which are often unhealthy as not only human beings unlike animals, many people also react vastly differently to substances safe in others.
Meanwhile investment in herbal medicines & healthy food is often nil

The same forces creating climate change & polluting are planet are also patenting & creating drugs often made from chemical by products.

Hopefully Bush, Rockefeller & Cheney's will join Conrad Black in his new residence soon. Be nice if police do what people want & go after the robber barons & work for the community including their own. With rich poor gap expanding, strain on you & prisons will increase, stop scapegoating ar activists & help save people & planet.

Mother Jones

Rockerfeller are part of the bullies behind the Camden Germ Lab

17.12.2007 02:38

Says it all.........



17.12.2007 09:19

I see the black psyops plot is working well!

Black Helicopter

This is true

18.12.2007 00:22

Yep! Much of this is true...the weirdos in fur would turn up, reappear etc....
I also saw that nasty, ugly woman who made straight for the High Court room...where she stood "triumphantly" until she realised it wasn't working.
The dictaphone recording transcripts can be found at
As for the drug stuff...can't say I know anything about that...but it really wouldn't surprise me that the police would put someone up to that!


The people accused of "dealing" are Vegan Straight Edge & all is peaceful.

18.12.2007 20:47

This was in the North somewhere...& everything has been smoothed over now. ["Straight Edge means "drug free" as in they don't use them...not give them away!]


Yes....the fur people did these things.

18.12.2007 21:17

Yes those weird things done by crazies in fur coats are true.

Yes it's true that an exeptionally ugly woman went into the High Court and stood there in front of all of us, in a full length fur coat, while we ignored her.

Yes it's true that police left a dictaphone on and recorded themselves plotting against activists. see

Yes it's true that Colin Blakemore has / had something to do with the Camden lab [The world's largest ever, highest level virus containment facility and animal testing lab.] See
Camden New Journal. [Paul Keilthy]

As for the other thing....I know nothing about that. Could explain the doughnut raid in Kent ARUK 2007...... where police carried out a "drugs raid" and found nothing whatsoever.....see my myspace for more details at and / or for photos and video footage of police breaking DEFRA guidlines re : Foot and Mouth disease which became an animal pandemic across the UK following a leak from government facility Pirbright...which makes the idea of a virus containment facility on a Camden council estate all the more terrifying!

Mandy - Camden

To close the event....

20.12.2007 13:39

I suspect the 'raid' was to close the event as everybody was getting very bored. It worked too.

C U next year?

Mel Broughton

Mel Broughton DID NOT write the above remark.

21.12.2007 22:49

Mel Broughton did not write the above remark. The "raid" did not "close the event" which was successful with the workshops continuing. Whoever wrote the above remark pretending to be Mel obviously knows fuck all about anything to do with Animal Rights.

Mel Broughton is currently in jail and is loved, admired and respected by everyone in the AR movement and beyond.
