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Climate change protest Newquay airport - Risingtide

Kernow Risingtide | 15.12.2007 11:59 | Climate Chaos


Climate Activists Spotlight Newquay Airport

Climate activists from Rising Tide[1] have occupied Newquay airport today. The demonstrators are calling for an immediate halt to expansion of the airport[2] and a public debate on its future. With banners, leaflets and costumes - the peaceful protest calls attention to the airport as an obstacle to sustainable development in the County.

Aviation currently accounts for 13% of the UK's contribution to climate change and is the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions[3]. Newquay airport offers only domestic and short haul flights[4], condemned by MPs[5]. Flying does ten times more damage to the climate than taking the train[6], while destinations served from Newquay are easy to reach by train or coach[7].

This year we have seen the worst flooding in decades, from central Africa and South Asia to Yorkshire and Gloucestershire. Meanwhile, Greece, Italy and California have struggled with bush-fires in tinder-dry conditions. Despite these warnings, delegates at the UN climate talks in Bali continued to resist meaningful cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.

Today's demonstrators are also alarmed following the conclusions of a recent report[8] commissioned by Groundswell[9], which refutes the County Council's claim that Cornwall's future development depends upon expansion of the airport. The report concludes that the economic case for expansion of the airport is weak and that the airport's current operating deficit of around one million pounds per year is met by Cornwall County Council[10], through higher council tax or cuts in services.

In light of the imminent problems of climate change and peak oil it is crucial that local government invest in sustainable public transport. A recent report by Visit Scotland concludes: "A tourism economy without a sustainable transport policy and system means less tourism in the long term" [11]

Substantial public funds must not be invested in a project which would increase Cornwall's CO2 emissions and damage the local environment, under a plan which takes no account of rising oil prices. The expansion of Newquay airport must be stopped.


1. Rising tide is a global network of local groups, taking action against climate change and building a movement based on social and environmental justice.
2. Expansion plans, backed by...
3. 13% - from Answer to Commons Parliamentary Question 2 May 2007.
5. The Battle of Newquay: Green lobby launches war to curb domestic flights
By Jonathan Brown and Ian Herbert
8. Newquay Airport Expansion The Case Examined
9. Groundswell is an independent group of Cornish decision makers
10. Newquay Airport Expansion: The Case Examined, Elizabeth Baines,
Commissioned by Groundswell Cornwall. Page 40.
11. Visit Scotland Research (,
Tomorrow’s World: Consumer and Tourist, vol. 2, no. 1, May 2006, page 12:

NB: Cornwall County Council became sole owners of the airport in 2004...
Newquay Airport Expansion: The Case Examined, Elizabeth Baines,
Commissioned by Groundswell Cornwall. Page 5.

NB: Rising Tide activists in Cornwall also took part in a recent national day
of action to highlight the climate impact of RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland)
investments, RBS branded itself The Oil and Gas bank. The activists
appeared with banners and leaflets outside the RBS branch in Truro.

Kernow Risingtide
- e-mail: kernow [at]
- Homepage:



15.12.2007 18:51

I think a reason general press releases are put on Indymedia is that the people involved are very busy trying to sort out the action and just want to get information out as quickly as possible.

There simply wasn't time this morning to write a full account of what happened and how it happened - the action was taking place.

However five people were on the roof for several hours. Other people held banners and handed out leaflets to passengers. The police response was low key and there were no arrests.

Sorry for not writing a more detailed update, but don't have time at moment, but someone will try and write something later.


Media Update - Photos and Video of Action

18.12.2007 15:48

Activists on the Roof
Activists on the Roof

Banner Drop
Banner Drop

Executive Genocide
Executive Genocide

Police Response
Police Response

Here's a few photos and video link of Rising Tide Kernow action against the expansion plans:



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yeah but...

15.12.2007 16:32

yeah but what actually happened?? It seems to be a new trend in action reports, that people just bung up the press release on Indymedia, and that there's nothing or next to nothing about what actually happened. Most who read IMC will know about the issues - it's what 'occupied' meant that's more interesting, how you did it, what you did, what was the reaction of airport, police, etc etc. Plane Stupid reports are always like this too and it's annoying & a bit useless. thanks for the action nonetheless


Well done to the RT Kernow crew...

15.12.2007 22:31

Should be able to get a fuller public debate on NQY expansion within the future wider climate-energy context sorted sometime next year, will talk over xmas.


further details

16.12.2007 11:12

we were going for the roof all along, but couldn't believe that the builders had left a ladder there for us. it was just as well 'cos ours broke! we arrived on bus, the press were there before the police.
when the police did arrive they were happy to negotiate. ie; we get the press to finish filming and then get down, in exchange for no further police action.
we are editing a movie of the action and this will be up asap.
once it's done there will be a full action report, both here and on the rising tide site.
it was a fantastic action; we achieved exactly what we set out to achieve and it's given our new kernow / plymouth groups a big boost.
p.s. public meeting re. the airport expansion - st mawgan community hall - 12.1.08 7pm

executive genocide


16.12.2007 13:28

nice one - sounds great, and with Lady Luck on your side, of course. Thanks for the extra info - of course understandable with sorting action out, winding down/debriefing/collapsing afterwards. Keep it up.


Check out

17.12.2007 02:39

It's Grrrrrrrrrrreat!


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17.12.2007 08:33

Rising Tide are doing the governments work for them. Mankind is not responsible for climate change and it sickens me to see how people have jumped on this bandwagon without checking a few basic facts.

The biggest con job of the 21st Century


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07.01.2008 11:02

soo stupid

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