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Hunreds of mink released in the Netherlands

Minky | 12.12.2007 23:04 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | World

anonymous communique from Bite Back Magazine: "In the night from sunday 9 - monday 10 december 2007, we released all mink from an illegal mink farm. The building was not ventilated. We opened all cages and destroyed a lot of breeding cards. We think there were about 400 mink; the official numbers say that there were 200. We don't believe this. The mink didn't look healthy and were crawling in their own shit."

anonymous communique:

"In the night from sunday 9 - monday 10 december 2007, we released all mink from an illegal mink farm. The building was not ventilated. We opened all cages and destroyed a lot of breeding cards. We think there were about 400 mink; the official numbers say that there were 200. We don't believe this. The mink didn't look healthy and were crawling in their own shit.

This is a warning for the so called 'owner' of this illegal mink farm at the sterapplelaan 21 in Zeewolde. Stop killing innocent animals; you don't know with who you are dealing with. The A.L.F! We are not terrorists, but freedom fighters. The terrorists are the people who are killing, something we will never do! All your camera's couldn't stop us from doing what we did (enjoy the pictues... ). Give the animals the freedom they should have. Stay in your apple trade, but keep away from animals, you have no right to decide their lives. The harder you try to build a mink farm the harder we will fight to get them out! Also we know that mink can make it in nature, most will survive and live as they should. If not; they will die in your farm anyway. Better one day of natural, healthy living than live longer in captivity, in hell.

It's time for A.L.F to evolve. People can tell ugly lies about us; we know better. We are the ones who stand for freedom, we are the good guys.
Thanks for the music, it didn't scare us!

To be continued - The A.pple L.iberation F.ront - part one."

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You've just murdered all the local wildlife, you muppets

13.12.2007 07:10

Well you've just sentenced most of the local wildlife to death by releasing several hundred large predators into what is not their natural habitat, so I'm sure the local wildfowl, voles, otters will be eternally gratefully. Grade A muppetry...

Kermit the Frog (RIP)

Are you bonkers or what?

13.12.2007 08:50

feral mink are like the grey squirrel - once in the wild, they will take over local, native species and goodbye biodiversity.



13.12.2007 10:01

there are no wild fowl or otters in the netherlands so the mink, will have to disperse to survive anyway. they should be more worried about getting controlled crossing the border to germany!


The orginal reports. And "otters and wildfowl" in the Netherlands.

13.12.2007 13:14

The release was reported on Flevoland local news on the 10th ( - not sure if their links are persistent). At the time the claim was that 50 of a total 200 minks were released.
There has been an ongoing dispute about the farm, that does not seem to be able to get a license. Local's and politicians from the PvdA (Labour Party) and SP (Socialist Party) have been trying to force the Mayor to enforce the rules which would at this moment close the place.
The original report about the release was attributed to persons unknown. The attribution to the _Apple_ Liberation Front seem to first comes from an English posting on Indymedia NL on the 11th, so not Dutch activists then (?) This is also where the higher figures of animals comes from.

Otters were reintroduced into the wild in the Netherlands in 2002, breeding already by 2004. A program to reintroduce continues. There is also plenty of Wildfowl to be threatened. I suggest some people have never been for a walk outside an Dutch City.

No ecosystem can handle the sudden release of so many animals in one go. Let alone such a species as the American Mink.


Reply to Otter

13.12.2007 13:39

The Netherlands is one of the most important eco-systems in Europe for waterfowl. This action is absolutely insane, if true. Thousands of wild animals are going to die because of the egotism of those who released the mink. They are beneath contempt for their stupidity. This is not evolution this is mass extinction.


Idiot animalists at it again

13.12.2007 14:00

Same now in Italy idiot Animalisti are the norm, they protect feral pidgins and other semi domestic animals.
They fill up my mail box with megabytes of cuddly kittens and all sorts of other bullshit.
But when it comes to the environment they don't have a clue. Cats kill upwards of 60 million song birds
a year, feral pidgins breed all year round, pheasants are only considered native cos it suits the hunting (arms)
industries. Mink are ferocious predators and will wreak havoc on the local wildlife.
One good thing regarding cats, the Eagle Owl is making a come back, one of his favourite meals is cats so
when they go out hunting they will also face some element of risk.


Insurance job or naivety?

13.12.2007 15:53

Was this an insurance job with their farm threatened by shutdown, hope insurance compnay looks into it. If part of animals right movement whoever did it has just shot us in the foot with a poisoned bullet.
Do insurance companies charge more for mink farms, they should do & consider not insuring these unnatural places. Unfortunately you will always get naive people who will release mink, another reason for them to shut down.
If it was animal defenders, having my released my naivety if one of them I would go out & help catch these mink & find a good caged home or take them back to their natural habitat.
Personally Ive never heard of people freeing animals without finding places for them to go where they & local wildlife would be safe,
whoever released them must have been children, really uneducated or farmer Giles mate


Well done ALF

13.12.2007 20:18

There will be some impact on the local wildlife, but a longer lasting and more effective impact on mink farming and their scummy profits. Everyone made a huge fuss about mink being released in this country but the fact is that mink were already present and their increase hasn't led to the mass destruction of wildlife on the rivers. MAN is responsible for the loss of habitats that lead to the decline in numbers of wildlife species. It's like people banging on about grey squirrels destroying trees. Somehow, trees manage to survive the squirrels. Man however ,can and will (if the price is right and Tesco's says so) rip up a wood in one day.
We deforest, build on green belt, pollute the planet and exploit animals in the cruellest way. Then idiots come on here to rant about a brave few who free some of those creatures.
ALF - well done!


fixy fixy fixy

14.12.2007 13:22

Man, yes man. That's members of the ALF and their righteous human selves are causing problems as well here. Just because man does so many other things to fuck up the environment it doesn't mean you should help. Stop Mink Farming. Stop self-righteous humans.
