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Channel 4 - Political Awards - nominate Brian Haw

R. Ritchie | 11.12.2007 13:34 | Iraq | Repression | Terror War | London

Channel 4 News are drawing up a short list of the 'most inspiring political personality of the last ten years'.

Write in and tell them who you think should be the political personality of the year either by email at or by letter to Channel 4 News, 200 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8XZ, UK.

R. Ritchie


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no platform for homophobes

11.12.2007 14:58

One demented fundie is no better than another.


say what now?

11.12.2007 18:02

I hadn't heard allegations of homophobia about Brian Haw before....I'm curious if you've got some more info?

personally I don't get the whole obsession over him. in a way I can respect the sacrifice he's made for what he believes in but I'm not really sure what good it's done.


Brian's competitors

11.12.2007 20:29

Hi Rasputin,

I see your point. However, in this competition I think he has a chance of winning. The other contenders are Tony Blair, David Cameron and Jamie Oliver. It is good to raise his profile to get the issues more air time. I know he is a ranter and is not the best spokesman for the peace movement but he is out there 24/7 and he deserves massive respect for that. I think this protest of one man has been more effective than the 2 million march was. He has certainly rattled more in parliament than any march ever has,

R. Ritchie

who to vote for?

11.12.2007 22:57

hi ritchie :)
of the choice of candidates i'd vote fot the candidate who has campaigned the most selflessly, putting up with the risk of assault, inclement weather and arbitary arrest for his/her non violent beliefs on a daily basis.
Anyone care to explain how Tony B. fits this description?


Nominate Rose Gentle

12.12.2007 17:46

I voted for Brian Haw last time. I was the first person to post on IM about that here recommending everybody else did. I watched his acceptance speech with joy. The shortlist had been drawn up before I heard about it though before I started emailing everyone.

If nominations are still open, I'd like to nominate Rose Gentle. This year she finally got her inquest for her son Gordon. Military Families Against War rarely get the respect they deserve from us - they are our main interlink with the army. She is the sweetest, most ordinarily tragic victim of our failure as a peace movement you'll find on this side of Turkey.

The MediaLens crew deservedly got the fucking 'Gandhi award', and it would be brilliant to humiliate Channel Four by making Peter Snow hand them an award.

There are a couple of other activists I know who deserve recognition but they may not be happy for me to even name drop them just now so I won't.

I don't know the SWP guy who took the credit for the NI Raytheon hit, and I distrust the SWP, but that was the last great action from what I've heard.
