Campaign against Climate Change - London Rally
Ian Hewitt | 11.12.2007 10:00 | Climate Chaos | London
Ian Hewitt
Ian Hewitt | 11.12.2007 10:00 | Climate Chaos | London
Ian Hewitt
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Fuck George Monbiot
11.12.2007 13:48
george monbiot is a dickhead
11.12.2007 15:51
WTF. The enlightenment is over you cretin.
bill posters
Moonbat is abit bourgoise, but we need world federation
11.12.2007 23:06
Anway anarchism is without rulers not without rule & as Proudhon described not without minimal government. This would have to be global & via consensus& delegation, true direct democracy. Cooperatives, unions & communities
I think anarchosyndicalists & cooperative movement lead the way, but they need better recognisable spokepersons to stand up at demos like Emma Goldman & Big Bill Haywood did at the start of the last century. They led massive demonstrations to surround mansions like robber barons like the Rockefellers who sadly still control major shares in exxon & major corporate banks like Chase Morgan. Attempts on Rockefellers lives after Rockefellers ordered massacres of Miners & their families on strike were used as a major excuse to destroy the movement as well as the usual national jingoism of war.
long live Judi Barri Earth First IWW
Some thoughts
13.12.2007 13:45
2. Surely at a time of crisis such as this, people who are broadly for the same goal, i.e. preventing catastrophic climate change, should unite. Engaging and discussing would be better than dismissing another's views outright.
3. While Heat did advocate a rather scary intergovernmental/supragovernmental sollution, Monbiot has, as of late, qualified this. In his speech at the march he stated that capitalism and sustainability can't continue long term; Heat proposes short-term fixes.
"aristocratic asshole"
13.12.2007 16:07
let's save our anger for the real climate crminals, like Bush et al.