Global Climate Change March, London Dec 8, 2007
Peter Marshall | 10.12.2007 10:29 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | London | World
Picket at Tecso Metro, Lower Regent St. (C) Peter Marshall
Cyclists at Piccadilly Circus. (C) Peter Marshall
Cut Carbon Not Forests. (C) Peter Marshall
Going Green in SE15. (C) Peter Marshall
Sea Level 2012. (C) Peter Marshall
No Third Runway. (C) Peter Marshall
The Statue of Taking Liberties. (C) Peter Marshall
Say No to Heathrow Expansion (C) Peter Marshall
The main march was gathering in Millbank, and despite the wind and rain it was an impressive gathering. At the front of the march was the greenhouse containing the globe of the Campaign against Climate Change, led by the 'Statue of Taking Liberties'. The march began at the Houses of Parliament to emphsize the need for a strong Climate Bill that will really cut emissions rather than simply fudge the issue with carbon trading and offsets, and went to Grosvenor Square, and US Embassy. America remains the major opposition to any progress over tackling the problem as well as being the worst per person emitter.
Among the marchers were numerous Santas, Reindeer, Polar Bears and a few elves as well as our favourite mermaid, reminding onlookers of the problem of the melting of polar ice and the resulting rise in sea level, as well as raising the spirits of the marchers.
Prominent in the march were groups of protesters carrying placards 'No Third Runway', protesting against the madness of airport expansion at Heathrow - as well as other protesters from Stanstead.
There were also large groups making clear that the crisis is a political one, caused by capitalism, and that political change is needed to solve it. Vegans were also present to point out that the farming of animals is a major world-wide source of carbon dioxide.
Although the speeches at the end of the rally showed some differences in approach to the problem, what was clear was a wide opinion behind urgent action and an end to government policies that continue the ruination of the environment.
More pictures shortly on 'My London Diary' which also has pictures of the Summer 2007 Climate Change demo - and most earlier Climate Change events in London since 2002.
Images are copyright, available for free use only under an "anti-ripoff" licence. Organisations that pay editors and designers should also pay photographers.
Peter Marshall
Climate Change March – 08/12/2007. Some Pics, Only 10000
10.12.2007 20:08
Also some from the Campaign against Climate Change Website
I agree with Kriptick on all the points about the poor commitment being made towards Environment Issues. At the same time I wonder if it is possible to get any Eco – Friendly action out of people that profit from being Eco-Unfriendly. What absolutely bugged the f*ck out of me throughout the march were all the everyday people that we passed and how they just stared, took pics and did not get stuck in with us … some even ignoring the march completely. I have some kind of Realist understanding of why the Fat Cats and Politicians avoid the urgency behind the Climate Change issue, but how can common people act as though it does not affect them and the future generations?
I cannot fathom the apathy that the majority of people have towards the situation of our environment. People that are conscious have different views as to what the solution is, ranging from Class Struggle and the State through to War and Arms Trading … but I am sure can all agree that the degradation of the Earth is the single biggest issue that everyone is a part of. 10000 people attending the March and there are 7.5 million people living in London and 12 – 14 million people living in the wider London area alone … and many of the 10000 came from outside of London. Pouring Rain does not speak for the rest of the population. In light of the theme of this march, the turnout is nothing short of disgraceful … shame on those that feel that they are some how above the issue. And as for those that would preface ignorance about the March on Saturday, well ones focus determines their reality!
It is not just sad, but incredibly distressing that so few people took part on Saturday … But well done to those that did!
Refuse Resist
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10.12.2007 21:46
"how can common people act as though it does not affect them..?"
11.12.2007 10:10
What was the carbun footprint of this demo then?
12.12.2007 16:47
Primates have changed.
But, we'll keep on driving around in our stupid cars, keep on eating and drinking from moulded plastic vessels, and keep on running around in just our underwear with the thermostat turned up high in mid-winter - until we can no longer, no more.
We will only stop using it when it ain't there. As Primate Change activists, we are of the reapsation that only when Oil is recognised for the finite resource it is (and finally becomes too expensive for the economic artifice to continue functioning) only then will we see the kind of societal-shift necessary for change to begin... Something that some of us have been waiting a long time for.
In the meantime, our advice is that you ensure that your christmas illuminations are solar powered, and hold onto your hats as the Black Gold runs out and latter day capitapsm goes into meltdown.So where do you stand when the night of unrest becomes a reality? Upon the former landfill of Darnall (Tinsley Golf Course), and if we can not get there, then Redmires. And from here we shall watch the demise of civilisation and be ready to begin again, hopefully learning from our past. In our future commune, love shall be free, as will all primates.