Totnes MP questions and fights chemtrails phenomenon
dh | 08.12.2007 23:44 | Sheffield
One of the establishment whores in Parliament suddenly wakes up and questions what's happening in the skies
This subject, historically hidden in Indymedia will shortly be hidden by the leftist hive mind, in a complementary opposite to the rightest hive mind, so enjoy while you can. This is extraordinary in that an MP is taking on board the knowledge of what's actually occurring and employing systems developed by the furthest out individuals
This subject, historically hidden in Indymedia will shortly be hidden by the leftist hive mind, in a complementary opposite to the rightest hive mind, so enjoy while you can. This is extraordinary in that an MP is taking on board the knowledge of what's actually occurring and employing systems developed by the furthest out individuals
11:00 - 01 December 2007
Totnes mp Anthony Steen is launching his own investigation into an international conspiracy theory following fears that South Devon is being poisoned by a toxic cocktail of chemicals being rained down from the skies.
Retired schoolteacher Christopher Cooper has appealed for help from the MP after claiming he has spotted numerous aircraft leaving 'chemtrails' - plumes of an unknown mixture of chemicals - in deliberate grid patterns across the skies over Torbay, Newton Abbot and Totnes.He is so concerned that he has spent £200 on building his own 'chemtrail buster' out of six foot long copper pipes laid out in a special matrix he claims helps disperse the chemicals above his Littlehempston home.
Now Mr Steen has said he plans to question defence and aviation experts over the 'chemtrails' theory.
And if he still has worries after that, he plans to put questions to Secretary of State for Defence Des Browne.
Mr Steen said: "I am making my own inquiries about these allegations because I need to find out whether they have any substance.
"I am making inquiries with a number of experts before putting anything to the Secretary of State."
He said he had not come across the 'chemtrail' concerns before and added: "I take every constituent's allegations and concerns seriously until proven otherwise.
"I always think they are right and what they are saying must be investigated.
"I take this very seriously. I will be making the appropriate inquiries and once I have done so I will decide how best to pursue the matter."
The 'chemtrail' conspiracy theory surfaced in the mid to late 1990s and claims that some trails left behind high altitude jet aircraft are different in appearance and quality from those of normal contrails, may be composed of harmful chemicals, and are being deliberately produced, and covered up by the government.
The reason why is unclear although suggestions have included secret efforts to control the weather - in particular global warming - biological warfare, a sophisticated radar system, some sort of mind control or even occult purposes.
Mr Cooper, who used to teach at the Rudolf Steiner School at Dartington until his retirement, wrote to Mr Steen expressing his concerns about 'the 'chemtrails' which criss cross the skies over the South Hams on many days, especially early in the morning'.
He warned the MP: "The 'chemtrails' stay in the sky for several hours and are placed there on a planned grid."
He said there had been reports of such trails in other parts of the UK as well as Europe and the USA.
He has asked Mr Steen to question the Ministry of Defence and ask for a reason for the 'chemtrails', how much is such an operation costing taxpayers, what other government ministries are in the know and 'who authorised the campaign to drench the atmosphere with what appears to be toxic chemicals which may have a very adverse effect on the population's health'.
He said that websites claim the 'chemtrails' contain traces of barium salts, aluminium, sodium hydroxide, calcium, magnesium and 'even some radioactive thorium have been reported in the USA'."
I'm personally very proud of my 5 year standing cloud/chembuster, as no doubt Mr Sheen should be of his.
However these don't quite work so well unless you put smaller pieces of orgonite in the vicinity of all the mobile masts within your area
The original article over this material
11:00 - 01 December 2007
Totnes mp Anthony Steen is launching his own investigation into an international conspiracy theory following fears that South Devon is being poisoned by a toxic cocktail of chemicals being rained down from the skies.
Retired schoolteacher Christopher Cooper has appealed for help from the MP after claiming he has spotted numerous aircraft leaving 'chemtrails' - plumes of an unknown mixture of chemicals - in deliberate grid patterns across the skies over Torbay, Newton Abbot and Totnes.He is so concerned that he has spent £200 on building his own 'chemtrail buster' out of six foot long copper pipes laid out in a special matrix he claims helps disperse the chemicals above his Littlehempston home.
Now Mr Steen has said he plans to question defence and aviation experts over the 'chemtrails' theory.
And if he still has worries after that, he plans to put questions to Secretary of State for Defence Des Browne.
Mr Steen said: "I am making my own inquiries about these allegations because I need to find out whether they have any substance.
"I am making inquiries with a number of experts before putting anything to the Secretary of State."
He said he had not come across the 'chemtrail' concerns before and added: "I take every constituent's allegations and concerns seriously until proven otherwise.
"I always think they are right and what they are saying must be investigated.
"I take this very seriously. I will be making the appropriate inquiries and once I have done so I will decide how best to pursue the matter."
The 'chemtrail' conspiracy theory surfaced in the mid to late 1990s and claims that some trails left behind high altitude jet aircraft are different in appearance and quality from those of normal contrails, may be composed of harmful chemicals, and are being deliberately produced, and covered up by the government.
The reason why is unclear although suggestions have included secret efforts to control the weather - in particular global warming - biological warfare, a sophisticated radar system, some sort of mind control or even occult purposes.
Mr Cooper, who used to teach at the Rudolf Steiner School at Dartington until his retirement, wrote to Mr Steen expressing his concerns about 'the 'chemtrails' which criss cross the skies over the South Hams on many days, especially early in the morning'.
He warned the MP: "The 'chemtrails' stay in the sky for several hours and are placed there on a planned grid."
He said there had been reports of such trails in other parts of the UK as well as Europe and the USA.
He has asked Mr Steen to question the Ministry of Defence and ask for a reason for the 'chemtrails', how much is such an operation costing taxpayers, what other government ministries are in the know and 'who authorised the campaign to drench the atmosphere with what appears to be toxic chemicals which may have a very adverse effect on the population's health'.
He said that websites claim the 'chemtrails' contain traces of barium salts, aluminium, sodium hydroxide, calcium, magnesium and 'even some radioactive thorium have been reported in the USA'."
I'm personally very proud of my 5 year standing cloud/chembuster, as no doubt Mr Sheen should be of his.
However these don't quite work so well unless you put smaller pieces of orgonite in the vicinity of all the mobile masts within your area
The original article over this material
Hide the following 14 comments
Global dimming, persistent contrails and aviation smog
09.12.2007 08:54
What you are observing appears to be persistent contrails and aviation smog:
Most of the "chemtrail" material on the net appears to be disinformation.
Thanks for proving me wrong, Chris
09.12.2007 22:40
Now I have to study that global dimming programme again, though I figured from watching it before, that "scientists say" what's occurring depends very much on accepting certain preconceptions regarding climate change.
IE disregards any possibility of a HAARP/mobile phone mast network link up to this.
I understand that some of this change research predates the prevalence of the latter elements.
I'll accept some of the 'persistent contrail' argument - I've watched them and believe they are qualitively different to what are generally understood chemtrail phenomena, that is with much faster dissipation and less in the way of cloud build up.
Likewise 'aviation smog' - this seems imho an electromagnetic smog, created out of the HAARP ionospherically targetted bursts of energy, mediated by the mobile phone mast worldwide presence, using chemtrails as a medium for creating a global effect, a soup of electromagnetically charged particles, effecting climate change, concurrent disasters significantly targetted at "useless eater" populations in the UN/WHO population-reduction agenda, and lowered vibrational access for the rest of us.
The ultimate target is our DNA seen as a liquid crystal transponder and bioacoustic effector of our view of reality.
Chemtrails aren't a simple poisoning effect, they are part of the agenda to get to the root of our being for purposes of control.
Sorry, this is off the cuff stuff. I know I need to give a full analytic rebuff to the global dimming thesis, if I find the time and aren't too dimmed/dumbed to get there.
BTW, this is still an interesting question.A couple of years ago I was regularly contributing to the controlled conspiracy forum Above Top Secret. Now there were a couple of "agents" in there,onboard 24/7, you know the type, whose main debunking themes were 9/11 and chemtrails. I challenged them to find pictures from before the late 'Nineties of even single examples of chemtrails of the kind we are used to today.
They came back with one picture of WW2 fighters apparently emitting smoke trails, and a USAF HQ painted mural of jets emitting trails, ie nothing substantive.
I've issued the challenge again in various other places. After all National Geographic and other journals have been issuing landscapes and skyscapes for years. Surely ther must be something substantial.
I ain't seen it yet. Perhaps you could help Chris
At last!
10.12.2007 09:26
As an ex Air Force man, I know what jet contrails are and what we are seeing covering our skies, day and night, all over the world are not innocent water based contrails. This is something else entirely and the press are ignoring it as well as all of our environmental movements like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth.
For crying out loud, folks, just look up at the sky some sunny morning and watch these unmarked fast jets criscrossing the sky, way off the normal aircraft routes. I've watched them flying over Dartmoor and the Highlands of Scotland where no commercial jets fly. Watch how a sunny blue sky gradually gets overcast as these chemtrails spread out across the horizon.
The stuff that they are spewing out has been analyzed and it has been found to contain barium and aluminium paticles. People are getting sick. Respiratory diseases are on the increase. Close up pictures of these unmarked jets have shown the stuff gushing out from nozzles that are separate from the engines.
It's time to get serious about all of this. This is effecting all of us. What the hell is going on?
DH is on the right track.
Chemtrail posioning has been going on for years
10.12.2007 15:21
Chemtrail posioning has been going on for years.
There is lots of evidence to show aerial spraying has been going on all over the UK, Europe and USA.
Please look up.
peace, Jacob
Jacob Jones
Effective protection from chemtrail effects
10.12.2007 15:30
1, All dentists are in on it. When visiting the dentist, deny everything.
2, As everyone knows, chemtrails are most effective when they occur on days with clear, cloudless skies. Stay in the basement on days like this.
3, In dozens of experiments conducted by qualified scholars, wrapping your head in aluminium or "tin" foil can actually prevent all chemtrail confusion experiments from affecting the so-protected person.
The weired and the wonderful
10.12.2007 22:42
This years Crop of magic mushrooms must be extra potent, I gotta get me some.
Fly posters
From the furthest extemes....magic mushrooms
10.12.2007 23:40
Old photos of contrails
11.12.2007 11:28
In a recent talk James Lovelock said: "current global warming is being partially offset by global dimming the two to three degrees of global cooling caused by aerosol particles in the atmosphere from man made pollution. These reflect sunlight and nucleate clouds that reflect even more sunlight." (though I have to say that I don't agree with everything James Lovelock says). Of course not all of this is due to aviation but a significant amount is as the BBC global dimming programme showed.
What I haven't found is any convincing evidence of is modified aircraft, secret fleets of aircraft spraying the planet and such like, though I have seen these claims and a lot more outlandish ones (like above...) on some "chemtrail" sites.
Broken link
11.12.2007 12:13
“Ozone chemistry is at the heart of atmospheric chemistry.”
Which is interesting and explains why some clouds with rainbows have been seen.
Past climate change caused dramatic shift in humidity, precipitation levels, temperature, and ocean water salinity
And this PDF looks interesting but I haven't read it yet:
It seems very clear to me that the effect of aviation traffic and clouds on climate change is something that needs more research and that the really far-out claims about fleets of spraycraft and skynets and mapping of scaler shearing of the sky don't help at all...
The Gaia guy
11.12.2007 22:48
Now that's what we want
This is an interesting new video, though Chris, an undoubted friend and ally, with many disagreements, has derided the source previously, which does some thread tying
Golly gosh!
12.12.2007 12:59
James Lovelock is just another establishment scientist. He was not the first to come up with Gaia, the idea of the planet being a living, breathing organism. One of many early writers was Gunther Wachsmuth, a follower of Rudolph Steiner. who suggested the same thing in his book published inthe 1920s. See link..........
Warming is occurring on all of the nearby planets, not just on earth so it has nothing to do with man's pollution. This is just another con being pushed by establishment figures like the man who allowed Bush junior to illegally take up residence in the White House, Al Gore. Just another excuse to regulate us, tax us and control us.
Today here in London we are having a magnificent clear sunny day. How long will it last? It's almost 1pm and already I've spotted a few unmarked planes spraying in a crisscross manner. Go on, get outside and have a look!
Just look up.
12.12.2007 17:41
All you have to do is simply look up at the sky once every day, you will see them for yourself,
no special training or equipment is needed.
York Rite
12.12.2007 22:31
Contrail Science
20.11.2008 12:06
It appears to make a lot more sense that the sites that feature "skynets" and "spraycraft" and other absurdities...