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SPEAK demo and fundraiser Sat 8th Dec

felix | 07.12.2007 20:48 | Animal Liberation | Health | Repression | Oxford

On Sat 8th December SPEAK will be holding a demonstration in Oxford to remember Felix and to highlight the plight of the other nine Macaque monkeys who are destined to suffer the same fate as him in the next four years. This will be followed by a fundraiser at Oxford Rugby Club in North Hinksey from 7pm

Saturday 8th December

Meet 12 noon at Martyr's Memorial, Oxford.

On Sat 8th December SPEAK will be holding a demonstration in Oxford to remember Felix and to highlight the plight of the other nine Macaque monkeys who are destined to suffer the same fate as him in the next four years.

Felix was the first sentient being to be put to death by animal research extremists at Oxford University as part of a study set to last five years and involving another nine individuals like him. Felix was brought to the attention of the world after he was shown in a documentary entitled 'Monkeys, Rats and Me'. The footage showed Felix as he was being 'shaped', a euphemistic term for coercion, which necessitated the withholding of food/water in order that he perform a series of repetitive tasks in front of a computer screen. The BBC2 documentary stopped short of following Felix through the remainder of the experiment and with good reason; what would have followed next for him was deliberate brain damaging in a clumsy effort to reproduce the effects of complex neurological diseases in human beings. The net effect of this damage on Felix would render him in a state of fear and bewilderment, which does not even take into account that the Home Office had given Oxford University a licence to cause him and his kind severe/substantial suffering.

Please join us in Oxford to fight for the lives of these innocent, voiceless victims of academic arrogance. Their lives belong to them and no-one else and they have no-one to speak for them but us.

After the demo, join us in the evening!

SPEAK Xmas benefit night - 7pm until midnight

Saturday 8th December, Oxford Rugby Club, North Hinksey

Entrance - £7.50 includes music and vegan food, late bar. Come along and have a great night.



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Lesson to be learnt

08.12.2007 15:02

Though I have nothing but admiration for the unflagging dedication those opposing this lab have, it saddens me no end to know that all the energy spent on this Oxford campaign has been wasted.

The lab is nearing completion, and there is little anyone can do to stop it. It seems that most of the SPEAK posts over the past few months have had little to report other than bleatings about the injustice of it all, the unfair policing, the horrible masked builders, etc etc etc.

If anything good can come from this it is one thing only: that yet AGAIN it has proven that vivisection can NEVER be stopped until all those campaigning to end it rise above their often inflated egos (ie stop thinking about how great it feels going on demos, and basking in the golden glow of martyrdom.)

As has been the case for over one century, it has been shown once more that vivisection will ONLY end when enough people demand it to end, and that will ONLY happen when enough people - who currently tolerate vivisection as a 'necessary evil' - are educated as to its scientific and medical fraudulence, and how vivisection is slowly but surely destroying human and planetary health through a deluge of' toxins which depend upon vivisection's survival in order to provide them with false assurances of safety.

The medical and scientific arguments are not simply things to tack on the end of the tired and worthless 'animal rights' argument - it must be the only argument. In fact animal rights people have I would suggest often been responsible for a loathing of the genuine anti-vivisection movement on the part of many people due to their ludicrous antics and the perceived threat to 'vital medical research' such people are responsible for.

Though the animal rights argument is doomed to failure every time when it come to anti-vivisection, and the big national societies have become corrupt and/or useless, there is an alternative: the Hans Ruesch Foundation. Please visit for further info.


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Another thought

08.12.2007 19:21

I have upmost respect for this movement, however i feel that this constant lobbying of the government isn't the most useful tactic we have. I know that people will argue that the movement isn't lobbying but whatever the tactics it is, there is this constant effort to get this banned. Perhaps (and i belive the "climate change" movement could be better doing the same) people could be concentrating their efforts on conecting with all people of our countries and finding our common ground towards throwing out and destroying the governmental system which is allowing this to carry on, rather then justifying there existance by asking for their "help" in stoping what is wrong. It is foolish to think they will go beyond personal interest and really make any changes and even if they do the things we get them to ban will only appear in other countries, which our all powerfull leaders wont be able to change...