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Please Sign Al Gore's Petition, it takes ten seconds

reposted | 07.12.2007 19:11 | Ecology

Please send this to everyone you know!

The winner of the 2000 Presidential election (by over 540,000 votes even with the Repuklican's vote tampering) will speak at the Climate Conference in Bali next week. He will present your signatures to the group.



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07.12.2007 19:42



A Summary

07.12.2007 20:53

For those of you who haven't seen 'An Inconvenient Truth', here's a quick summary covering all the main points:

"Hi, I'm Al Gore. Global warming is bad, but let's talk about me."

Innocent Dave
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Hey genius

08.12.2007 16:45

I'm sure they'll laugh with pride for you as the world turns to shit from your neglegence

Make a joke for your grandchildren

Money making machine

08.12.2007 18:41

This is the same Al Gore who's just joined a major venture capital company who will earn him huge profits from 'low-carbon' technologies? The same Al Gore who has made millions from the film, book and video rights to his film? The same film that's riddled with scientific inaccuracies and errors?

Sure, let's all join Al and earn him more money while giving governments all the pretexts they need for taking more power...

Progressive Contrarian
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And what about Peak Oil?

08.12.2007 20:09

Of course climate change is a very serious matter, far to serious to leave to the likes of Gore and then we also have Peak Oil...

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