UK Emission-free transport cooperative needs your support
Nick J Oodian - Cooperatives operations Manager | 07.12.2007 12:58 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Health | Sheffield
We are now asking the people of Sheffield UK to register their support to gain a license to operate a FREE, emission-free transport service in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.
To know more about our campaign, please visit
The Transport Planning department in Sheffield delivers transport schemes as part of the Local Transport Plan (LTP) and deal with requests for new projects and recommend priorities to Councillors, advising how schemes fit with the Council’s Transport Strategy.
If you believe strongly that our city could benefit from a FREE pedicab taxi service then register your interest here. or, better still, download this Pedicab scheme request form here explaining the issues, add your name and address, and either send a printed version to them by post to Development Services, Transport Planning and Road Safety, Howden House, 1 Union Street, Sheffield, S1 2SH, or email to
You can contact the Transport Planning team by telephone on (0114) 2734479, or you can contact the Road Safety team on (0114) 2736166 or 2736162
We thank you, in advance, for your support, and ask that you watch this space for further updates and developments.
Nick J Oodian - Cooperative Operations Manager

The Transport Planning department in Sheffield delivers transport schemes as part of the Local Transport Plan (LTP) and deal with requests for new projects and recommend priorities to Councillors, advising how schemes fit with the Council’s Transport Strategy.
If you believe strongly that our city could benefit from a FREE pedicab taxi service then register your interest here.

You can contact the Transport Planning team by telephone on (0114) 2734479, or you can contact the Road Safety team on (0114) 2736166 or 2736162
We thank you, in advance, for your support, and ask that you watch this space for further updates and developments.
Nick J Oodian - Cooperative Operations Manager
Nick J Oodian - Cooperatives operations Manager
Homepage: Emission-free transport cooperative needs your support