Impeachment: Will Congress Grant the Desires of “We the People?”
Debbie Lewis | 05.12.2007 19:01 | Anti-militarism | Iraq
It has been a month since our Democratically run Congress heard Rep. Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment. When will they do their job and do the people’s bidding?
“Why are we beginning to tread on our Constitutional Rights?” Major General Albert Stubblebine, Two Star General US Army, Retired
It has been a month since Representative Dennis Kucinich re-introduced Articles of Impeachment against Vice President Richard Cheney. It’s been nearly a year since Former Representative Cynthia McKinney presented Articles of Impeachment against Vice President Cheney, along with President George Bush and Condoleezza Rice. Yet the nation still awaits justice.
Let’s face it, our Congress, along with the current administration, has failed us. With the Democratic take-over of Congress this year, citizens and groups for impeachment were hoping for major results. Last years statement by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, “impeachment was not on the table,” is, unfortunately, still a piercing sound in our ears. The desire of the masses has not waned, however, it has only increased. People want change. The current Republican administration is a power thirsty bunch and the Democratic Congress is obviously powerless to stop them.
Ms. McKinney and Representative Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment are very similar. Violation of oaths of office, the manipulation of intelligence and deception of US citizens in justifying our illegal war with Iraq; it’s enough to warrant a Judicial investigation. McKinney also sited Rice for her role in misleading Congress by “…repeating and propagating false statements concerning Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction…”. McKinney sited President Bush with misdemeanors because of his “…neglect…to hold members of the Executive Branch responsible for their negligence or violations of law…”
“By sacrificing human life to serve their radical visions, by abandoning every value except the will to power, they follow in the path of Fascism, Nazism, and Totalitarianism and they will follow that path all the way to where it ends, in histories unmarked grave of discarded lies.” George W Bush, President of the United States of America
These are horribly egregious acts on the part of the Bush Administration. And the Administration should be held accountable for them. There is another branch of government that should be held accountable for letting us get dragged into this illegal war with Iraq, and possibly with Iran. Congress needs to legislate and keep the Administration in line. They have passed bills to fund this “war” that they did not declare. Is Congress unaware if its duties to the US people?
McKinney brought to light President Bush’s blatant disregard for our fourth amendment rights when he granted, in early 2002, authorization to the National Security Agency to spy on US citizens without warrants. This is a much earlier, yet very clear, violation of his oath of office to uphold the Constitution. This act, alone, is worthy of a full-scale inquiry, as he has clearly been in violation of rights granted every US citizen by the Bill of Rights.
“Somewhere along the way, someone forgot the fact that it’s not our government that gives us our freedoms. They are inalienable rights and they cannot be taken away.” William Lewis, Filmmaker, Civil Rights Advocate
How can we put up with a sitting President that will not respect the will of the people, or Congress? In an interview from January 2007, President Bush of Congress, “I fully understand they can try and stop me…But I’ve made my decision, and we’re going forward.”
Representative John Conyers, Jr., an on-again-off-again proponent of impeachment, told an audience in Pontiac, Michigan in August 2007, in a bold change of direction, that impeachment may not be on Speaker Pelosi’s table, but he still has it on his. That is good news, since Rep. Conyers is the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. Will justice win out?
The Democrats, according to Deputy Democratic Whip Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, have decided to “tough out the next twelve months” because the voters “…did not ask us to spend any time on the impeachment…” Since when is seeking Justice for the US citizens a waste of time? Further, isn’t Congress sending a horrible message to present and future presidents, that they can do what they want, because they will not be held accountable?
Rep. Schultz, and the “Democratic leadership” may find impeachment a waste of time, but they better check with the constituency, again, since a poll taken by the American Research Group in July 2007, just seven months after the Democratic take-over of Congress, says forty-five percent of the population is in favor of a Bush impeachment and forty-six percent are in favor of a Cheney impeachment.
“Why we are letting them get away with what they are, why we’re not marching in the streets, why we are not actually down there, physically extracting them from their offices and firing them?” Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Author: Fowl: Bird Flu-It’s Not What You Think
Congress should also pay close attention to the October 2007 Washington Post/ABC poll which shows President Bush’s approval rating at just thirty-three percent while Congress’ approval rating is a mere 29 percent since the Democrats took office. According to the poll, this is the lowest it has been in twelve years.
A November MSNBC poll has slightly differing figures, but what is more interesting is the question “…do you feel that your representative deserves to be reelected, or do you think that it is time to give a new person a chance?” Of those registered to vote, fifty-one percent said they would give someone new a chance. I think the constituency is speaking loud and clear. Congress is just doing whatever the heck it wants, just as is the Administration!
Several cities and states around the country are tired of waiting for Congress to do their job. Twelve States, twenty-three political committees and eighty-eight cities and towns across our nation have introduced Impeachment Resolutions against the Bush Administration. Of the twelve states, Vermont has passed their resolution, with a decision pending in Maine, Wisconsin and New Hampshire. Eighty-seven cities have passed their resolutions, leaving only one pending the decision.
Congress and the Judiciary committee should take a lesson from these local governments. Cities and states across our nation are willing to take matters into their own hands. We the People are fed up, we really do want impeachment and something needs to be done.
If the “priorities of the voters” are truly the concern of Rep. Schultz and her Democratic Congress, then what are they waiting for? Why don’t they pursue the will of the voters? Impeach this out-of-control administration. Stop funding this illegal war. Bring our troops home. Give us back our privacy. Stop wasting time and money and let us pursue happiness, according to our Constitutional rights.
“This government is supposed to be of, by and for the people. This government is supposed to be following the guidelines or the rulebook, which is called the United States Constitution.” Dave vonKleist, Talk Radio Host “The Power Hour”/ Producer “911 In Plane Site”
The time has come to step up and fight for what you want. Contact your representatives and let them know how you feel. It’s their job to listen; after all, it’s you they represent. They work for YOU! Contact Representative John Conyers, as well as Speaker Pelosi, and tell them it’s time to move forward with impeachment. Let’s all get involved with our future, today!
Endnotes: H. Res. 333: Impeaching Richard B. Cheney, Vice President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors H. Res. 1106 [109th]: Articles of Impeachment against George Walker Bush, President of the United States of America,... Bush: “They can try to stop me” Conyers Now Says Impeachment is NOT Off His Table House Dem defends leadership decision to quash impeachment Much of US Favors Bush/Cheney Impeachment: Poll Most in Poll Want War Funding Cut Bush's Approval Rating Ties All-Time Low NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey Resolutions Supporting Impeachment - List of Those Introduced and Passed Text of Impeachment Resolution Passed Today by Vermont Senate Contact the Judiciary
Quotes by Major General Albert Stubblebine, President George W Bush, William Lewis, Dr Sherri Tenpenny and Dave vonKleist courtesy of the documentary One Nation Under Siege,
It has been a month since Representative Dennis Kucinich re-introduced Articles of Impeachment against Vice President Richard Cheney. It’s been nearly a year since Former Representative Cynthia McKinney presented Articles of Impeachment against Vice President Cheney, along with President George Bush and Condoleezza Rice. Yet the nation still awaits justice.
Let’s face it, our Congress, along with the current administration, has failed us. With the Democratic take-over of Congress this year, citizens and groups for impeachment were hoping for major results. Last years statement by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, “impeachment was not on the table,” is, unfortunately, still a piercing sound in our ears. The desire of the masses has not waned, however, it has only increased. People want change. The current Republican administration is a power thirsty bunch and the Democratic Congress is obviously powerless to stop them.
Ms. McKinney and Representative Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment are very similar. Violation of oaths of office, the manipulation of intelligence and deception of US citizens in justifying our illegal war with Iraq; it’s enough to warrant a Judicial investigation. McKinney also sited Rice for her role in misleading Congress by “…repeating and propagating false statements concerning Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction…”. McKinney sited President Bush with misdemeanors because of his “…neglect…to hold members of the Executive Branch responsible for their negligence or violations of law…”
“By sacrificing human life to serve their radical visions, by abandoning every value except the will to power, they follow in the path of Fascism, Nazism, and Totalitarianism and they will follow that path all the way to where it ends, in histories unmarked grave of discarded lies.” George W Bush, President of the United States of America
These are horribly egregious acts on the part of the Bush Administration. And the Administration should be held accountable for them. There is another branch of government that should be held accountable for letting us get dragged into this illegal war with Iraq, and possibly with Iran. Congress needs to legislate and keep the Administration in line. They have passed bills to fund this “war” that they did not declare. Is Congress unaware if its duties to the US people?
McKinney brought to light President Bush’s blatant disregard for our fourth amendment rights when he granted, in early 2002, authorization to the National Security Agency to spy on US citizens without warrants. This is a much earlier, yet very clear, violation of his oath of office to uphold the Constitution. This act, alone, is worthy of a full-scale inquiry, as he has clearly been in violation of rights granted every US citizen by the Bill of Rights.
“Somewhere along the way, someone forgot the fact that it’s not our government that gives us our freedoms. They are inalienable rights and they cannot be taken away.” William Lewis, Filmmaker, Civil Rights Advocate
How can we put up with a sitting President that will not respect the will of the people, or Congress? In an interview from January 2007, President Bush of Congress, “I fully understand they can try and stop me…But I’ve made my decision, and we’re going forward.”
Representative John Conyers, Jr., an on-again-off-again proponent of impeachment, told an audience in Pontiac, Michigan in August 2007, in a bold change of direction, that impeachment may not be on Speaker Pelosi’s table, but he still has it on his. That is good news, since Rep. Conyers is the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. Will justice win out?
The Democrats, according to Deputy Democratic Whip Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, have decided to “tough out the next twelve months” because the voters “…did not ask us to spend any time on the impeachment…” Since when is seeking Justice for the US citizens a waste of time? Further, isn’t Congress sending a horrible message to present and future presidents, that they can do what they want, because they will not be held accountable?
Rep. Schultz, and the “Democratic leadership” may find impeachment a waste of time, but they better check with the constituency, again, since a poll taken by the American Research Group in July 2007, just seven months after the Democratic take-over of Congress, says forty-five percent of the population is in favor of a Bush impeachment and forty-six percent are in favor of a Cheney impeachment.
“Why we are letting them get away with what they are, why we’re not marching in the streets, why we are not actually down there, physically extracting them from their offices and firing them?” Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Author: Fowl: Bird Flu-It’s Not What You Think
Congress should also pay close attention to the October 2007 Washington Post/ABC poll which shows President Bush’s approval rating at just thirty-three percent while Congress’ approval rating is a mere 29 percent since the Democrats took office. According to the poll, this is the lowest it has been in twelve years.
A November MSNBC poll has slightly differing figures, but what is more interesting is the question “…do you feel that your representative deserves to be reelected, or do you think that it is time to give a new person a chance?” Of those registered to vote, fifty-one percent said they would give someone new a chance. I think the constituency is speaking loud and clear. Congress is just doing whatever the heck it wants, just as is the Administration!
Several cities and states around the country are tired of waiting for Congress to do their job. Twelve States, twenty-three political committees and eighty-eight cities and towns across our nation have introduced Impeachment Resolutions against the Bush Administration. Of the twelve states, Vermont has passed their resolution, with a decision pending in Maine, Wisconsin and New Hampshire. Eighty-seven cities have passed their resolutions, leaving only one pending the decision.
Congress and the Judiciary committee should take a lesson from these local governments. Cities and states across our nation are willing to take matters into their own hands. We the People are fed up, we really do want impeachment and something needs to be done.
If the “priorities of the voters” are truly the concern of Rep. Schultz and her Democratic Congress, then what are they waiting for? Why don’t they pursue the will of the voters? Impeach this out-of-control administration. Stop funding this illegal war. Bring our troops home. Give us back our privacy. Stop wasting time and money and let us pursue happiness, according to our Constitutional rights.
“This government is supposed to be of, by and for the people. This government is supposed to be following the guidelines or the rulebook, which is called the United States Constitution.” Dave vonKleist, Talk Radio Host “The Power Hour”/ Producer “911 In Plane Site”
The time has come to step up and fight for what you want. Contact your representatives and let them know how you feel. It’s their job to listen; after all, it’s you they represent. They work for YOU! Contact Representative John Conyers, as well as Speaker Pelosi, and tell them it’s time to move forward with impeachment. Let’s all get involved with our future, today!

Quotes by Major General Albert Stubblebine, President George W Bush, William Lewis, Dr Sherri Tenpenny and Dave vonKleist courtesy of the documentary One Nation Under Siege,
Debbie Lewis
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