Watch Rudy Giuliani’s Schizoid Rantings to Nuke Iran Now
Karen Fish | 04.12.2007 18:31 | Anti-militarism | World
Messianic delusions. Delusions of grandeur. Seeing pink elephants in the bedroom. Rudy Giuliani seems to be suffering from 9/11 post traumatic shock stress syndrome. Rather than rushing to anoint Rudy Giuliani as the successor to President George Bush, the United States of America should be chipping in to send Rudy Giuliani to the Bellevue Mental Institution. The Bellevue Hospital Center is owned by the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation. The Hospital had 1,800 doctors until Rudy Giuliani expensed his mistress runs to their doctors’ payroll accounts.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental illness triggered by a disturbing outside event, in which you cannot stop remembering the event. The complete military and economic destruction of the world’s only superpower was accomplished with 19 box cutters in a true life David and Goliath story on 9/11. Thankfully the terrorists were not also carrying slingshots. Mayor Giuliani could have diverted the planes from hitting the towers with his own two Learjets but one was transporting Rebecca Kimmelstein to Palm Beach and the other was transporting Trouble Helmsley to the Ringling Brothers dog and pony show in Tuscon, Arizona.
A person is deemed to be insane when by reason of mental disorder they are a danger to themselves or to others. According to Robert Gates, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, the United States military is stretched so thin at the moment that any American attack now upon Iran would cost the United States their entire military at the hands of Iran and their military and economic partners Russia and China, cause complete chaos in the Middle East with an end to the Middle East’s ability to produce or export oil, and result in a wave of Islamic retaliation upon Europe and the United States.
Nobody seems to have gotten this message to Rudy Giuliani, the frontrunner in the Republican primary and the heavy favorite to win the Presidency over Hillary Clinton. In a recent Presidential debate on CNN which you can watch one minute of here, Rudy Giulinai used his mouth, hands and head to say that he wants to attack Iran now with conventional and nuclear weapons because Iran now has nuclear bombs and missiles and this is just too dangerous to the United States of America. Wolf Blitzer asked Rudy Giuliani, “If you were President of the United States would you authorize the use of tactical nuclear weapons against Iran?” Rudy Giuliani nodded his head up and down, “Yes”, then said, “Iran IS a nuclear threat not just because they can deliver a nuclear warhead with missiles, they ARE a nuclear threat because they are the biggest state sponsor of terrorism and they can hand nuclear materials to terrorists…These are real problems…This war is a real war.” “Yes Mr. Giuliani, Yes Mr. Giuliani, we know, we know, come this way please, Nurse Ratched will escort you to your room. The view is lovely, you can see Central Park, and the skaters, and the big Christmas tree with the beautiful lights.”
Rudy Giuliani’s top foreign policy advisor is Norman Podhoretz, the author of “World War IV, the long struggle against Islamofascism.” Apparently only President Giuliani and Secretary of Defense Norman Podhoretz noticed World War III. In June 2007 Mr. Podhoretz wrote an article called “The Case for Bombing Iran”. He says, “The Iranians never cease denying that they intend to build a nuclear arsenal. Iran is only a small step away from producing nuclear weapons. There is no alternative to the actual use of military force. The job has to be done by a campaign of air strikes. Because Iran’s nuclear facilities are dispersed and underground many sorties and bunker busting munitions would be required. The only prudent, the only responsible course is to strike Ahmadinejad as soon as it is logistically possible.” Only bunker busting nuclear bombs could dig that deep through the cement and the plan of Rudy Giuliani and his senior foreign policy advisor to this day is to nuke Iran.
In “Dr. Strangelove”, the mad American Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper unilaterally sent his bombers to nuke Russia. This triggered the Russian Doomsday Machine which nuked all life on earth into oblivion forever. A cognition is a piece of knowledge. The knowledge that Iran has nuclear weapons is a cognition. When you discover another piece of knowledge which disagrees with that “knowledge”, it causes unpleasant, uncomfortable feelings of tension. We can ease the tension by changing one of the cognitions, abandoning it.
Yesterday we found out that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, like Saddam Hussein, has been telling the truth for the past four years, that Iran abandoned its nuclear weapons program four years ago, and Iran has no nuclear bombs, no nuclear missiles and no nuclear bomb fuel. It’s like when we learned last year that Judas Iscariot was not the betrayer of Jesus Christ, who said, “Love your neighbour as you love yourself. Love your enemies. Blessed are the peacemakers. Do not ever hit back, even in self defense, turn the other cheek for him to hit it too.” Had President Bush obeyed these commandments of Jesus Christ, the Iraq War would never have happened. There is a time to throw a fastball, a time to throw a curveball, and a time to get rid of a knucklehead. Stop Giuliani now.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental illness triggered by a disturbing outside event, in which you cannot stop remembering the event. The complete military and economic destruction of the world’s only superpower was accomplished with 19 box cutters in a true life David and Goliath story on 9/11. Thankfully the terrorists were not also carrying slingshots. Mayor Giuliani could have diverted the planes from hitting the towers with his own two Learjets but one was transporting Rebecca Kimmelstein to Palm Beach and the other was transporting Trouble Helmsley to the Ringling Brothers dog and pony show in Tuscon, Arizona.
A person is deemed to be insane when by reason of mental disorder they are a danger to themselves or to others. According to Robert Gates, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, the United States military is stretched so thin at the moment that any American attack now upon Iran would cost the United States their entire military at the hands of Iran and their military and economic partners Russia and China, cause complete chaos in the Middle East with an end to the Middle East’s ability to produce or export oil, and result in a wave of Islamic retaliation upon Europe and the United States.
Nobody seems to have gotten this message to Rudy Giuliani, the frontrunner in the Republican primary and the heavy favorite to win the Presidency over Hillary Clinton. In a recent Presidential debate on CNN which you can watch one minute of here,

Rudy Giuliani’s top foreign policy advisor is Norman Podhoretz, the author of “World War IV, the long struggle against Islamofascism.” Apparently only President Giuliani and Secretary of Defense Norman Podhoretz noticed World War III. In June 2007 Mr. Podhoretz wrote an article called “The Case for Bombing Iran”. He says, “The Iranians never cease denying that they intend to build a nuclear arsenal. Iran is only a small step away from producing nuclear weapons. There is no alternative to the actual use of military force. The job has to be done by a campaign of air strikes. Because Iran’s nuclear facilities are dispersed and underground many sorties and bunker busting munitions would be required. The only prudent, the only responsible course is to strike Ahmadinejad as soon as it is logistically possible.” Only bunker busting nuclear bombs could dig that deep through the cement and the plan of Rudy Giuliani and his senior foreign policy advisor to this day is to nuke Iran.
In “Dr. Strangelove”, the mad American Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper unilaterally sent his bombers to nuke Russia. This triggered the Russian Doomsday Machine which nuked all life on earth into oblivion forever. A cognition is a piece of knowledge. The knowledge that Iran has nuclear weapons is a cognition. When you discover another piece of knowledge which disagrees with that “knowledge”, it causes unpleasant, uncomfortable feelings of tension. We can ease the tension by changing one of the cognitions, abandoning it.
Yesterday we found out that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, like Saddam Hussein, has been telling the truth for the past four years, that Iran abandoned its nuclear weapons program four years ago, and Iran has no nuclear bombs, no nuclear missiles and no nuclear bomb fuel. It’s like when we learned last year that Judas Iscariot was not the betrayer of Jesus Christ, who said, “Love your neighbour as you love yourself. Love your enemies. Blessed are the peacemakers. Do not ever hit back, even in self defense, turn the other cheek for him to hit it too.” Had President Bush obeyed these commandments of Jesus Christ, the Iraq War would never have happened. There is a time to throw a fastball, a time to throw a curveball, and a time to get rid of a knucklehead. Stop Giuliani now.
Karen Fish