Veg*n Climate March update
The Campaign for Eco-Veg*nism | 03.12.2007 17:17 | Animal Liberation | Climate Chaos | Ecology | London | Oxford
Be part of history in London this Saturday! Be part of the biggest ever mobilisation of vegetarians and vegans on environmental grounds!! Veg*nism is the solution to many of the catastrophies facing the planet - it`s time to tell the world!!
For far too long, those that campaign on environmental matters have ignored the critical issue of animal agriculture, but that situation is swiftly changing! We predict that in years to come, the 8th December 2007 will be seen as the dawn of a new, more enlightened environmental movement. This new movement will fully embrace plant based diets as the solution to many of the catastrophies facing the planet. For anyone who really cares about the environment, the consumption of animal carcasses will become a distant memory and the natural progression from this will be veganism. The worlds first ever Veg*n Climate March is the catalyst for this change. Be there and be part of history!!
VEG*N CLIMATE MARCH - Saturday 8th December
- Demand that world leaders stop propping up the animal farming industries that cause climate change.
- Raise awareness amongst environmentalists and the general public that their choice of diet is critical to the survival of the planet!!
Upto 30,000 environmentalists are expected to join the National Climate March on Sat 8th December 2007 to "demand that world leaders take the urgent action we need to prevent the catastrophic destabilisation of global climate". The National Demo in London will be one of many demonstrations on climate taking place all around the world on the same day, midway through the UN Climate Talks in Bali.
Veggies & vegans should be there in our 1,000`s, to demand that world leaders recognise that a massive proportion of climate change is caused by livestock farming and the production of meat/dairy products. World leaders must stop supporting the animal farming/food production industries responsible for this devastation and begin to scale them down before it`s too late, or ultimately, we`ll all pay the price!!
"The livestock sector accounts for 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions - more than transport, which emits 13.5%" -
That`s a quote from Livestock`s Long Shadow - A report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Nov 2006
Some of the environmental marchers will already be veggie/vegan, but the majority will not. The chances are, many of these people will be unaware of the full extent to which animal agriculture is responsible for climate change. This event represents a fantastic opportunity to inform many thousands of environmentally conscious people of the devastating impact that meat/dairy production has on the planet. The world`s media will be there, so there is a very real chance that our message will be heard by millions more people. Please join the march with banners/placards/leaflets etc, and urge the marchers and general public alike, to change their diet for the sake of the planet, people and wildlife!!
This Global Day of Action has become an annual event. On Sat 4th November last year, an estimated 30,000 people took part in the climate march and subsequent rally at Trafalgar Square, simultaneous with hundreds of thousands more at events across the globe. In London, there was a sea of homemade banners/placards, samba bands, hundreds of cyclists and many people in imaginative costumes. The most magnificent aspect of the day was that such a wide cross section of society and groups took part. There were members of Greenpeace, Oxfam, Wildlife Trusts, Islamic Relief, trade unionists, RSPB, Ramblers Association, CAFOD, Friends of the Earth, Womens Institute, Christian Aid, People & Planet etc alongside grassroots campaigners & anarchists, all coming together to tackle the biggest issue threatening the planet. Sadly, very few people were there to promote the environmental benefits of veg*nism, but it will be very different this year!!
The event is now endorsed by Viva! and also backed by Peta, The Vegan Society, Animal Aid, Activeg, SHAC, HIPPO and more...!!
We`ll meet from 12 noon amongst the main climate marchers on Millbank(Westminster Tube). Don`t forget that 30,000 people are expected, so to be more specific, we`ll meet towards the northern end of the mass of people. That`s the end closest to Parliament Square.
We want to make as big an impression as possible on the other marchers, on the general public and with the media. Please make yourself some simple banners or placards, the bigger/bolder/more colourful the better, use your imagination! If you can`t think what your banner should say, use a slogan from the eco/climate leaflets produced by the national veggie/vegan groups or have a look at their websites. If you don`t carry a placard of some kind(and you don`t intend to leaflet either), nobody will know who you are and why you`re marching!!
There will be some eco veggie/vegan leaflets available on the day, but supplies may be limited compared to the number required, so please bring some with you if possible. All the national veggie/vegan groups produce excellent eco/climate leaflets. You will need to get in touch with them immediately so that they arrive in time.
If you havn`t yet arranged how to get to London, there are still seats left on the coaches that are travelling from towns and cities across the UK. You can find your local transport contact on the Campaign against Climate Change website
Whether you can attend this event or not, if you`re keen to get involved in eco veggie/vegan campaigning in the future, then you can stay in touch with us and join in with discussions in various ways.
Join our Myspace group here
Our Facebook page is here
And our email list/online forum is here
For the time being, our main website is here but another site will be created after the march.
More relevant links.
The Campaign against Climate Change
Global Climate Campaign
Livestocks Long Shadow (UN report)
Viva!`s new climate change campaign HOT!
VEG*N CLIMATE MARCH - Saturday 8th December
- Demand that world leaders stop propping up the animal farming industries that cause climate change.
- Raise awareness amongst environmentalists and the general public that their choice of diet is critical to the survival of the planet!!
Upto 30,000 environmentalists are expected to join the National Climate March on Sat 8th December 2007 to "demand that world leaders take the urgent action we need to prevent the catastrophic destabilisation of global climate". The National Demo in London will be one of many demonstrations on climate taking place all around the world on the same day, midway through the UN Climate Talks in Bali.
Veggies & vegans should be there in our 1,000`s, to demand that world leaders recognise that a massive proportion of climate change is caused by livestock farming and the production of meat/dairy products. World leaders must stop supporting the animal farming/food production industries responsible for this devastation and begin to scale them down before it`s too late, or ultimately, we`ll all pay the price!!
"The livestock sector accounts for 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions - more than transport, which emits 13.5%" -
That`s a quote from Livestock`s Long Shadow - A report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Nov 2006
Some of the environmental marchers will already be veggie/vegan, but the majority will not. The chances are, many of these people will be unaware of the full extent to which animal agriculture is responsible for climate change. This event represents a fantastic opportunity to inform many thousands of environmentally conscious people of the devastating impact that meat/dairy production has on the planet. The world`s media will be there, so there is a very real chance that our message will be heard by millions more people. Please join the march with banners/placards/leaflets etc, and urge the marchers and general public alike, to change their diet for the sake of the planet, people and wildlife!!
This Global Day of Action has become an annual event. On Sat 4th November last year, an estimated 30,000 people took part in the climate march and subsequent rally at Trafalgar Square, simultaneous with hundreds of thousands more at events across the globe. In London, there was a sea of homemade banners/placards, samba bands, hundreds of cyclists and many people in imaginative costumes. The most magnificent aspect of the day was that such a wide cross section of society and groups took part. There were members of Greenpeace, Oxfam, Wildlife Trusts, Islamic Relief, trade unionists, RSPB, Ramblers Association, CAFOD, Friends of the Earth, Womens Institute, Christian Aid, People & Planet etc alongside grassroots campaigners & anarchists, all coming together to tackle the biggest issue threatening the planet. Sadly, very few people were there to promote the environmental benefits of veg*nism, but it will be very different this year!!
The event is now endorsed by Viva! and also backed by Peta, The Vegan Society, Animal Aid, Activeg, SHAC, HIPPO and more...!!
We`ll meet from 12 noon amongst the main climate marchers on Millbank(Westminster Tube). Don`t forget that 30,000 people are expected, so to be more specific, we`ll meet towards the northern end of the mass of people. That`s the end closest to Parliament Square.
We want to make as big an impression as possible on the other marchers, on the general public and with the media. Please make yourself some simple banners or placards, the bigger/bolder/more colourful the better, use your imagination! If you can`t think what your banner should say, use a slogan from the eco/climate leaflets produced by the national veggie/vegan groups or have a look at their websites. If you don`t carry a placard of some kind(and you don`t intend to leaflet either), nobody will know who you are and why you`re marching!!
There will be some eco veggie/vegan leaflets available on the day, but supplies may be limited compared to the number required, so please bring some with you if possible. All the national veggie/vegan groups produce excellent eco/climate leaflets. You will need to get in touch with them immediately so that they arrive in time.
If you havn`t yet arranged how to get to London, there are still seats left on the coaches that are travelling from towns and cities across the UK. You can find your local transport contact on the Campaign against Climate Change website

Whether you can attend this event or not, if you`re keen to get involved in eco veggie/vegan campaigning in the future, then you can stay in touch with us and join in with discussions in various ways.
Join our Myspace group here

Our Facebook page is here

And our email list/online forum is here

For the time being, our main website is here

More relevant links.
The Campaign against Climate Change

Global Climate Campaign

Livestocks Long Shadow (UN report)

Viva!`s new climate change campaign HOT!

The Campaign for Eco-Veg*nism