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2 Fur Farms raids in Spain - Mink Freed

United Anti-Fur Movement | 02.12.2007 19:15 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | World

Media in Spain have reported raids on two mink farms located on opposite sides of the country. Bermudez fur farm in Bando, near Santiago de Compostela (Galicia), 20,000 mink released from their cages. Bermudez fur farm in Bando, near Santiago de Compostela (Galicia), 20,000 mink released from their cages.

Visones Alto Palancia fur farm in the town of Viver (Valencia
Visones Alto Palancia fur farm in the town of Viver (Valencia

Cages were opened and 25 meters of fencing surrounding the farm was destroyed.
Cages were opened and 25 meters of fencing surrounding the farm was destroyed.

Bermudez fur farm in Bando
Bermudez fur farm in Bando

Reported by, copied from DirectAction.Info

Media in Spain have reported raids on two mink farms located on opposite sides of the country. The mink were due to be slaughtered in the coming days. Damages to the company are estimated at 300,000 euros. (images from

1) Late Monday evening (November 26), thousands of mink escaped from the Visones Alto Palancia fur farm in the town of Viver (Valencia). Cages were opened and 25 meters of fencing surrounding the farm was destroyed. The mink were due to be slaughtered in the coming days. Damages to the company are estimated at 300,000 euros. (images from

2) In the early hours of Thursday morning (November 29), activists broke into the Bermudez fur farm in Bando, near Santiago de Compostela (Galicia), and let 20,000 mink out of their cages. This is the second time that the farm has been targeted. After a 2005 raid, escaped mink were spotted several kilometers from the farm. (photo from La Voz de Galicia newspaper)

United Anti-Fur Movement
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i wonder

02.12.2007 20:37

i wonder what type of mink these are? that looks like an american mink to me.....

the american mink has been responsible for the near extinction of european mink and there was a massive programme to limit the impact of american mink in the wild.... The european mink is a critically endangered animal so i what impact releasing 20000 american minks into spain will have.....????

here is a quote from the world conservation union

"The current range includes an isolated population in northern Spain and western France, which is widely separated from the main range in Eastern Europe.

Habitat destruction and degradation have had serious impacts on the species as has competition with American mink."

minnie the mink

I'd be interested to know...

02.12.2007 21:56

What basis you're telling American and European mink apart on. I'm not jumping to judgement but are you an expert on mink?


Propagandists 4 the fur industry are out!!

03.12.2007 18:51

Whats his sources?? The mass media! What do they profit in? Every industrial area of animal slavery. Really fuckin' credible!

Minks are free,from imminent death and continuing enslavement,and away from the "artificial inseminating" fur "farmer".

Fur industry = death industry


hi rogue

03.12.2007 20:23

I'm not 100% sure how you tell one from the other. I did a google image search for "american mink" and for "european mink" - that's as much as i know

I only knew about the european mink because i recently had to do a short project on habitat destruction and species extinction for work.

minnie the mink

typically ill thought out action

03.12.2007 20:30

yes yes i know the mink should never be bred for fur or kept in captivity or even be in the country. but releasing 20,000 mink into a foreign environment - bang! - all at once in one place means that they will immediately eat every source of food available then suddenly run out of food in that area. the huge majority will then slowly starve to death or eat each other(humane action eh?) cos there's nothing more to eat. the handful that do survive may gradually spread around the country, form colonies, displace, out-compete, out-eat or actually eat or spread lethal diseases to many indigenous species maybe causing their extinction. extinction means gone forever you know. introduced species like cane toads, grey squirrels, domestic cats are all having this effect around the world. every animal righter that i've ever known, never actually gives much of a fuck about the natural environment. hundreds of species of animals approaching extinction around the world because of human activity etc is a non issue. animal righters are usually too totally wrapped up in their misanthropic emotions to ever consider big issues like long term ecological consequences of their actions.

to my mind this sort of captive animals stuff is way less important than climate change, deforestation, destroyed habitats, war, globalisation, aids etc. i know i'm never going to convince you people otherwise but in future, instead of destroying the ecology, killing local fauna en mass and causing the released animals to starve to death in the wild by these mass releases, why not destroy the premises while it's empty awaiting the next batch of animals. cost them far more.

not a Propagandist 4 the fur industry


04.12.2007 11:23

The "liberation" of mink into the wild in this country was monumentally stupid and still having a serious negative impact of the ecology.

Make sure you know what you are doing before you let any animal into the wild. Invasive species can eradicate native ones. There are enough species being wiped out without ignorant well-intentioned people adding to it.

Animal Friend


07.12.2007 13:39

can we give the mink an asbo for being racist or something

or ask them to stop as it causes global warming

im sure theyll understand
