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International Animal Rights Day Candlelight Vigil, Edinburh 10th December

Edinburgh the Fur Free City | 02.12.2007 11:07 | Animal Liberation | Social Struggles | World

Celebrating the 10th International Animal Rights Day, Edinburgh the Fur-Free City (EFFC) and 1World Scotland are organising a candlelight vigil outside the Scottish Parliament.

Celebrating the 10th International Animal Rights Day, Edinburgh the Fur-Free City (EFFC) and 1World Scotland are organising a candlelight vigil outside the Scottish Parliament.

To highlight the millions of animals who are exploited and abused and to recognise Uncaged’s Universal Declaration of Animal Rights (UDAR), supporters will gather at 4.30pm on the 10th of December outside the Scottish Parliament.

All welcome – please bring candles and lanterns. The purpose of the vigil is to:
• Remember the billions of innocent animals who have endured outrages like factory farming and animal testing
• To peacefully demonstrate the strength of public support for animal rights
• To call for deep political changes so that animals start to really matter in law and policy

An EFFC spokesperson said, “The Scottish animal rights movement has been growing stronger, and we aim to send a clear message on the day - animals are sentient beings with a right to life without pain, suffering and exploitation. Animal cruelty has to stop - for good.”

Animal advocates up and down the country have joined the campaign; and the following major UK animal protection organisations have signed up to the Declaration: The Vegetarian Society, Animal Aid, Animal Concern, the National Anti-Vivisection Society, VIVA!, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Europe) and Advocates for Animals.

The campaign also has support from British-based celebrities, including Joanna Lumley, Hayley Mills, Benjamin Zephaniah, Michael Mansfield QC, Miriam Margoyles, Uri Geller, Carol Royle, Amanda Royle, David Shepherd OBE.

More information available on the website

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