Yes! Venezuela Bolivariana!
posted by F Espinoza | 01.12.2007 22:22 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

posted by F Espinoza
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Apres moi la deluge
01.12.2007 23:09
Seeing green!
C'est pour ça... mon petit
02.12.2007 10:57
Chávez: They won't be able to stop the wagon of the Revolution
He denounces plans by the CIA and the national oligarchy to ignore the results of the referendum and destabilize Venezuela. He calls on the people and the military leaders to stay in alert
CARACAS, November 30.— "They won't be able to stop the wagon of the revolution", Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez proclaimed when, on Friday he denounced plans to ignore the results of the referendum of Sunday and to destabilize the country before an imminent victory of the Yes vote on the constitutional modification proposal.
The leader revealed details of the so-called Operation Tenaza, which he said was sponsored by the CIA and the Venezuelan oligarchy to foment sabotage in the oil industry, the electric power supply and food for the population and generally to transform the country into chaos, in case the revolutionary Bolivarian choice is imposed.
"If Operation Tenaza is activated not a drop of petroleum will leave for the United States", assured the leader at the closing act of the campaign, organized by the Zamora Command, which brought together hundreds of thousands of sympathizers in Avenida Bolívar and in other main roads of the center of Caracas.
‘Anyone who votes Yes is voting for Chávez, anyone that votes No, votes for Bush,’ assured the main promoter of the constitutional reform, alluding to the true background of the confrontation that will be decided on Sunday in the voting booths.
Chávez also referred to the contents of President Fidel Castro’s latest reflections, in which the Cuban leader alerts the world about the possibility of an assassination or a civil war in Venezuela and the serious consequences that it would imply for the globalized world in which we live.
Face with such realities the leader called on the people to stay vigilant in the hours up to the referendum, as well as when it takes place and also afterwards and he ordered the leaders of the armed forces to be on the alert to frustrate the enemy plans.
Cheered on by a multitude that constantly chanted slogans like "They won't return", "The people united will never be conquered" and the familiar "Chávez won’t step down", the Bolivarian leader said that, daily, the revolutionary forces grow more in the heart of the people and said he was sure of a Yes victory, although if the opposite were to happen he would be the first one to recognize it.
In this context the president of the National Electoral Council (CNE), Tibisay Lucena considered the call for a "no return" vote promoted by some sectors of the opposition as a strange ploy. And, as such, she called on the political organizations once again to clarify whether they would accept the results of the referendum or not.
The senior electoral authority in the country assured that, with the available technological platform and the procedures in place, electoral fraud no longer exists in Venezuela. This has been recognized on more than one occasion by international observers.
She warned that the CNE is prepared to act in case the regulatory scheme that prohibits the premature announcement of the results of the referendum is violated.
F Espinoza
02.12.2007 11:35
A very beautifull country ,and a very beautifull persons.
02.12.2007 12:10
Just a suggestion!
Seeing green!
Europe, N. America Could Learn from S. America
02.12.2007 14:08
Certainly more than a few thousand filling the streets.
Thanks for posting them.
Viva Venezuela
Europe, N. America Could Learn from S. America?
02.12.2007 16:26
No, thanks I'm an anarchist.
Study S. America
02.12.2007 18:39
"By letting the state rule by decree?"
In recent years, it's become very apparent that many of the more oppressive Western Governments already do this. That's why we're witnessing the Madness we are, and why the massive anti-Government/war coalitions couldn't stop what we all saw coming.
Venezuela, on the other hand, is taking steps to ensure its protection from these same Governments, who have exploited the country for decades.
The Social Justice Movement throughout Europe and S. America could learn a great deal by closely examining what's occured throughout S. America in recent years, and how successful it's been.
Of course, that's the biggest reasons agencies like the CIA are trying to overthrow Chavez (again) and similar leaders, who threaten to expose through their own systems a better way of organizing than hyper-corporate Fascism/Communism, and the gulf between what Western states claim to be, and actually are.
Bring This Home
Bring This Home
03.12.2007 09:50
At least do some research on dictatorships before you come here telling a bunch of anarchists how great they are.
I suppose you are now going to spam the newswire with every crackpot who alleges the vote went against Chavez because of the CIA rigging it. Couldn't possibly be a demonstration of the people rejecting the proposals.
Strange you aren't doing any cheer leading for Musharaf.
Round 'n Round
03.12.2007 15:32
"Sounds like a great idea after a decade of Blair and more of the Tories. W could have some utter cunt ruling the country until ..."
I don't necessarily support that particular change, although I understand the motivation for it, as the current CIA-sponsored program proves that when he leaves power, a vacuum could be created, that the CIA and their past allies in the exploitation of Venezuela are all-too-willing to try and occupy with another Puppet.
The point is that Chavez is not an utter ^%*&, but he's concerned that if someone with Venezuela's best interests at heart does not follow him, outside forces are all-too ready to undo everything his Government has achieved.
"At least do some research on dictatorships before you ..."
Chavez is not a dictator. But, as the past six years alone prove, a Capitalist state claiming itself "democratic" is NOT an ideal system, and we should be open to new forms of organizing.
"I suppose you are now going to spam the newswire with every crackpot who alleges the vote went against Chavez because of the CIA rigging it."
No, although they had a hand (by all means not the only one) in disseminating the fearmongering Misinformation and Disinformation which probably helped to tilt the vote. I suspect, however, that it has more to do with the sheer volume of reforms that were being voted on.
I think in the future, they should all be proposed and voted on individually, instead of as a complete package. Perhaps the Government could also consult the public, to see what they objected to specifically, and create some protections from outside meddlers like the CIA which would not only be effective, but be more acceptable to the public.
The Social Justice Movement throughout Europe and S. America could learn a great deal by closely examining what's occured throughout S. America in recent years, and how successful it's been.
Of course, that's the biggest reasons agencies like the CIA are trying to overthrow Chavez (again) and similar leaders, who threaten to expose through their own systems a better way of organizing than hyper-corporate Fascism/Communism, and the gulf between what Western states claim to be, and actually are.
Your Thinly-Veiled Contempt Exposes You
03.12.2007 22:29
Venezuela Bolivariana
JUAN ANTONIO BORREGO, special correspondent
CARACAS, December 3.— After recognizing the close victory of the NO vote on a constitutional reform package Sunday in Venezuela, President Hugo Chavez said his peaceful Bolivarian revolution once again showed its ethical approach to politics.
For now, we were unsuccessful, said Chavez, who emphasized that the institutional strength of the country was demonstrated. This signals a course for the opposition to leave behind the path of destabilization and violence, he added.
We are in this for the long haul, said Chavez in the early morning hours after recognizing the results read by Tibisay Lucena, president of the National Electoral Council.
Vote tabulations on the referendum to reform 69 articles of the 1999 Constitution showed 50.7 percent opposing while 49.29 were in favor. On 15 other transitory regulations, the NO vote had 51.05 percent to 48.94 voting YES.
The fact that 49 percent voted for the socialist project is a big political leap and we will continue the battle for socialism in the framework offered by the Constitution, said Chavez. The proposal remains alive and we will continue working to achieve a maximum of social inclusion and equality.
Chavez pointed to the 44.11 abstention in Sunday’s vote, noting that three million people who turned out for last year’s presidential vote stayed home. If they had voted the result would have been different, he said.
We have obeyed our constitution and our conscious. I wouldn’t have accepted a Pyrrhic victory, said the president.
We are going to extend, broaden and deepen the prospects and content of the process of building socialism, to increase when possible the strategic speed of the changes in a revolution that is in the process of development, stressed Chavez.
F Espinoza