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Gordon Brown's dodgy Douglas Alexander, Crossrail and his dodgy sister Wendy

notocrossrail | 01.12.2007 11:19

Douglas Alexander, the man appointed by Brown as his election co-ordinator, has been keeping the old Blair game of dodgy donors. The not-so-bright Alexander forced Brown into funding Crossrail pre-the-disastrous election that never was after being lobbied by Bechtel. US company Bechtel has profited from the war while doing a very bad job. A recent transport briefing admitted that the Department for Transport will fund Crossrail even if talks with the City breakdown. Ie they continue to have access to taxpayers money for expensive projects, which only benefit the City. Meanwhile Alexander's sister is no different to her brother, dodgy donors are part of the family modus operandi.

Alexander's dodginess is being exceeded by his stupdity because arrogance and corruption lead the way with the Labour party.
Dodgy Tony Wright, chair of the laughable Public Accounts Committee has been hinting to the other parties that they should be careful raising these issues as there is falling confidence in public life. Guess what moron no one in the UK who has any intelligence believes there are standards in public life in the Commons - it is rigged system made up of corrupt people calling themselves politicians but they are self-serving idiots paid for by taxpayers.
Do not expect any difference from the other parties
dodgy Cameron
dodgy Vince Cable
and the dodgy Greens as they all support Crossrail - stupid, only when its taxpayers money



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Don’t forget the parts played by Ruth Kelly, Jim Fitzpatrick and others!!!!

02.12.2007 14:56

By©Muhammad Haque
1440 Hrs GMT
Sunday 2 December 2007


Because both of them have been asked by the Gordon brown administration to appear on the BBC and any other related propaganda platforms this weekend trying to show that their administration is nut corrupt.

As Khuudeelaar! has been discussing the facts fir years, every single one of the Crossrail hole plot prompters and their colluders and the scam's touts has been ethically challenged and dues nut deserve the platform that the BBC keeps giving them.

Ruth Kelly herself was exposed [albeit in a less dramatic way than has been the case in the past 8 days] fingered a few weeks earlier over her abuse of funding, has been alleged to carry on in office as if she were a morally and ethically laudable, suitable career politician. Her records speak volumes about her unsuitability for office,

She is nit intellectually and ethically sound nor is she constitutionally fit to be in the post.

But she is there.


Because the BBC and the other media are part of the network that the likes of Bechtel have been using.

Despite the disclosure elsewhere that Douglas Alexander has been linked with Bechtel exerting the decisive influence in getting Gordon Brown to make that commitment of so many £Billions if public money to the London Crossrail SCAM, neither the BBC nor ITV nor Sky nor C4 news nor indeed the Guardian has followed up that momentous [in the context of the UK media being essentially timid and petty and under the spell, command and influence of the likes of Conrad Black at a material times] incident.

‘Momentous’ because it is VERY rare for objective media scrutiny of the UK Government - whether central, regional or local.

The CURRENT ‘media’ ‘interest’ in the David Abrahams ‘story’ has other elements to it than the ‘anxiety' to have decent standards in society generally and in public life in particular.

What does that say about the likelihood of a future when there will be honest, truthful, accountable, democratic, just and representative regime and governments in the UK?

Khoodeelaar! The Campaign against Crossrail hole plot Bill
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