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Another World Exclusive: Warren Bradley's Emails To Lee Forde

City Of The Dead | 01.12.2007 01:51 | Liverpool

FIREMAN Bradley sent five emails to Lee Forde in the space of three minutes (not very computer literate then, eds) the day after he had promoted a council report which blamed Forde for the Mathew Street debacle. (what a dishonest little hypocrite the Fireman is, eds)

FIREMAN Bradley sent five emails to Lee Forde in the space of three minutes (not very computer literate then, eds) the day after he had promoted a council report which blamed Forde for the Mathew Street debacle. (what a dishonest little hypocrite the Fireman is, eds)

Three of the emails were identical. They are shown below. But this is the killer phrase:

“I am as pissed off as you … how the report can finger people - and not others…” - Warren Bradley
Bradley did not have either the guts or the honesty to tell the press this was his real view the day before, when Lee Forde was fighting to protect his professional reputation which had been disgracefully attacked by a censored and biased council report which blamed Forde for the cancellation. And the report let off the hook, the real culprits - the Harbarrowboy, CoverUp, Storey-teller and the Fireman.

What morally bankrupt and corrupt bastards these people are.

The emails:

-----Original Message-----

From: [mailto:]

Sent: 17 November 2007 13:49

To: leeforde

Subject: Re: FW: Capacity issues>


Really need to speak to you, to discuss the next steps. I am as pissed off as you, I really do think we need to get together to talk?


-----Original Message-----

From: [mailto:]

Sent: 17 November 2007 13:50

To: leeforde

Subject: Re: FW: Capacity issues>


Really need to speak to you, to discuss the next steps. I am as pissed off as you, I really do think we need to get together to talk?


-----Original Message-----

From: [mailto:]

Sent: 17 November 2007 13:52

To: leeforde

Subject: Re: FW: Capacity issues


Really need to talk to you and discuss the next steps. I am as pissed off as you regarding this whole episode, and how the report can finger people and not others?


EDITOR'S NOTE: Bradley has now apparently claimed that the secret meeting was at Lee Forde's instigation, but we think the emails show something completely different. Bradley is an unmitigated liar. He cannot help but be thoroughly dishonest. He will say anything to save his own neck. Damage anyone to save his own unimpressive political career. He deserves to be hounded out of office for the way he has framed Forde. So how are you going to wriggle out of this one now, Fireman?

City Of The Dead
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01.12.2007 21:40

you show the return path no one will take you serious
