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Calling all corporate pirates,clowns+direct action monkeywrenchers..HOIO mtg

London HOIO | 28.11.2007 19:29

Calling all...corporate pirates, clowns, and suited and booted satirists...
direct action monekywrenchers, and the stealthy un-wealthy….
anti-privatisation organisers, community-work-place agitators,
corporate muck rakers and peace warriors…we need collective UK-wide
action to expose and resist the corporate take-over of Iraq…...

***London HOIO Day of Action planning meeting***

Wednesday December 12th
London Action Resource Centre (LARC)
62 Fieldgate Street
Whitechapel E1 1ES (Nearest tubes Whitechapel and Aldgate East)

Calling all...corporate pirates, clowns, and suited and booted satirists...
direct action monekywrenchers, and the stealthy un-wealthy….
anti-privatisation organisers, community-work-place agitators,
corporate muck rakers and peace warriors…we need collective UK-wide
action to expose and resist the corporate take-over of Iraq…...

Saturday February 23rd 2008 is the National day of action against the
theft of Iraqi oil and economic occupation. Called by the Hands Off
Iraqi Oil coalition, the day aims to highlight the economic as well as
military occupation of Iraq and show solidarity with Iraqi movements
resisting the rip off of their resources.

London Hands Off Iraqi Oil

London is home to institutions and organisations which are profiting
from war and occupation and which have been complicit in the deaths of
thousands, the displacement of millions and the destruction of lands,
homes and communities. These organisations and their agendas have
largely gone unchallenged. But they should be exposed and opposed; their
roles in the story of the rip of Iraq’s resources told and remembered.

Local anti war and direct action groups around the country have already
committed to taking action at Shell and BP petrol stations on the day.

Yet we in the capital have an even wider scope of targets to choose

This meeting is geared towards identifying these organisations,
discussing their roles, and formulating ideas and tactics for collective
action in the run up to and around February 23rd

The meeting also aims to catalyse a London HOIO network/collective

So come on down to LARC for a session of Maps, Facts, Strategy and


This economic occupation has been hidden from view by the daily
brutalities and coercion of a military occupation. It has been blown off
the agenda by depleted uranium bomb attacks, phosphorous explosions,
occupation stoked sectarian strife, the bulldozing of homes, and the
slamming up of walls. The imposition of political and economic systems
by states and corporate interests looking to remap lands and peoples,
represents an escalating continuum of militarised free market expansion
and resource appropriation which is systematically ruining the lives and
livelihoods of millions, and the ecology of our world.

In the case of Iraq, the imposition of the free market agenda has not
been realised. Those who planned to control and profit from Iraq’s
resources have not got what they came for. Iraq’s oil is still
un-privatised, despite the threats, coercion, and political and military
pressures on the parliament to pass an oil law crafted under occupation.
The defiance of the Iraqi people, particularly workers organising in the
oil industry have succeeded in pushing the corporate occupation agenda
further and further back.

We need to back them up. In the anti-war and social justice and climate
action movements, we need to bring the economics back into the politics
of war and occupation and expose the interests which contunuously seek
political and economic re-armament and re-empowerment, disempowering
millions in Iraq and beyond from even attempting an alternative,
non-profit driven and exploitative way of life.

London HOIO
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