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Can You Help ?

Peter | 28.11.2007 18:09 | Animal Liberation

Can You Help ?

can you help - resized
can you help - resized

Can You Help ?



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I can't read this

28.11.2007 21:34

I cannot read a word of this but I think I recognise this 'leaftlet'. I think you were giving them out at the HLS demo in Huntingdon I could only read about half it and didn't know what you were on about. Sorry to be cruel but please learn to use a word processor. You've managed to work the scanner.

I think you would be better to get leaflets from groups like Viva or Animal Aid who produce excellent graphic, colour leaflets which catch the eye.



29.11.2007 10:34

Lets face it, Vegans want to genocide our co-evolution. In order that there can be thirty six billion Homo Saps destroying this Creation they intend to starve sheep cows and poultry to extinction. The greed of Mankind is unsurpassed. No vegan proposes doing away with people. Perhaps cows do, say it for them. Help God preserve this Creation.


Reply To Prince

29.11.2007 10:58

I was also given the leaflet at the demo. It scanned nice and clear to my PC. I uploaded it quite late last night, first time I've used Indymedia. Didn't think leaflet would OCR, so uploaded scan of it. Otherwise one finger typing it all out, having said that, will type it out later and repost.

I've rung two departments of the RSPCA about the dogs, also printed copy of leaflet and sent to Ann Widdecombe, asking if she could do anything to help. Also emailed leaflet to Animal Aid, WSPA, Peta and any others I could think of, asking if they could do anything to help. At the reference library later today, I will find out who the CEO of Stenaline is, or if part of P & O whatever, will write to their CEO, asking to explain it all.
Great Demo- Smash HLS :)


I'm a Taurus,I love cows but occasionally eat them.

29.11.2007 22:53

I love you omnivore and I want to have your babies!!! No of course I don't you and I will be child-free for the sake of the planet, we will only eat organic meat a couple of times a week and practice the jonas method of birth control plus the withdrawal method so as not to pollute Gaia with synthetic hormones or condoms :) If you are actually a girl then I could maybe swing that way..
By the way, this isnt very romantic but vegans ought to know that sheep need declagging and tend to get fly strike without human intervention so if any idiots going to post some kind of 'let them fly free'
type bollocks,don't bother.

s smith

fly strike

30.11.2007 04:56

There are a number of causes of fly strike, but studies in New Zealand have shown that if sheep are fed roughage, the type of diet they would get if they roamed free, then they do not get dags and do not get breech strike. Organic farmers who keep sheep healthy report very little fly strike. Sheep can also avoid fly strike by staying in windy areas (flies don't fly in the wind). Fly strike is also a direct result of breeding a sheep for fine wool (merino). Merino and merino crosses have higher rates of fly strike than other breeds because of the fine folds of skin around their breech attracting urine and dags. One solution being researched by AgResearch at present is the "ethical sheep"; breeding sheep that have less wool in the breech.

So as you can see if you actually read something about veterinary entomology, fly strike is actually a human caused problem. If sheep are set free there will also not be the same density of sheep odour, which attracts flies.

Feel free to look up any of my 5 peer reviewed studies on fly strike (you can find them on Google Scholar, just type in "M Morris" and "zealand" ) if you want to know more.

Michael Morris