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International Campaign for Release of the Cuban Five Intensifies

posted by F Espinoza | 27.11.2007 23:28 | Free Spaces | Social Struggles

British reverend Geoffrey Bottoms said on Monday that international solidarity with the five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters who remain unjustly imprisoned in the United States continues to grow...

Geoffrey Bottoms with Gerardo Hernández
Geoffrey Bottoms with Gerardo Hernández

Free the Cuban Five!
Free the Cuban Five!

International Campaign for Release of the Cuban Five Intensifies

Nov. 27, 2007

Reprinted from ACN

Havana, Nov 27 (acn) British reverend Geoffrey Bottoms said on Monday that international solidarity with the five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters who remain unjustly imprisoned in the United States continues to grow.
During a meeting at the venue of the Havana-based Cuban Friendship Institute (ICAP) with relatives of Gerardo Hernandez, Fernando Gonzalez, Ramon Labañino, Rene Gonzalez and Antonio Guerrero - internationally known as the Cuban Five - Bottoms demanded the release of the five men and explained aspects of the campaign in favor of the Five in Great Britain where they are trying to make people aware of the unjust legal process carried out against these men in the United States.
In this respect, he announced that Leonard Weinglass, Antonio Guerrero's attorney, will soon travel to British territory where he will meet with Parliament members, trade union leaders and non governmental organizations to denounce the violations committed in this case.
Bottoms also noted that the reiterated decision by the US government of denying visas to Olga Salanueva and Adriana Perez - wives of Rene and Gerardo, respectively - to visit their husbands in prison is an additional punishment for them and their families.
During the meeting at the ICAP venue in the Cuban capital on Monday, Magaly Llort and Mirtha Rodriguez - mothers of Fernando and Antonio, respectively - thanked Rev. Bottoms for his support of the cause of the Cuban Five and called him an honorable representative of peace.
The Cuban Five have been in prison for almost a decade in the United States where they infiltrated anti-Cuba terrorist groups that were planning and carrying out attacks against the island from Southern Florida.

Hear from the heart of Cuba's struggle

Nov. 26, 2007

Reprinted from Morning Star Online

STEPHEN HALLMARK previews this week's meeting with Leonard Weinglass, attorney of the Miami 5.

THERE are two reasons why an opportunity to hear a speech by civil-rights activist and acclaimed lawyer Leonard Weinglass, who is the attorney for the Miami Five anti-terror fighters, should not be missed.
First, this legal case defines the US twisted logic regarding Cuba and is symbolic of the brutality that it imposes on the Caribbean island.
And second, Weinglass has been at the centre of the civil-rights movement for decades and has defended a string of high-profile activists, including Jane Fonda, Angela Davis and the Chicago Seven. He is, therefore, someone with much to say.
So the chance to hear about the case of the Miami Five from the man at the centre of the ongoing court proceedings is a unique opportunity to get under the skin of US foreign policy and learn about the country's strange relationship with Cuba.
Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labanino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez and Rene Gonzalez are "guilty" of defending their country against terrorist attacks originating in Miami.
Weinglass says: "The arrest and prosecution of these men for their courageous attempt to stop the terror was not only unjust, it exposes the hypocrisy of America's claim to oppose terrorism wherever it surfaces.
"The mission of the Five was not to obtain US military secrets, as was charged, but rather to monitor the terrorist activities of those mercenaries and report their planned threats back to Cuba."
The men gathered evidence on terrorist cells responsible for atrocities such as the bombing of a Cuban hotel, which resulted in the death of an Italian tourist, and reported those findings to their government. The details were then passed on to the FBI.
But for the US authorities to admit that the Miami Five were indeed fighting terrorist cells would alienate the bitter and vociferous Cuban-exile lobby in Florida, which is a swing state, and be tantamount to an admission that half a century of US foreign policy toward Cuba is that of an imperialistic power sulking over its lost dominion.
The case also shows the brutal face of US policy. The men were jailed on trumped-up charges, separated by thousands of miles in jails across the country and each had to withstand an astonishing 17 months of solitary confinement.
Amnesty International has also condemned the US for refusing visiting rights to Adriana Perez, Gerardo's wife, and Rene's wife Olga Salanueva, on the incredible grounds that they constitute a threat to national security.
Not only that but the case against the men is riddled with holes.
The United Nations has said that the trial was "arbitrary" and politicised because it was held in Miami and Weinglass cites it as one of the biggest miscarriages of justice of recent times.
"By infiltrating the terror network that is allowed to exist in Florida, they demonstrated the hypocrisy of America's claimed opposition to terrorism," he says.

Stephen Hallmark is campaigns manager for the Cuba Solidarity Campaign. Leonard Weinglass will be speaking at London on Thursday November 29 from 7pm at the House of Commons, committee room 10 with Father Geoff Bottoms and Ian Gibson MP. Other dates include Saturday December 1 at the Latin America Conference 2007, Congress House, Great Russell Street, London, Monday December 3 from 7.30pm at the Derby Council Chambers, Council House, Corporation St, Derby and Tuesday December 4 from 7.30pm at the Manchester Town Hall, committee room 2, Manchester.

For more details, call the Cuba Solidarity Campaign on (020) 7263-6452.

"The Cuban Five will return to their people": said British Priest Geoffrey Bottoms



Havana, November 26 (RHC-ACN)-- The movement in solidarity with Cuba is growing among trade unions and other institutions in England and there are currently around 4,000 people carrying out actions of friendship and support of the island in this British territory.
These were the words of Reverend Geoffrey Bottoms, member of the Campaign in Solidarity with Cuba in the United Kingdom, in a meeting with Magali Llort and Mirta Rodriguez, mothers of Fernando Gonzalez and Antonio Guerrero, respectively. He said that he continues very active in his struggle for the release of the five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters who remain unjustly imprisoned in the United States.
According to Bottoms, it is necessary to let the world know the truth about the case of Rene Gonzalez, Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labañino, Fernando Gonzalez and Antonio Guerrero - internationally known as the Cuban Five - as they are also victims of the silence of the mainstream media.
Rev. Bottoms, who said he is planning and hoping to visit Gerardo Hernandez and Ramon Labañino in prison next year, attended the latest oral hearing of the case before the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta and then returned to London to participate in a protest demanding the release of the Cuban Five in front of the US embassy in the British capital.
He added that tomorrow the Campaign will receive in London lawyer Leonard Weinglass, who will meet members of the British Parliament, trade union leaders, lawyers and international organizations as Amnesty International, in order to explain details about the case of the five Cuban political prisoners. He also will visit several cities in England and Ireland to let people know the truth about the case.
"He is a very respected civil rights lawyer, who understands very well the political nature of this case and can explain in political and legal terms", said Father Bottoms, and adds "I'm convinced, that the Five will return to their people and their families. I always have that conviction. And these are not only words, because I believe that they have justice and truth on their side."
A few years ago, Rev. Geoffrey Bottoms received the Friendship Medal granted by the Cuban Council of State for his constant work in solidarity with the Cuban people.

See also: (to sign the Free the Cuban Five Campaign) (Fidel’s reflections in various languages)


"Mission against Terror":

"Bacardí, the bat’s secret":

posted by F Espinoza
