Lobby your MP and Government to represent you!
PowerToThePeople | 27.11.2007 15:17 | Climate Chaos | Globalisation | Social Struggles
PowerToThePeople - an independent democratic accountability website designed to empower you to hold those in power to account - has updated its 'Lobby your MP and Government to represent you' section. It'll take you just a few minutes to support a number of campaigns.

Here you will find relevant and urgent campaigns with which to get involved, including:
- e-mail your MP and Gordon Brown to support a strong Climate Change BIll
- e-mail Hilary Benn and ask him to support strong action at the Bali UN Climate Change talks
- e-mail Douglas Alexander, Gordon Brown and the EU President to take steps to stop the EU pushing unfair trade rules on developing countries
- e-mail Douglas Alexander to withhold the UK's World Bank contribution until it stops attaching harmful economic conditions to loans to developing countries
- e-mail the EU Development Commissioner to stop water privatisation in developing countries as a condition for aid
- e-mail Gordon Brown to take action to stop international corporate tax dodging
- e-mail David Milliband to abandon the promotion of voluntary corporate social responsibility initiatives in the developing world and to support binding corporate regulation instead
- e-mail the EU President to ensure that all EU governments co-operate to end rendition and secret detentions
Although writing letters and signing petitions pushes issues up the 'agenda' and does have an impact, it can only achieve so much on it's own. Get active and keep the pressure on.
Here you will find activist groups, resources and events with which to get involved:

There are a great many urgent issues which need to be addressed and we at PowerToThePeople believe an active, informed and united in cause, justice movement, using a diversity of tactics can really hold 'em to account.