Home Office Consultation - Protesting around parliament
Using the System | 26.11.2007 19:51 | Anti-militarism | Free Spaces | Social Struggles
Recently the Home Office released a consultation paper to gauge the public's feelings around protesting in and around Parliament. This is an opportunity to let our thoughts and feelings be known.
It is possible that, like other recent UK plc. consultation exercises, the results are a foregone conclusion. However, on the off-chance that this is a genuine opportunity to speak up, I'd like to encourage everybody to take the time to download and read the consultation document and to reply before the January 2008 deadline.
It needs to be made very explicit, very loud and very clear to the UK government that their laws are a suppression of freedoms and rights, that their laws are unjust and biased toward protecting the elites while masquerading as "democratic" and that these need to change. The UK government want to know what people think (apparently). Let's tell them in no uncertain terms what the people think.
Please spread this info far and wide and encourage as many people as possible to reply to challenge these laws. If we don't agree with the outcomes, we can always pursue the FOIA route to obtain access to the raw results.
Let's do it folks!!
Get your copy of the consultation document here:
It needs to be made very explicit, very loud and very clear to the UK government that their laws are a suppression of freedoms and rights, that their laws are unjust and biased toward protecting the elites while masquerading as "democratic" and that these need to change. The UK government want to know what people think (apparently). Let's tell them in no uncertain terms what the people think.
Please spread this info far and wide and encourage as many people as possible to reply to challenge these laws. If we don't agree with the outcomes, we can always pursue the FOIA route to obtain access to the raw results.
Let's do it folks!!
Get your copy of the consultation document here:

Using the System