Race, racism and ethnic surrogacy are highly lucrative trade brands for the UK
AADHIKARonline carrying the Muhammad Haque daily world commentary | 26.11.2007 11:09 | Analysis | Anti-racism | World
Did the ‘Muslim Lib Dem MEP’, who has just defected to the David Ca-moron tent, exist as anything political withiest using the Lib Dems as a platform? The 'news' is 'neatly' timed to coincide with the very-hyped 'debate' being staged by the business promoters for the brand name of Oxford today !
By©Muhammad Haque
1100 Hrs GMT
I shall shortly update my diagnosis of the utterly corrupting and the immoral manufacture and use of ethnic surrogates [the analytical device that I created over 25 years ago to address the poison of racist patronage and disguised apartheid in the UK and by extension to the rest of the imperialist societies] via the racist agenda of all the mainstream parties in the UK
1100 Hrs GMT
I shall shortly update my diagnosis of the utterly corrupting and the immoral manufacture and use of ethnic surrogates [the analytical device that I created over 25 years ago to address the poison of racist patronage and disguised apartheid in the UK and by extension to the rest of the imperialist societies] via the racist agenda of all the mainstream parties in the UK
AADHIKARonline carrying the Muhammad Haque daily world commentary
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Marketing capitalistic,Oxford brand name is NOT about free speech!
26.11.2007 15:34
1515 GMT
26 November 2007
A longer comment on the scheduled stunt at the 'Oxford Union' tonight [Monday 26.11.2007]
There is no free speech in the UK. And the concept of freedom of speech cannot be separated from the practice of unconstitutionality that goes on in this country all the time at the behest of the cabals and the clubs [='institutions'] wielding most power on the rest of society.
The ‘debate’ at the Oxford Union is NOTHING to do with free speech at all. It is a stunt.
Like all the other stunts staged in that forum.
It is a business ploy that creates seriously wide publicity for the brand name Oxford. The institution of Oxford University is NOT able to claim any credit for opposing racism in any significant sustained or universal way.
The composition of the staff, the ‘academic agenda’ [hidden and sub-transparent] as well as the demography of the institution all bear evidence to comprehensively contradict any claim that Oxford, the 'university' the brand, or indeed the 'Oxford Union', equal free speech.
As for the alleged opponents, including the most embarrassing ‘critique’ of the reportedly invited participants at tonight’s scheduled display, Tom [‘Trevor’!] Phillips, he is the last person to be evidentially allowed to pontificate on what constitutes racism. He is a prisoner of racist brain-washing. And it was utterly the right place for him to be relaunched as 'the most authentic' ethnic surrogate for UK PLC via the Andrew Maar show on Sunday. Tom [‘Trevor’] Phillips has been a definitive prisoner and stooge of racist brainwashing since he was inaugurated as a token ‘one of us’ and Nephew Tom dancing with the late Queen Mother in the 1970s. His decline into the wilderness of mental servitude to racist norm has been unmistakably consistent. He has no independent, objectively credible far less universally tenable ethical foundation. No moral character. If he had, he would have been e2qually interested in opposing ALL violations of human rights. And he would have done so without being paid by the state to make suitably profitable, pro-imperialistic, pro-racist scripted utterances and appearances
Muhammad Haque