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Irving and Griffen speak at Oxford Uni Tommorrow - Protest!

anti fascist | 25.11.2007 13:22

Oxford Student Union voted to allow holocaust denier David Irving and BNP leader Nick Griffen to talk at the Union, despite protests last week. Get down to support Oxford anti fascists if you can, don't let them speak without opposition!

here is a call out from Oxford Indymedia:


On Monday the 26th of November, BNP leader Nick Griffin and proffesional holocaust denier (and discredited historian) David Irving will be giving a talk in Oxford.
There will be a demo outside the Oxford Union (see their website for directions) starting at 7pm.
Last week, Carlo, a young anti-fascist was killed in action by a nazi in Madrid. Solidarity demos have been taking place all over Europe. Lets remember him by getting down to Oxford and forming a strong and militant anti-fascist presence to let these murdering nazi bastrads know how we feel about Carlos death!
See you there.


(A) Sab
and here is the text from todays Observer article:
See the Observer article here:,,2216538,00.html

in another article it details how a anti fascist student has been threatened:
"The university's newspaper, Cherwell, has quoted Duncan Money, a second-year student, as saying he received death threats after criticising fascist groups in an internet blog.
He said: "My family has been threatened, my friends have been threatened and I've been threatened. Someone rang in the middle of the night and said they would cut my throat.""

'm posting this on the UK newswire in case non locals havn't heard about it and can go down there to support.

anti fascist


Hide the following 12 comments


25.11.2007 14:51

we cant allow free speech in this country now can we


Sherman's idea of free speech

25.11.2007 15:51

appears to be one sided


No platform for fascists

25.11.2007 16:20

No Sherman i dont think we should give a platform to fascists and historical revisionists like Irving. I dont have the power to stop nick griffin making a speech, neither do those who will be protesting, we arent the state, we cannot legislate against what people want to say and nor should we aspire to.

But freedom of speech doesnt mean saying what ever you want without consequence. All actions have consequences and spouting fascist bullshit is no different. We should not allow any platform to those who seek to outlaw all freedom of speech, freedom of association and freedom of organisation, that is to say we should not allow freedom of speech for fascists.

I'd be equally disturbed if the Union invited Abu Hamza or Amajinadad to do a talk on freedom fo speech, after all theyve got opinions that are just as valid as Nick Griffins and David Irvings, Abu Hamza has been in trouble for things he's said and Ahmajinadad has actively crushed free speech in iran, why not give them a platform?

I think the whole episode is Oxford University's attempt at irony, but its in very cheap taste.

No platform!



25.11.2007 16:31

Why is the demo against free speech? If someone confronts a fascist while he is on a bus does that make them against public transport? Think before you allow your fingers to move up and down on yer keyboard...

bob cunlips


25.11.2007 17:20

In the eyes of many (not mine, it's true), Oxford University represents all that is upright and aspirational in the UK. This is bollocks of course, but I'm talking about image, particularly the image of the UK abroad. Oxford Uni seems to be sanctioning and legitimising the BNP by inviting Griffin to talk - he must be over the moon! It may give him some publicity to gather and protest but I think it's far more important that we send the clear message that fascists like him are NOT acceptable and not welcome. Whatever else you had planned for Monday - THIS is more important!


The Historical Truth of BNP Revisionism

25.11.2007 18:47

Perhaps Mister Griffin would care to discuss the Fascist No Platform policy that they invented. The policy that has consistenly denied freedom of speech to anybody not conforming to their views. To the accountants and party fund raisers he might wish to freely speak in respect of the Party Accounts. To the Party Activists he might want to address a few choice words regarding their use of E-Mail. There is a platform for him to answer a lot of questions. Yet will he? Never. Like Tyndall before him, Mister Griffin has no interest in free speech - it might be too free. Hence the Fascist No Platform Policy.

it is not too late for the Oxford Union to also invite those former BNP members that have serious questions that require the exercise of honest, open free speech. About the front organisations and the allegations of very bad behaviour.

Perhaps, in the interests of Free Speech, Mister Griffin would like to invite them. He has a list.

Nick Griffins Accountant

you are all entitled to my opinion...

25.11.2007 21:41

I thought the freedom of speech idea was that everyone was free to speak? Even if its offensive bullshit? If somebody says some offensive bullshit to you, you are then free to refute their comments however you like? You could even just blow a raspberry at them!! Please, in the current climate of political protest in this country, do not start pleading with the authorities for censorship of individuals. No matter how big a twat they are. Next time, it could be you...

s smith

Pleading with the authorities

26.11.2007 13:36

I couldnt agree more - of course we don't want to plead with the authorities to ban Griffin. Lefties did the same before Cable street, the government brought in new legislation, the march happed, and that law has been used soley against US ever since!
If we want to get rid of fascists - we need to deal with them as a class, using our own initiative (and fists and boots). To be against government is to be against all government, not crawl to them when they make a descision that could go our way.

(A) Sab

Who else is talking?

26.11.2007 14:20

OK so a couple of fash are laughably talking about free speech, but who else is on the bill? Are any government ministers talking, etc.

I'd be very interested to see who else is lined up as its not on the Oxford Union's website or in any press reports.

Info Please

viwpoints that are different they must be wrong surely

26.11.2007 17:09

It is ok for Radical, Muslim, Clerics to preach their hatred of Britain and democracy being protected by the police on their anti-UK marches yet we should not allow a right wing party or members of it to preach or march?
What is happening to this country? We are being destroyed within from the left wing fascists and although I am no BNP supporter, given a choice between pro or anti British I know whom I would choose.
A democracy is one that allows all views otherwise it is not one.

You can't stop people from speaking just because you don't like what they are saying. I believe that is called fascism.

"If we do not believe in freedom of speech for those we despise, we do not believe in it all."
Naom Chomsky

Ban the opposition, ban debate, ignorance is strength, hear and obey, never question the orthodox for we know better.
We've had the rubbish above from the socialists for the past 40 years and now we're getting it from the pseudo-conservatives. Just who on earth do they think they are to try to tell me who I should and should not listen to.

It wasn't the BNP that took us in to Europe, it wasn't the BNP that set of the bombs on July the 7th, it isn't the BNP stealing from our pensions.

Should this debate go ahead?
It will be a good step forward for this country . At last a demonstration of freedom of speech we have been told exists all these years.

What exactly is it that those who wish to exclude Griffin and Irving from the debate are afraid of? If these two have something useful to say, they should be listened to. If they are fools or villains that will be apparent to any intelligent audience. Either way free speech must prevail.

It says a lot about Britain today that we can even be having this debate. Ban someone from speaking because their views contradict the liberal consensus? Blimey. Suddenly I feel very old.

Are we to take it than that Dr Julian Lewis is afraid of a bit of honest debate?

Like them or loathe them, the BNP are a bona fide and registered political party, permitted freely to place candidates for election. If you can't deal with that then you should seek to have the BNP removed from official recognition. Until then they have a right to be heard. Unless of course you want to be the pot calling the kettle black.

Why shouldn't the BNP have a platform to speak they are the only party to speak the truth.

As a free country, we have freedom of speech, don't we? I have never condoned anything the BNP have said and never would but we cannot have a two way society, where some can say what they want but others are not allowed to because of political correctness. Didn't Voltaire say 'I don't believe a word of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it'? If the debate is stopped we deny free-thinking people the use of their own intelligence to dismiss extremist views?

I bet if it was a Communist speaker there wouldn't be this fuss. It just shows the hypocrisy of the situation since Communism has killed far more people than any other ideology.

I am against censorship. So by definition this means that I can't really silence those whose views I disagree with, as much as I'd like to. While I abhor the racist views of Nick Griffin and the BNP, and David Irving's Holocaust denial despite the overwhelming historical evidence that it happened, I feel they should be allowed to have their say. And at the same time, the audience can have their say too - and show Irving and the BNP for the disgusting, racist, intolerant bigots that they are.

A selection of comments from the daily mail offering (shock) peoples

Freedom of speech

26.11.2007 18:29

You are free to voice your support for the Labour Party. What more freedom could anyone want?


Irving only supports free speech for himself

26.11.2007 23:25

According to his website, David Irving has again been threatening libel actions against people who call him a Holocaust denier. I find this interesting in view of his claim to support free speech. He supports free speech when he wants to expound his views about Hitler, but he is against it when other people want to call him a Holocaust denier--an accusation that is clearly true, and so not libellous.

I have stated on my website that Irving has denied the Holocaust, and I'm looking forward to getting one of his nasty letters. :-)

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