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Free Stall in Leeds for Buy Nothing Day

Sam Nexter | 24.11.2007 20:00 | Culture | Free Spaces

The truth is out - buying stuff doesn't make you happy! Central Leeds today saw a free shop sprout from the pavement to drive the message home.

Leeds Free Shop 1
Leeds Free Shop 1

Leeds Free Shop 2
Leeds Free Shop 2

Despite the cold and rain, a hardy group set up a free shop in Central Leeds this morning, offering burgers, books, records and clothes. The manifestation of people giving stuff away in the middle of consumer-land raised a few eyebrows, entertained the tired masses and got the idea across that buying loads of useless stuff is a futile activity. The assembled free-shoppers sang a variety of subvertised carols and handed out gift vouchers which were "redeemable for whatever takes your fancy" including a picnic in the park or playing your own music. All in all, a grand day out in town.

Sam Nexter


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words to subertised carols

25.11.2007 17:19

could you post them here for others to use - buy bye


Christmas Carols

06.12.2007 00:26

here are the fancy singing some with us? we thought of doing it every sat, but could be anyday before the 24th! hopeto sing with you soon
