The Campaign Against Primate Change..
M M Wallis | 24.11.2007 12:36
Today we launch The Campaign Against Primate Change.. As working class (high-primates)we are tired of hearing about Climate Change (the over consumption of the priviledged classes). From the evolution of human kind and the moment of enlightenment our Earth, our Mother, has been exploited by the caretakers of her earth.
Our evolution was an agreemenet with our Mother and our Earth to act responsibly, with love, understanding and basic kindness to all other primates along with this earth we live upon.
From our evolution we have not only failed our Earth, our Mother, but other primates and living creatures, we have become selfish, exploitative and moved away from the basic principles of Socialism to a world of Barbarism.
The Campaign Against Primate Change is not another victim of political correctness, we simply believe in the basic ethics of Socialism and treating each other as an equal no matter their process of evolution, colour, sexual orientation, female or male and class. We extend this to our Earth, our Mother.
Pretententious Artist is about the subject of urban and bucolic exploration, a subject dedicated to the subversion of space via the exploration of local places in which capital is temporarily absent or in which capitalist functionality is suffocated by the presence of the marvellous. Moments of connection with Mother Earth, with the absence of the urbanparanoia.
Here you will find images of what we are losing, how the marvellous Mother Earth reclaims the urbanparanoia with her flora from the man-made utilitarian functional structure of Redmires Reservoirs, to the soon to be demolished Cooling Towers of Tinsley.
Urban and Bucolic exploration has placed us back in touch with the earth and now we feel the time is right to stop the evolution of Man (and Woman), a time to return back to this earth and embrace her, after all, tree hugging is for life not just for christmas.
You can contact and keep up to date with The Campaign Against Primate Change at please accept our apologies for the lack of humour in this communique, as nihilists we understand reality is just an illusion, a conspiracy to keep us under their control, and we are nothing..
From our evolution we have not only failed our Earth, our Mother, but other primates and living creatures, we have become selfish, exploitative and moved away from the basic principles of Socialism to a world of Barbarism.
The Campaign Against Primate Change is not another victim of political correctness, we simply believe in the basic ethics of Socialism and treating each other as an equal no matter their process of evolution, colour, sexual orientation, female or male and class. We extend this to our Earth, our Mother.
Pretententious Artist is about the subject of urban and bucolic exploration, a subject dedicated to the subversion of space via the exploration of local places in which capital is temporarily absent or in which capitalist functionality is suffocated by the presence of the marvellous. Moments of connection with Mother Earth, with the absence of the urbanparanoia.
Here you will find images of what we are losing, how the marvellous Mother Earth reclaims the urbanparanoia with her flora from the man-made utilitarian functional structure of Redmires Reservoirs, to the soon to be demolished Cooling Towers of Tinsley.
Urban and Bucolic exploration has placed us back in touch with the earth and now we feel the time is right to stop the evolution of Man (and Woman), a time to return back to this earth and embrace her, after all, tree hugging is for life not just for christmas.
You can contact and keep up to date with The Campaign Against Primate Change at

M M Wallis