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Zapatistas attack Mexican government's flood preparations

Rob Ray | 23.11.2007 12:18 | Zapatista

Writers on Chiapas Indymedia have slammed the Mexican government’s response to the flooding crisis which has hit the country.

In the Tabasco province of Mexico, one estimate has suggested that around £900 million will be needed for reconstruction, a number that is conservative if we look at the sheer size of the tragedy.

Some people are saying that now is not the time to ask who is guilty or deman in investigation into the actions of government or state officials – these voices demonstrate a frank naivete.

Aid and solidarity through donations must be present in the coming months to support people of all the ages of this area of he country - yet more than half of donors believe these resources will not arrive at their objective.

Everything is desperately needed right now, from water, medicines, tinware, soluble coffee, milk, nappies and sanitary towels. Combined with this is the need for reconstruction and reestablishment of productive activities and infrastructure across the rest of the country.

We insist it is necessary that the causes of this tragedy are investigated, from those who handled the hydraulic works, to the actions of planning officers building inadequate and dangerous urban zones and the non-relocation of people based at the border of the rivers.

It has left millions of people astonished and depressed to hear from the UN office responsible for oversight into the prevention and management of such disasters that this could have been avoided with simple alert measures and plans of evacuation to take to the population to safe places.

One would hope that the abuse does not prevail again and that those responsible for the lack of forecast before the announced emergency and for cutting resources destined for the hydraulic plan are called to account.”

Rob Ray
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