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Cubans are coming! Speaking tour 2008.

Revolutionary Communist Group / Rock around the Blockade | 22.11.2007 22:33 | Globalisation | History | Social Struggles | Liverpool

Two events in the next week to launch this project in Manchester.

From 21 February to 4 March 2008 three leading Cuban comrades will be touring Britain for a tour of public meetings organised by Rock around the Blockade. The tour will be an amazing chance to hear from Cubans about their revolution and about socialism. It features Orlando Borrego, a close comrade of Che Guevara and a revolutionary Marxist in his own right; Jesus Garcia, who writes regularly in Cuba about philosophical ideas under socialism; and Susel Rivera, a leader of the Cuban Union of University Students, who is also in the Womens Federation.

Discussion and film showing of 'With or Without Fidel', this Sunday, 25th November
2pm at Cross Street chapel, off Market Street, Manchester
All welcome

Wednesday 28th November
Open organising meeting
7.30pm upstairs in Mother Mac's pub, Back Piccadilly

Join us in making this historic event the success it should be.

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Revolutionary Communist Group / Rock around the Blockade
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23.11.2007 10:43

Stalinist sympathisers - please fuck off


See you there Espinoza.

23.11.2007 12:31

I'm going to ask the comrades just how Fidel has remained in power all these years when a decade is reckoned a good stint for most politicians. He must be so popular!

By the way, there is no blockade of Cuba. The US has a embargoes trade between its own citizens and Cuba. Approxiamately 5,800 million people are completely free to trade with Cuba with no restictions whatsoever.
