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7/7 Ripple Effect

dh | 19.11.2007 00:22 | Sheffield

Muad'Dib's personal scenario of the circumstances of the 7/7 bombings
This is good because it creates a whole scenario, and thus risks being shot down through an analysis of its own contextual working analysis
However there is a lot of new material introduced in this movie

Available here
and at this time on Google here
though the google link has been taken off from time to time
A "working class" link without the thunderous overtones of Ludicrous Diversions
An honest attempt at real analysis and conclusions

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J7 Review Rebuttal and Rejection

06.12.2007 14:27

Unlike Ludicrous Diversion, 7/7 Ripple Effect seems to be receiving some uncritical support on Indymedia.

J7: The July 7th Truth Campaign have published a critical review of this video on our website:

7/7 Ripple Effect - a rebuttal and rejection.

Bridget Dunne
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Feedback on film

19.11.2007 18:48

The film started off well enough. Admittedly amateurish, but low cost effects, use of appropriate graphics and starting premises make a convincing piece of investigative documentary-making. The trouble starts at "Chapter 3" - it is very short of info and feels weak. Chapter 4 however gets worse. The evident bias of the narrative is given even in the title of chapter 4 - the "bombers" were either patsies or dupes, and the possibility of being bombers was thereby elided from consideration.

The narrative then begins its own counter account of how 7/7 went down, but the evidence becomes more and more patchy. The explanation that the alleged "jihad" videos were videos made in preparation for Powers' Mock Terror Exercise leaves me unconvinced. There is no evidence to support this idea. An alternative explanation could be made was that those videos represented a viable or sincere attempt to commemorate a jihad or express support?

There are a number of points that could be beefed up, others which are entirely speculative, and yet others which are very provocative and warrant straight answers.

However, the overall argument certainly does make a strong case to have this issue investigated more thoroughly rather than the piss-poor official narrative the government offered as a sop. The government has already stifled this avenue of calling them to account by giving themselves authority to permit and preside over any inquiry!

I wonder if IMC - as an Indy newswire - wants to take this on as a special project of investigative news?


a reply to 'skeptic'

22.11.2007 00:56

"Chapter 4 however gets worse. The evident bias of the narrative is given even in the title of chapter 4 - the "bombers" were either patsies or dupes, and the possibility of being bombers was thereby elided from consideration."

what a strange reasoning!! why would anyone bother producing an alternative documentary if it fails to challange the core argument of the official story, i.e. the attacks being perpatrated by suicide bombers.

any person with an ounce of integrity and common sense would give due consideration to the possibility of this incident being orchestrated by the criminal elements of the uk establishment.

searching the truth might be discomforting, but then it is much better than being complicit in hideous crimes.

skeptic of the 'skeptic'

quick question

28.11.2007 20:14

was wondering why a group of devout muslim men would volunteer to be ..Mock Suicide bombers for a training exercise ? seems a tad bizzare to me , also why no mention of the Mock suicide bombers/actors buying and attempting to buy huge quantities of H2O2 ?

concerned of gipton

Response to gipton from a

01.12.2007 23:44

I'm no expert, but being a devout Muslim does not automatically mean you are politically motivated to go against and distrust the government. As the documentary shows, these men did trust the government, one of them was on good terms with his MP in Leeds and got taken around Parliament (going from my memory here, so sorry for inaccuracies but you get the jist). He was most likely asked to help his country and earn a bit of cash in the fight against terrorism (which he fatally thought was a good and genuine fight) along with a few mates, why would he say no?

It seems bizarre to you? These mock exercises are always made to be as realistic as possible so of course they'd use Muslims as volunteers for .. Muslim Mock suicide bombers. It's totally bizarre that they'd use Muslims in a mock suicide bomber exercise perpetrated by Muslims ..riiight. But Muslims hate our freedoms and wouldn't dream of helping their government! So of course it's outrageous! [/sarcasm]

The claim that they used Hydrogen Peroxide is also hotly disputed and there has been no proof whatsoever for this, at all. I don't know where your getting that they "attempted to buy huge quantities of H2O2", I apologise if this is true. Perhaps you're getting confused with the 21/7 idiots where this is blatant, but this just goes to show how ludicrous that explanation for the 7/7 explosions is in light of the 21/7's collosal, and somewhat comical failure using that method of explosives.

I'm inclined to believe an unbiased French expert who was called onto the scene (shown on the documentary) than a May 2006 report from the British Government's Intelligence and Security Comittee, which obviously also provides no tangible evidence for organic peroxide useage. After Iraq etc. who trusts the government these days, especially their "Intelligence"?.

My heart goes out to the 56 innocent people (I include the 4 accused) slaughtered that day by the government for their own selfish purposes. All we can hope for is a fair public inquiry. Skeptical coincidence theorists will unfortunately probably prevent that from happening though, which is a travesty for truth and the victims.

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7/7 Ripple effect - move it on

03.12.2007 23:47

This film may be perceived as amateurish and biased by some
but it is actually breaking new ground by re- examining events
that have been accepted into the public consciousness without
any questions being asked.

This film painstakingly re-examines the events of that day and
puts them into the context of the other things that were happening
on that day and asks how did these fantastic coincidences occur?
What were the details of the Visor security mock anti terorism exersizes?
who were visor security working for? why have we not had an enquiry into
these events?

You can help to move this subject forward by downloading the film and
watching it, passing it to your family and friends and talking about this
subject before it passes unquestioned into history.

You can download a DVD version of this film by bittorrent transfer as an
iso file and then burn it onto a DVD
Go to the one big website, foirmerly chomskys torrents
Can you please put this link up on the discussion page
Please help to seed this torrent if you can spare the bandwidth?

If you really are sceptics then be sceptical and question the official version of events that has so far been unquestioned - wake up you are supposed to be
the sharp ones here but so far you talk like the rest of the sheep baa baaa!

In solidarity

Nigel Rolland

Nigel Rolland
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7/7 Ripple effect - move it on

06.12.2007 02:41

A copy of the film can all so be got from ebay uk. Just do a search " 7/7 Ripple effect " and bingo.
For the .avi or the .torrent file visit:
If you got the DVD get it ripped, burned and past it around.

Regards: peter

Peter Colton
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