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Calling international solidarity with the anti-fascist murdered by a nazi in...

IMC Madrid | 17.11.2007 13:12 | Anti-racism | Migration | World

Calling international solidarity with the anti-fascist murdered by a nazi in Madrid

Recently nazy-groups' agressions have increased in Madrid, assaulting immigrants by daylight under total authorities' impunity.

On Saturday, the 11th of november, the extreme right - group Democracia Nacional held a demosntration against inmigration in a working district in Madrid.

An antifascist group decided to go and show their rejection and a opposition. On the way there, the group met a neonazi soldier, who stab Carlos, a sixteen years old antifascist, to death.

He also stab Alejandro at his lung, so that he's now in hospital badly injured.
Antifascist collectives have therefor organized a demonstration in the city-centre the 17st of November at 16.30 to hinder a fascist demonstration held the same day and at the same time.

It also has to play homenage to our mate Carlos.

We wanted to call every city to summon protests the same day

No agression answerless.

If someone is hit, then everybody is hit, too.

More information in spanish

IMC Madrid


more info ...

17.11.2007 17:24


Demonstrations are taking place today in several major cities around the Spanish state, including Madrid (around 2000 people), Zaragoza (1000 people) and Barcelona, where around 1000 people marching from University square have been attacked by riot police resulting in clashes that are continuing in and around the Ramblas area.

Live radio stream of the demos in spanish:

Timeline of the demo in Madrid (in Spanish):

Timeline of the demo in Barcelona (in Spanish):

Reports are also coming in of international protests such as the one in Bochum (Germany):



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mate thats today

17.11.2007 14:28

Sorry but we don't have a spontaneous antifascist movement like you do in Europe!

I'm afraid there can't be a demo at zero days notice.

There will be a rally/vigil for our murdered comrade on the 24th - next saturday.


anarchist communist

Memorial for Carlos

21.11.2007 09:50

As the incident involving the murder of an Anti-Fascist is very recent, there has not been that much time to organise the upcoming Memorial Demo. The decision to organise the event was agreed on during the last London Anarchist Federation meeting on the 15 November 2007. AntiFa were contacted by the group the following day. The rest of the Anarchist Federation got stuck in on the same day and over the weekend. We have all done our utmost to contact as many relevant individuals and groups as we can in the short period of time that has been available. If there is anybody that we have not contacted or have been unable to contact, please treat this as an invite. Although this is the weekend of the ‘Feeding of the 5000’ event, the organisers went to great efforts to consider this event and planned the time of the Memorial Demo to prevent a clash or overlap. There will be plenty of time for those that are going to the ‘Feeding of the 5000’ to partake in the Memorial Demo and be a part of Anti-Fascists Solidarity … And I am pretty certain that Steve Ignorant would agree.

Hope to see you there.

Resist Abuse!


International Brigade Monument

22.11.2007 14:33

This is to inform the individuals and groups intending to participate in the memorial to Carlos on the 24 November 2007, that we have established that the International Brigade Monument is within the SOCPA exclusion zone. At the same time, the event is being treated more as a memorial service than an actual protest action. However, there is no way of establishing whether this will make any difference to the police, if they get involved.

If there are problems with them, we plan to move a road or two down to move out of the zone and prevent arrests, as a worse case scenario. At the same time we do intend to approach the event in a responsible manner and the organisers will be visibly present for contact with the police. At the same time we will act in an assertive, but non-hostile manner ... to avoid any unnecessary complications.

We do not want anybody to be disillusioned by the SOCPA exclusion zone aspect, but as a responsible organisation it is our duty to inform anybody that intends to participate in the event on the 24 November 2007, of this knowledge that we have recently acquired.

Hope to see you there

Refuse Abuse
