Your tax money for earthquake-prone nuclear power station in Bulgaria?
Heffa Schücking, translated by Diet Simon | 17.11.2007 03:52
If you pay tax in the UK, some of the money your government takes off you and gives to the European Union might soon be used to build a Russian-designed nuclear power station in an earthquake-prone area of Bulgaria.
Here’s a chance to protest against that with a letter to the EU available at
Part of an international campaign, in Germany the protest action is being run by the group "urgewald e.V." who refer to a “nightmare reactor” proposed for Belene in Bulgaria.
Their Heffa Schücking writes in a round-robin letter:
“Sometimes horrific projects have to be prevented several times over. That’s the case with the Belene atomic power station to be built in an earthquake area in north Bulgaria.
“After broad public protests German banks withdrew from funding of this nightmare atomic power station last year.
“But now there’s the danger of Belene receiving funding from the European Union.
“A few weeks from now the EU Commission will deliver its position on Belene and if it is in favour, the Bulgarian government has good chances of receiving loans from Euratom and the European Investment Bank for the project.
“For the first time our tax moneys would then be used to build new Russian reactors within the EU.
“That is why the imminent decision of the Commission is especially weighty: A positive assessment would give the green light to build new Russian nuclear reactors not just for Bulgaria but also in other east European countries like Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia and Slovakia. All that would make Europe a much more insecure place.
“Together with environmentalist organisations throughout Europe we have started a letter action to the EU Commission and request that you join in.
“Go to the website today and send your protest letter to the EU Commission!
“Spread this action to your friends, neighbours, workmates – ask them to send protest letters, too.
“We have exactly three weeks to make the Commission listen to us. Let’s let them know that the majority of Europeans don’t want new atomic power stations, least of all in earthquake areas!”
Part of an international campaign, in Germany the protest action is being run by the group "urgewald e.V." who refer to a “nightmare reactor” proposed for Belene in Bulgaria.
Their Heffa Schücking writes in a round-robin letter:
“Sometimes horrific projects have to be prevented several times over. That’s the case with the Belene atomic power station to be built in an earthquake area in north Bulgaria.
“After broad public protests German banks withdrew from funding of this nightmare atomic power station last year.
“But now there’s the danger of Belene receiving funding from the European Union.
“A few weeks from now the EU Commission will deliver its position on Belene and if it is in favour, the Bulgarian government has good chances of receiving loans from Euratom and the European Investment Bank for the project.
“For the first time our tax moneys would then be used to build new Russian reactors within the EU.
“That is why the imminent decision of the Commission is especially weighty: A positive assessment would give the green light to build new Russian nuclear reactors not just for Bulgaria but also in other east European countries like Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia and Slovakia. All that would make Europe a much more insecure place.
“Together with environmentalist organisations throughout Europe we have started a letter action to the EU Commission and request that you join in.
“Go to the website today and send your protest letter to the EU Commission!
“Spread this action to your friends, neighbours, workmates – ask them to send protest letters, too.
“We have exactly three weeks to make the Commission listen to us. Let’s let them know that the majority of Europeans don’t want new atomic power stations, least of all in earthquake areas!”
Heffa Schücking, translated by Diet Simon