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'Reclaim the Planet' - Sat Dec 1st

Matt BANning | 16.11.2007 19:01 | Climate Chaos | Ecology

On the 1st of Dec, Bath Activist Network will be putting on a demo/party highlighting radical alternatives to environmental destruction.

The name of the event has been changed to 'reclaim the planet' - which we felt more closley matched our feelings about eco-destruction than the rather vague 'party for the planet'!. The meeting place is still abbey courtyard, but the meeting time is now 11.30. We are hoping to make this a South West wide event (and further afield if your up for making the journey!- crash space will be avaidable), so please come along!
We will be moving through Bath saying hello to some of our favourite planet trashers, playing music, sharing food, playing games and making mischief!

Bring friends, noise makers, food, games, props and ideas!

More info/posters n flyers will be avaidable at the Westside Climate Action gig at the Porter Butt, Bath on Sat 24th Nov 5-11, £6 for 6 bands + food + Action info - Cant say fairer!

Baths new pedal powered sound system is coming along nicley and should be ready for the day!

Posters and flyers to be posted soon.

Matt BANning
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Why use MySpace?

17.11.2007 10:45

Would love to attend. Went to your site and saw that it is hosted on Murdoch's MySpace site - requiring registration and login to watch films or read literature.

Given all that you folk stand for, isn't using MySpace somewhat contradictory? Are there not other sites on which to host activistas?


getting a website together

17.11.2007 14:39

Yeah, its a comment that we have knocked around the group for a while. We are in the process of getting our own website running, mainly for the anti-murdoch reason. However, its a bit of a catch 22, as many committed activists have found us while trawling myspace. While its ethics etc are shit, it has proven to be an effectice networking tool - maybe we should work on building an equally effective alternative!

Mat BANning