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Kurdish Girl Meltem Avcil Deportation Halted

Oscar Beard | 16.11.2007 01:18 | Migration | London | World

Following the protest on Wednesday 14 November and the release of the video on Indymedia UK, the deportation of the 14-year-old Kurdish refugee Meltem Avcil was halted.

I do not know the ins or outs of what happened, as I only received a text saying the deportation was stopped at the last minute.

But for now Meltem Avcil is safer than she would be if she was sent back to to Turkey.

Oscar Beard


Deportation of Meltem Avcil & mother halted

16.11.2007 05:22

The proposed deportation was to Germany in the first instance, although of course they were in danger of being deported from there to Turkey. Also Meltem's mother was being deported with her.

Thanks should go above all to Robina Quereshi of Positive Action in Housing who helped waged a magnificent campaign with hundreds of e-mails bombarding BA and the Home Secretary. Although they didn't succeed in stopping the deportation campaign it clearly had an effect in that Meltem and her mother were too distraught to get onto the plane and for once the immigration officers had to think twice about the normal brutal assaults on asylum seekers.

It gives us an opportunity to redouble our efforts to get them first out of Yarl's Wood.

tony greenstein
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16.11.2007 08:19

germany was the first safe country they claimed asylum and if they didnt accept her we shouldnt she should be sent back


They were assaulted

16.11.2007 21:15

I'm very sorry to contradict but they were assaulted by the escorts, the mother was hurt but I don't know how badly. Keep an eye on The Independet tomorrow, there may be something there.

one of noborders