Gypsy woman murdered in Milan, her makeshift shelter set on fire
Roberto Malini - EveryOne Group | 11.11.2007 16:11 | Anti-racism | World
EveryOne Group is carrying out a campaign against the discrimination and instigation to racial violence that is becoming more and more desperate every day. Write your comment to:
Our members, who are people with modest or normal incomes are donating their own savings to help Roma people in difficulty - by paying their rent, or by sending sums of money to prevent the extreme poverty entire families are subject to leading to more tragedies – more deaths in an Italy in which we are experiencing a climate that resembles more and more the one that hung over our country when Fascism came to power, and when in Germany the idea of the Holocaust took shape.
We are committed to raising the alarm against this new xenophobia, alerting the authorities and the institutions of the existence of racist gangs of murderers, like GAPE, who claimed responsibility for the murder of four gypsy children in Livorno in the ill-famed fire. In this case, as in others, the authorities chose to protect the neo-fascist criminals, in spite of the evidence supplied by members of EveryOne Group. Instead the children’s parents were charged with “abandonment of minors”.
Last night another makeshift shelter in Via Forlanini in Milan caught fire, in the abandoned Carabinieri barracks near the East bypass bridge. The authorities who rushed to the site carried out the usual procedure used when looking for the causes of a fire: a candle, a gas ring. But everyone knows how most of the fires that break out in gypsy camps are caused.
This time, however, the scenario the police officers were faced with was different. Outside the shelter, lying face down over brambles, they found the body of a 36-year-old Roma woman. As they took away the body, the anaesthetist found injuries and bruises defined as “incompatible with life”. One of the injuries was caused by a blunt instrument that could well be the cause of death. This news has circulated in the press which is a positive thing for those who hope that the truth will come to light. Now not even the police doctor can deny it and explain the woman’s death away with an accident. The doctor present at the emergency central operations service confirmed “traumas compatible with an aggression”.
The woman’s body was found by her partner, who alerted the authorities at 41 minutes past midnight: “My girlfriend is lying on the floor, she’s not answering, I think she’s dead”, he shouted in a panic and racked with pain. The aggression took place in the middle of the racial campaign against gypsies triggered off by politicians, police authorities and media after the death of Giovanna Reggiani - the dynamics of which have still to be established. The dynamics of this case is typical of a racist attack: fire and aggression. The climate over the last few days had caused us to fear episodes of violence, and EveryOne Group on various occasions has attempted to raise the alarm through press releases. These, unfortunately, were never published or broadcast by newspapers and television - which are now so compliant towards those in power that they have practically become accomplices. What must we expect from this inquiry?
Now the possibility of putting the death down to an accident is ruled out (seeing it is now common knowledge) it is to be feared that there will be an attempt to explain the death away with a violent gesture from the woman’s partner or another Romanian, claiming it was a fit of jealousy or a case of score-settling.
We must keep an eye on the investigation, and how the media reports this case, which today, amazingly, inspired the journalist from Corriere della Sera to ask (in spite of the evidence): “Accident, revenge or xenophobia”? To be noted the first theory: accident. Absurd, unjust, worthy of this Italy which is sliding into a climate of terror.
We are committed to raising the alarm against this new xenophobia, alerting the authorities and the institutions of the existence of racist gangs of murderers, like GAPE, who claimed responsibility for the murder of four gypsy children in Livorno in the ill-famed fire. In this case, as in others, the authorities chose to protect the neo-fascist criminals, in spite of the evidence supplied by members of EveryOne Group. Instead the children’s parents were charged with “abandonment of minors”.
Last night another makeshift shelter in Via Forlanini in Milan caught fire, in the abandoned Carabinieri barracks near the East bypass bridge. The authorities who rushed to the site carried out the usual procedure used when looking for the causes of a fire: a candle, a gas ring. But everyone knows how most of the fires that break out in gypsy camps are caused.
This time, however, the scenario the police officers were faced with was different. Outside the shelter, lying face down over brambles, they found the body of a 36-year-old Roma woman. As they took away the body, the anaesthetist found injuries and bruises defined as “incompatible with life”. One of the injuries was caused by a blunt instrument that could well be the cause of death. This news has circulated in the press which is a positive thing for those who hope that the truth will come to light. Now not even the police doctor can deny it and explain the woman’s death away with an accident. The doctor present at the emergency central operations service confirmed “traumas compatible with an aggression”.
The woman’s body was found by her partner, who alerted the authorities at 41 minutes past midnight: “My girlfriend is lying on the floor, she’s not answering, I think she’s dead”, he shouted in a panic and racked with pain. The aggression took place in the middle of the racial campaign against gypsies triggered off by politicians, police authorities and media after the death of Giovanna Reggiani - the dynamics of which have still to be established. The dynamics of this case is typical of a racist attack: fire and aggression. The climate over the last few days had caused us to fear episodes of violence, and EveryOne Group on various occasions has attempted to raise the alarm through press releases. These, unfortunately, were never published or broadcast by newspapers and television - which are now so compliant towards those in power that they have practically become accomplices. What must we expect from this inquiry?
Now the possibility of putting the death down to an accident is ruled out (seeing it is now common knowledge) it is to be feared that there will be an attempt to explain the death away with a violent gesture from the woman’s partner or another Romanian, claiming it was a fit of jealousy or a case of score-settling.
We must keep an eye on the investigation, and how the media reports this case, which today, amazingly, inspired the journalist from Corriere della Sera to ask (in spite of the evidence): “Accident, revenge or xenophobia”? To be noted the first theory: accident. Absurd, unjust, worthy of this Italy which is sliding into a climate of terror.
Roberto Malini - EveryOne Group
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11.11.2007 19:49
11.11.2007 20:51
The fact of the matter anyway, is that the Roma are one of western societies semi-legitement scapegoats, thus the attacks on these good people by that mentality. THAT mentality, as now I'm sure that they've had the trip from the horses mouth so to speak at the anarchists convention party, the indymedaa admin crew etc KNOW THAT mentality - the mentality of the ritual child abusers that rule the roost in the west. The problem that Indymeda admin etc have is that they cannot do anything without approval from the maoist commitee meeting, which basically means that totaly fucking stupidity can and does rule very often...thus the problem of the red star never actually being SORTED OUT. Wankers. Its like a mind controlly thing - really people know that this symbol equates to the nazi swastika, but the consensus will never allow this truth to be told, and so the truth gets covered up, and an untruth prevails. An untruth that, if I recall correctly would last all of 2 seconds with peace convoy people. And yes I fucking well lived 'on site' mmmmaaaaaannnn, so I fucking well do actually know what I'm talking about Indymedia/rampart etc wankers. OK, so fucking well HAVE SOME RESPECT SCUM and fucking well take out the red star bullshit and the communist bullshit from this fucking wesbsite. NOW IS THAT FUCKING WELL CLEAR PERVERTED BUNCH OF SCUM.
King Amdo (King of the Gypsies)
This is something for concern
11.11.2007 21:02
James Jones
In a galaxy far away ...
11.11.2007 23:26
The Animal Liberation Front have got so much more guts, courtesy, respect and willingness to effectively fight than you could ever dream to have 'your honour'.
Are you KING of the travellers or something?
Should we bow when you post?
How different are you to us?
What's the special ingredient we ain't added?
Communist/ALF types we are, hell, bring out the gallows lord and punish us.
Pleeeeeaaassssssse!.......... ........ ..... .... .. . lol ! ! ! !
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