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F.I.T @ Huntingdon Life Sciences March Pt1

FIT Watcher | 11.11.2007 00:26 | SOCPA | Animal Liberation | Repression | Social Struggles | Cambridge

F.I.T team present at HLS

Officer Bacon
Officer Bacon

Don't they know pointing is rude?
Don't they know pointing is rude?

Defy FIT

FIT Watcher
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they are not even armed - wtf?

11.11.2007 05:40

what are you lameoids so scared of? a bunch of goons with cameras? well they are not armed so why put up with it or waste time resorting to their stoopid tactics? probably because the majority of u are not even serious about achieving change and are only involved in 'activism' (as opposed to outright resistance!) as a way of making friends due to your poor social skills!!

out to crushem


11.11.2007 22:18

two friends of mine got threatend with arrest for "obstuction" and taking picture of fit on there mobile phones. How silly.


just checking

11.11.2007 23:07

"threatend" is actually "threatened"
"obstuction" is actually "obstruction"..

God love you if you were there on the day!

Act now!

Close HLS!

Shut Them Down!


You're so FIT lad!

11.11.2007 23:55

These people are obviously no more than bully boys. I witnessed one of the senior officers there pyshically pushing some of the media when they were in the middle of filming.

Something to hide?

Bully boy

self importance sucks

12.11.2007 01:23

so out to crushem is such a big resister they have got the time to write pointless comments on the internet

clearly has no understanding that the camera is a weapon

and yeah out to crushem speaks the typical language of an agent provocateur


crush em

12.11.2007 22:17

americans think all police are armed...well some americans....

mail e-mail:

bare faced cheek

15.11.2007 00:31

The "tiddler" cop in the last photo posted is referred to as " smacked arse cop" because everytime he attends an animal rights demo he looks like he's had a good ol' bollocking (or something else) beforehand hence his constant red cheeked look!

looking at you


15.11.2007 00:53

The longer (and thicker) the sideburn the better (esp when state head dress is adourned)

Sexy = No.

Scary = Yes.

Immature = Hell yeah!

Big Mirrors = You Bet They Have Them At Home!

These pricks have sideburn competitions, I'm bloody sure ...

... so what else does such an asswipe strive for?


