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Brian Haw

dh | 07.11.2007 00:44

Just when you thought all discussion of 9/11 Truth was being reduced to Jenny Sparks v Webster Tarpley on here

This nugget from Brian Haw
From this much longer monologue from Brian
In which Brian convincingly cuts up the whole charade
Despite the traffic noise

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Hi Brian...

07.11.2007 04:35

..I hear that you are on a bit of a self sacrifice trip - as the self impose extra hard conditions etc etc etc. I just wanna say that if you think that Jesus's torture was anything else other than persecution by a nazi state then you are deluded. He didn't want that - he wanted a sound collective consciousness/reality shift type trip with NO PAIN FOR ANYONE ESPECIALLY HIMSELF - OK?

..oh and by the way, don't take the 'bible' as some sort of set in stone (sick) sacred artifact - the (real christian) Nostic teachings were removed/edited/not included by the Church of Rome ritual abusers.

Othwerwise you'll just end up putting a cap on your consciousness...oh but, yes, I know, you're a famous saint of a protestor, and therefore anything I say will be ignored/dissed out. Whatever - just thought I'd let you know that the only people you are killing yourself for are the ritual child abusers, so in other words mate, start looking after yourself please.

Thanks you,


King Amdo


07.11.2007 04:59

It's about time someone from the anti war media allowed him to speak uncensored.


if it's wifi there

07.11.2007 14:11

why don't someone give him a laptop and a website to blog live on.or would he not do it?


"blessings" >>AMDO

07.11.2007 15:04

B' bloody Jezuz!... and what's the "KING" shit about man?

People are just getting on with their lives and doing what THEY WANT to do with them.

Why the constant obsession with other peoples lives/ campaigns etc amdo?

Do you ever get out and just get on with living and doing what you personally feel may benefit the world around you? Or are your postings on the internet the extent of this?

Try living YOUR dreams and please don't keep publicly pulling others apart for living their's.



RINF: A Disinformation Website?

12.11.2007 19:31

Just solid facts...!
Just solid facts...!

It's a good interview with Brian Haw but is a disinformation site, they have the attached disclaimer:

"Only information that will stand up in a court of law is presented on the RINF newswire. No speculation, no rumours, no theories. Just solid facts."

However the site runs stories like:

9/11 Truth - We’ve got the BBC on the run

Which contains such gems as:

"Prof Jim Fetzer states the BBC team recorded many hours with him yet showed next to nothing of what he explained were the key science issues of the truth movement & the key evidence – why – what has the BBC got to hide – perhaps the FACTS???"

"PS: Why was Prof Judy Wood not asked to explain the 911 physics?"

If you don't know who Judy Wood is then watch this:

And this is supposed to fit in with the text they have on every page which is reproduced above?!

If you want to know more on Judy Wood and Jim Fetzer, then you could start with these resources:

- Homepage:

Saving stuff from the memory hole...

13.11.2007 11:50 9/11 Truth - We’ve got the BBC on the run 9/11 Truth - We’ve got the BBC on the run Was the WTC demolition to cover up Nuclear Reactor explosion damage Was the WTC demolition to cover up Nuclear Reactor explosion damage

RINF are not happy with accusations of disinformation -- this is a good sign!

The two attached screen shots are from article that were deleted yesterday since they made RNIF look bad, one was at this address: and the other was at this address:
