Webster G Tarpley presentation Leeds Thursday 8th
dh | 04.11.2007 22:59
Webster is appearing at LEEDS, Thursday 8th November, 7pm - Lecture Theatre B2, Lesley Silver Building, Leeds Metropolitan University, Civic Quarter Campus, CalverleyStreet, Leeds, LS1 3HE. - Ticketline 07733 323841

From Guy Fawkes to 9/11, 400 Years of State Sponsored Terror
Princeton Educated U.S. Historian tours Britain
This Guy Fawkes night sees the start of a controversial UK speaking tour
by a Princeton educated American writer. He argues that Muslims are more
the victims of terrorism than the perpetrators and that historically the
state's enemies of the day have been scapegoated as terrorists.
Webster Tarpley argues that Guy Fawkes was a victim of Lord Cecils
anti-Catholic sting operation and that similar tactics are
still being used by Western intelligence services and military today.
Since the events of 9/11 and 7/7, evidence has trickled out that
contradicts the official version of events. Many people now believe these
incidents were in fact war provocations, orchestrated from within the
Western military industrial complex.
The press and public have been left confused and disorientated by a lack
of resolution to some of the biggest stories of our age.
Terrorology is a growing discipline that seeks to bring
academic rigour and reasoned argument to analysing this highly emotive
Throughout his two books The Unauthorised Biography of G. H.
W.Bush and 911 Synthetic Terror Made in USA, Tarpley
links the U.S. state with organised crime. He scours the world for answers
to the contradictions surrounding 9/11 and his controversial conclusions
are gathering support, even amongst eyewitnesses and relatives of the
He finds hard evidence for the roots of 9/11 within the Western
establishment, which he refers to as a 'rogue network' embedded in the
secret state and military apparatus.
Amongst the unanswered questions Tarpley addresses are why…
The US Air Force for up to one-and-a-half hours failed to
intercept hijacked airliners.
The Pentagon crash site’ was inconsistent with the
impact of an airliner.
Put options’ on United Airlines and American
Airlines shares placed before 9/11 were traced back to the Executive
Director of the CIA.
Building 7 at the World Trade Centre in Manhattan
collapsed at freefall speed without being hit by a plane.
And he goes on to ask, is the War on Terror really an
Orwellian programme designed to take away ordinary peoples hard won
civil liberties?
Tarpley's analysis comes as music to the ears for the growing number of
Britons uncomfortable about the suspension of habeas corpus and the racist
overtones of internment and demonisation of Muslims.
Contacts: Tony Gosling 07786 952037, Martin Summers 07730 679894, Adrian
Connock 07971 836689 and local contacts at each venue (see below).
Webster will be available for interview in each venue city of the tour
(see below) from roughly 2pm on the appropriate day. He will be in London
from about midday on Saturday 4th November and leaves Glasgow on Sunday
12th November for Milan where the Italian translation of 911
Synthetic Terror is being launched.
Tour schedule
Tickets £5.00 donation on a strictly first come-first served basis. No-one
turned away due to lack of funds.
LONDON, Monday 5th November, 7pm - St. Johns Church, Waterloo Road,
London, SE1 8TY. (by Waterloo Main Line Stn.) - Ticketline – 07947
OXFORD, Tuesday 6th November, 7pm - Council Chamber, Town Hall, St
Aldates', Oxford, OX1 1BX, Ticketline 07714 364140
BRISTOL, Wednesday 7th November, 7pm - QEH Theatre, Jacob's Wells Road,
Bristol. BS8 1JX - Ticketline 07786 952037
LEEDS, Thursday 8th November, 7pm - Lecture Theatre B2, Lesley Silver
Building, Leeds Metropolitan University, Civic Quarter Campus, Calverley
Street, Leeds, LS1 3HE. - Ticketline 07733 323841
LANCASTER, Friday 9th November, 7pm - Hugh Pollard Lecture Theatre, St
Martins College, Cumbria University, Bowerham Road, Lancaster LA1
3JD - Ticketline 01524 388868
EDINBURGH, Saturday 10th November, 7pm - Friends Meeting House, 7 Victoria
Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2JL - Ticketline 07809 365609
Webster Griffin Tarpley is an activist and historian best known for his
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), which has become an
underground classic.
An expert on international terrorism with decades of experience, he
directed the study Chi ha ucciso Aldo Moro? (Who Killed Aldo Moro?) which
was commissioned by a member of the Italian government and published in
Rome in 1978. [Aldo Moro was an ex-prime minister of Italy who was
murdered by the "Red Brigades," who were ultimately found out to be a
front for a fascist state terror group.]
Against Oligarchy, a collection of Tarpley's essays and speeches, appeared
on the Internet in 1996. He also wrote Surviving the Cataclysm (1999), an
analysis of the world financial crisis.
In 2005, Tarpley's ‘9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA’ gained
a following and is now going into a fourth edition. On October 7, 2006,
Amazon.com's top non-fiction book reviewer, Robert David Steele, called it
"the strongest of the 770+ books I have reviewed here at Amazon."
Tarpley has appeared on CNN Crossfire, FOX News, Charlie Rose, talk radio,
and cable access television across North America.
Tarpley’s own website - www.tarpley.net
Progressive Press, Tarpley’s publisher - www.waronfreedom.org
Tarpley on 911 blogger.com -

A3 Tarpley Tour Poster:

A5 Tarpley Tour Flyer:

Webster Tarpley--what you need to know before you blow 5 quid
05.11.2007 00:03
Hoffman: It's so clear. What possible motive would there be someone to go making these vicious characterizations of these really well known peace activists like Cindy Sheehan… When people like [Cosmos], Arabesque, and Wolsey report on it, to be viciously attacked by Tarpley with all these ridiculous accusations of COINTELPRO…? Very entertaining to watch, very vivid, just lurid—it's ridiculous. It's all just completely concocted, he makes it sound like you, and Wolsey and these people that he's saying are COINTELPRO just popped up in the last year is just an utter lie. I think it's a really good test of whether people are really in this in the benefit of our movement: are we going to tolerate this sort of thing? Where are the voices of the alleged leaders of the 9/11 truth movement about this and similar incidents? I think the silence from some quarters is deafening.

He's no "leader" of ours any more:
Webster Tarpley: Your services will no longer be required

Jenny Sparks
Webster Tarpley and the Kennebunkport Warning Controversy
06.11.2007 08:30
The Kennebunkport Warning Controversy Reviewed
On August 29th, 2007, Webster Tarpley issued the Kennebunkport Warning. It claimed "massive evidence" suggested that a US-Sponsored false flag terror attack would be orchestrated in "the coming months". The original document listed signatures by Cindy Sheehan, Ann Wright and others.
Or did it?
At least five anti-war activists including Cindy Sheehan denied signing the document and an ensuing controversy erupted. While those who denied signing the document were civil and cordial, those who created the warning offered insults, accusations, and divisive behavior. Later, those investigating the affair were targeted with accusations and insults along with false allegations that they "opposed" the Kennebunkport warning and "worked for the Ford Foundation". Charges of incivility against the warning promoters remain unacknowledged.
While many offered their take on the controversy, a "9/11 truth leader" responded without naming names or taking sides; giving advice on how to deal with disinformation, infiltration, and agent provocateurs. Jim Hoffman offered his thoughts on Cosmos' radio show:
"It's so clear. What possible motive would there be someone to go making these vicious characterizations of these really well known peace activists like Cindy Sheehan… When people like [Cosmos], Arabesque, and Wolsey report on it, to be viciously attacked by Tarpley with all these ridiculous accusations of COINTELPRO…? Very entertaining to watch, very vivid, just lurid—it's ridiculous... I think it's a really good test of whether people are really in this in the benefit of our movement: are going to tolerate this sort of thing? Where are the voices of the alleged leaders of the 9/11 truth movement about this and similar incidents? I think the silence from some quarters is deafening."
See also:
Arabesque's investigation into Webster Tarpley's
Kennebunkport Warning and a summary of the divisive language, accusations, and ad-hominems in the controversy by Webster Tarpley and his supporters against Cindy Sheehan, the anti-war activists, and those investigating the controversy
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Hello Jenny Sparks
05.11.2007 00:53
Blow 5 quid?
Nobody is refused admission
Webster is tops absolutely.
If you've got something to say against that's ok. There are many varieties of belief over the coming order and specifying one against another isnt all that helpful
Not helpful?
05.11.2007 02:43
Tarpley's not helping us or 9/11 Truth with his LaRouche/Fezter/Captain May/ Nico Haupt disinfo connections--all documented, btw--so why should we help him?
And why are you?
Ought to know better, you should...
Jenny Sparks
me thinks the lady doth protest too much
05.11.2007 09:05
S'funny how someone like you always comes along to 'take on' anyone who threatens to take the basic message that 911 was a lie to a wider audience.
Do you understand the premis behind debate?
I don't trust you jenny sparks, you are too conveinient.
Tebster warply
Please examine away...
05.11.2007 10:32
Or if that would require too much effort why don't you look at this great video of me, it explains a lot:
Oh and of course you should trust me, I was a loyal supporter of Lyndon LaRouche for many years, it's where I learnt my MO, though the bastard "kicked me out" 10 years ago, at least that is my cover story.
The reason all these grassroots 9/11 truth movement activists have it in for me is because I called Cindy Sheehan and four other anti-war activists "wretched individuals" and "appalling liars"--they joined together (in a conspiracy) to deny signing a document (after signing it) because they are scared of "losing their foundation funding" -- why this should have upset anyone is beyond me, so I simply label all these people COINTELPRO, this makes things simple for my followers and means that they will dismiss any criticism of me without looking at the evidence.
I hope I can buy Whoppers in this country, where is the nearest BK? Can you fetch me half a dozen I'm a little peckish, my trap needs filling, again.
Whopper Traply
"The lady doth protest too much..."
05.11.2007 10:41
Well, stone me. ;-P
Now do yourself a favor and follow the links, luv--I've plenty of company coming. Mind, you won't see the lot if you're looking the wrong way...
Jenny Sparks
Whopper Traply : Nice one!
05.11.2007 10:46
Jenny Sparks
05.11.2007 15:34
You are the dame what is refered too 'love' innit.
This, plus a huge amount of fake articles circulating, purporting to come from the 'leading' lights of the 911 truth movement. Seems like they are hitting some nerve, so quick quick, focus on personalities, spread half truths and alarmist lies BUT DON'T EVER DEBATE THE FACTS.
What next? A few involuntary suicides? Some trumped up charges? People like the fake sparks encouraging demos and blockades against 911 truth movements meetings, some divide and conquer techniques?
Still, a fiver will buy you some strong cider to produce elequant denouncements of those that get up and make the attempt to engage in politics - which as all you 'real' anarchists tell me 'is a waste of time'.
Well go to sleep little men and women, go to sleep.
the real jenny sparks
You what?
05.11.2007 21:55
Nah, just having a laugh with that.
Don't know what you're on about with the rest. 9/11 and 7/7 are dead important--too important to let wankers like Tarpley hijack the debate.
He and his lot almost succeeded in the States--you want to let him do it here? Save yourself some time then and just admit you embrace the no-planes, DEW, and Lyndon Larouche tossers.
The rest of us will be out there trying to save the world...
Jenny Sparks
05.11.2007 22:21
Yes and how did you become an addition rather than a comment? Because you dived in with a response so quickly, that it would only be expected of the original contributor?
Who is Jenny Sparks? who is arabesque? who is cosmos? Where did they suddenly appear from so long after the main event? And find it reasonable to rip into a seasoned commentator.
Go away with your nonsense.
Anyone who can make one of the presentations, and who have doubts about Webster's integrity, can of course challenge him on this one on one.
Btw the fiver is a "voluntary donation". Poor individuals for whom that represents missing some meals or something will not be denied entrance
"Who is cosmos?"
06.11.2007 00:24
After losing my uncle Mickey on 9/11, I began looking into the truth behind the event in early 2002. I took part in my first street action for 9/11 truth in the summer of 2002. I am a founding member of the first (non-internet) 9/11 truth group in the US, the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance. In early 2003 I started a long-running cable access television program focusing on 9/11 truth - the first on the west coast. In early 2007 I founded truthaction.org and initiated a ongoing campaign for united action on the Eleventh Day of Every Month until Justice. This 100% grassroots autonomous and non-hierarchical campaign started off in 3 cities in the US and in the past eight months has spread to over a hundred locations around the world. I also host a radio show 3 nights a week called Truth Revolution Radio.
You can check out Truth Revolution Radio here:
We're building an ad-free archive of the show here:
so glad you made the effort
06.11.2007 08:31
In order to be respected and genuine, WT should have demanded that various people be refused the right to comment and speculate. He should have put at least as much effort into bad mouthing, distracting, decrying and generally acting like some 911 aparachik shouldn't he love.
Thank the gods of war that we have someone like you to set us straight and remind us that we can have any sort of debate we like as long as it conforms to the safe expressions of sympathy and 'normal' reality in keeping with the notion that it was all just a misunderstanding.
911 truth should not be a broard church, it should be a narrow one. Only those squeaky clean, coventionally rational and initimatly linked with grief should be allowed in. Screen the rest of them fuckers for tendencies not befitting a toothless movement.
Now pass the molten steel and will you have powderised re-enforced concret with that vicar?
the incredible and real jenny sparks
No Q&A's in London, more Whoppers please
06.11.2007 13:58
Someone above asked about "bad mouthing, distracting, decrying", yes, this is my stock in trade, for example I have said:
* 9/11 activists Arabesque, Jenny Sparks, Cosmos, and Michael Wosley are COINTELPRO, "organized COINTELPRO cells"
* 9/11 activists Arabesque, Jenny Sparks, Cosmos, and Michael Wosley are stooges, pawns, foot soldiers, or dupes
* 9/11 activists Arabesque, Jenny Sparks, Cosmos, and Michael Wosley work for the Ford Foundation
* 9/11 activists Arabesque, Jenny Sparks, Cosmos, and Michael Wosley work for Chip Berlet
* 9/11 activists Arabesque, Jenny Sparks, Cosmos, and Michael Wosley are slanders, poison pens, saboteurs, and wreckers
* 9/11 activists Arabesque, Jenny Sparks, Cosmos, and Michael Wosley are part of an "FBI Counter Gang"
* 9/11 activists Arabesque, Jenny Sparks, Cosmos, and Michael Wosley are "military assets"
* 9/11 activists Arabesque, Jenny Sparks, Cosmos, and Michael Wosley are "professional agitators"
* 9/11 activists Arabesque, Jenny Sparks, Cosmos, and Michael Wosley could be "working under multiple pseudonyms"
* 9/11 activists Arabesque, Jenny Sparks, Cosmos, and Michael Wosley have not produced "any article of any consequence"
* 9/11 activist Jenny Sparks is a man
* 9/11 activist Cosmos could be a "Chechen rebel"
* 9/11 activist Jenny Sparks could be a "cigar chomping FBI agent"
* 9/11 activist Jenny Sparks could "work for a branch of Shin Bet somewhere in the Occupied Territories or a subcommittee of the National Security Council"
* Cindy Sheehan and the anti-war activists are "wretched individuals"
* Cindy Sheehan and four other anti-war activists are "appalling liars"--they joined together (in a conspiracy) to deny signing a document (after signing it) because they are scared of "losing their foundation funding" and "authoritarian forces".
Now, where are the 4 Whoppers I ordered? And can you please get rid of those buns, I just like eating the meat.
Whopper Traply
07.11.2007 08:08
Sure put the wind up your bags dinni?
But, back to the facts (laughs hysterically) - as if!
gee man
Cheers to everyone who helped with our educational action during Tarpley's tour
10.11.2007 22:34
Cheers again! ;-)
Jenny Sparks
Fuck off Jenny
10.11.2007 23:50
Fuck off
You are an evil bitch
We're actually done here, dh--which was clear if you read me last post
11.11.2007 21:31
Jenny Sparks
FYI: dh?
11.11.2007 21:57
Jenny Sparks
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