9/11 Asking Questions
Cornelius Boss | 03.11.2007 18:29 | Social Struggles
Here’s 22 questions mostly based on false LIHOP lightweight planehugger premises .The answers however in this case are the total categorical un-equivocal truth.
9/11 Asking Questions
1. Why did Bush-Cheney refuse to testify before the 9/11 Commission under oath and insist that they testify jointly?
2. Why do so many of the bereaved of 9/11 call the 9/11 Commission a whitewash on key issues?
3 Why did the Bush FBI ignore Arab students in flight school especially Zacarias Moussaoui who expressed total dis-interest in take-offs and landings after the FBI reported it?
4. Why did the Immigration Service grant entry to the alleged hijackers, even giving a visa twice to Mohammed Atta after his assumed death.
5. Why did Bush toss aside a report labeled Urgent: Bin Laden Determined to Strike US while in Texas on vacation just prior to 9/11?
6. Why were Pentagon generals and others warned not to fly commercially just before 9/11?
7. Why did Bush ignore the many foreign and domestic warnings of, and precursors to 9/11?
8. How did a photo of Bin Laden and 4 airliners appear on the cover of a NORAD terrorism document in June 01, if there wasn’t any prior knowledge of the attacks?
9. Bush learned about the first tower strike upon arriving at the school. Why didn’t he then take charge and order the hijacked jets intercepted instead of just sitting there as the planes raced toward their targets?
10. How did Flight 77 get through Ds vaunted air defense 51 minutes after the initial North tower explosion?
11. Didn't the military have standing orders to intercept in this scenario? We know that if this had been Israel, a hijacked aircraft would never get to Tel Aviv, even if the leaders were asleep?
12. With all of the attacks starting in US airspace, why were fighters belatedly sent to patrol the Atlantic instead of the US cities?
13. Why didn’t Bush pull out all stops to kill Bin Laden at Tora Bora, Afghanistan?
14. Why did Bush allow Pakistan to rescue Taliban fighters besieged by US troops at Kuduz, Afghanistan in November 01?
15. Why was the Anthrax mailer never found? Why have only 2 of nearly 400 detainees at Guantanamo been brought to trial amid W’s brags about swift justice for “terrorists”?
16. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 said Pres. Bush at a White House press conference. Why did he let the effort in Afghanistan fade while ordering the invasion of Iraq-pleasing big oil?
17. Why did Halliburton CEO Dick Cheney formally petition Clinton to invade Iraq on two occasions, years before 9/11?
18.Why is Bush now backing Sunni warriors in Iraq that have been killing US troops and civilians if he is serious about terror?
19. Four years after entering WWII, we beat the Japanese across the Pacific and the Germans across Europe. Why 6 years after 9/11, is Bin Laden free, the Taliban resurgent, and al Qaeda larger than ever.
20. Like Bin Laden, 14 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis, and the Saudi are funding the Sunni insurgency in Iraq. Why then is Bush upset with Iran while backing the Saudis? Is war in Iran for hegemony over that oil rich territory on the horizon?
21. Why do Republicans justify searching little old ladies at airports in the name of security, while keeping porous borders, allowing poisoned imports from Red China, fighting cargo inspection, and arming radical Islamic regimes like Saudi Arabia? Is this treason?
22. Will you support impeachment only when it’s too late? After your loved ones are drafted to kill and die for oil and ego?
1.Bush and Cheney feigned trepidation in hopes of lending some appearance of legitimacy to a totally illegitimate commission. The 9/11 whitewash Commission was a complete farce. It was the Philip Zelikow commission, not the Thomas Kean, Lee Hamilton commission. By the way, the subject of Philip Zelikow’s doctoral dissertation was the creation and maintenance of myths. The 19 Arab hijacker 9/11 fairy tale categorically qualifies as a myth. 9/11 was a totally botched false-flag operation. Nonetheless craven sheeple TV-ized, Limbaugh loony lemming-like Americans are bent on giving this pathetic 9/11 farce a free pass.
2.Word is that only 11 of the so-called families are actively seeking a re-opening of any 9/11 investigation. Try googling some of those victim’s names and you’ll be shocked by some of the mysteries that surface further betraying the absolute farce 9/11 was. See links to recent findings in this area after #22.
3.This ‘uninterested in taking off or landing’ statement came from Zacarias Moussaoui who is the archetypal example of a victim of the sheep dip technique used by the Mossad, MI-6, MI-5, CIA, et al.--- A CIA etc. agent (let’s call him agent-A) will befriend an unsuspecting person (Moussaoui) by - say-joining an upholstery class or an art or photography group, something like that , and then go about fashioning a pattern of e-mail and telephone contact with the innocent unsuspecting victim .Then a second MI-6,CIA or -you name it- agent (let’s call him agent - B) starts a self wiretapped malicious series of e-mails and phone calls with agent-A with both agents pretending to plot bombings ,kidnappings, and assassinations. The innocent unsuspecting involuntary patsy who is linked to agent-A is in due time accused of being a “terrorist” (there’s that word again) ; arrested and tortured into bogus confessions based on the phony evidence created by agents A and B .The falsely accused and then incarcerated gull is invariably labeled as being linked to the mythical al Qaeda . The Guy Fawkes bombing plot of 1605 is history’s most notable variation off of this sheep dip technique. The sheeple masses never learn. Most 9/11 patsies were duped using more conventional lines of attack. And believe me; the perpetrators in the run-up to 9/11 had netted a stable of operative patsies numbering well beyond any scant 19; as well as their having created pseudo money trails, paper trails, credit card trails, and e-mail trails sufficient to service perhaps ten make believe hijackings with full bloom fake warnings pre-locked and loaded ready to fool the gullible masses. How gullible ?- you might ask .It just so happens that Mohammed Al Qahtani was likewise tortured into confessing to being the “20th hijacker” nigh on under the supervision of one Donald Rumsfeld. Just as with Bin Laden vs. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - discussed in answer #13; the pathetic American public accepts both contradictions.
4.They were patsies. In any false flag operation such as 9/11 it’s essential that the patsy bubble not be compromised and that no patsies be arrested or outed during the false warning creation phase of the operation The patsies need to be safeguarded until the operation is complete and the perps have succeeded in building up an adequate false facade of blame against the patsies. We all need to understand the mechanism. The MI-6, Mossad, CIA double and triple agents create the patsy rings or cells. The patsies are kept in the dark as to the nature of the project/objective at hand. The CIA, MI-6, MI-5, et al agents will wiretap themselves in order to create false warnings and implicate the patsies. These western intelligence agencies make good and sure that the patsies fly around, get wiretapped, get video taped, e-mail one another, use credit cards, these kinds of things, by which the scapegoats by proxy create phony paper trails, money trails etc. All this in time, seals the patsies doom. Bogus torture induced confessions are matter-of-course. At what point in time do Americans in mass get it through their thick skulls that western intelligence agencies hardly ever actually gather any real intelligence? Their role is to create false warnings to serve empire.
5.Because he knew that the statement “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the U.S. “was simply part of the fake warnings that preceded the 9/11 false flag operation. These and other fake warnings were locked and loaded ahead of time during the setup of the pre-9/11 crime scene and were part of the false veneer needed to add believability to the fake counterfeit terrorist attacks that took place on Sept. 11,2001 .Those warnings were every bit as phony concocted and spurious as the planted evidence in that bevy of rental cars attributed to the non-existent hijackers , complete with copies of the Koran, instructions on how to fly jumbo Boeing jets ,terrorist guidebooks , cockamamie Operation Bojinka gobbledygook and the like.
6.This happened for the same reason that Ariel Sharon as well as Willie Brown the former Mayor of San Francisco were warned. They were deemed worth saving.
7.Same as answer #5 .Those warnings were every bit as phony as the 9/11 false flag operation itself, and the planted evidence amongst that bevy of rental cars referred to in answer #5.
8.Prior knowledge is not the correct term. 9/11 was a false flag operation fashioned around the National Reconnaissance Office Drill and Amalgam Virgo. It was a case of hijacking drills going live of course without any actual hijackings, just silly lies about hijackings plus planted explosives and pyrotechnics triggered by remote control followed by a tsunami of infantile lies. Also be advised that there were training manuals with covers depicting two tall twin buildings with red cross hairs as though from a rifle superimposed over one of them.
9.The lies about there having been hijackings -bear in mind -hadn’t hit the airways at this point in time. No jets were hijacked nor could there have been. There were no planes racing toward any targets. For crying out loud, there hasn’t been a front line modern American jet hijacked since 1973. That spans more than a generation before 9-11-2001. Now just think, there’s a reason for this impressive streak. Anti hijack mechanisms have been in place since the early 1970s .It’s impossible to hijack a Boeing 767 or a 757. Although it’s remotely possible in theory to hijack an Airbus A340, a DC9 or a Folker 100, maybe even a Boeing 737 or a Boeing 777; the Boeing 757, 767, 747, and 768 cannot!!!! be hijacked. Upon an attempted hijacking the big jet would be taken over electronically from the ground and directed to a military facility. Early in the onset of an attempted hijacking some member of the flight crew would key in the four digit we’re being hijacked” code. Word is that on a Boeing 767, for instance, there are 7 different key pad locations throughout the aircraft where a member of the flight crew can type in the four digit code alerting air traffic control that there is hijack situation. In an actual hijacking the plane would be taken over electronically from the ground overriding anything that can be done from the inside the aircraft short of cutting a bunch of wires or disabling the entire electrical system and surely thereby crashing the plane. The plane would be flown by remote control from the ground and any negotiations with hijackers will take place with the aircraft sitting on a tarmac. Notice also that there is no scrambling of fighter jets as part of the anti-hijack S.O.P. Scrambling of fighter jets takes place when an aircraft goes off course and air traffic control is unable to establish radio contact with the flight crew. Scrambling of NORAD fighter jets has no part in any anti hijack S.O.P. Why should it be? Bring it in. Set it down. All this talk about a stand-down of NORAD on 9-11-2001 is pure bunk. The entire concept of Boeing 767s and 757s having been hijacked on 9-11-2001 is pure cockamamie flapdoodle fictitious nonsense. Neither WTC tower was struck. Rather it was in a few instances amateurish vector keyed computer generated images of planes against a background of a real Wescam live video shot , and the majority of times CGIs of planes against a Google earth-like geo-referenced background image using a technique known as greyboxing . It’s safe to say that all the Google-earth backgrounds were prepared before 9-11-2001 for the National Reconnaissance Office Drill. We also beheld absurd pyrotechnic enhanced explosions coming out of an unlikely three sides of the south tower.
10. Flight 77 never existed. This doesn’t mean that tail # N644AA didn’t exist. According to the National Transportation Data Base tail # N644AA had no 9-11-2001 wheel off time-simply 000 to be specific. There were no planes racing toward any targets as Bush sat in Booker Elementary school. The entire story about planes being hijacked on Sept. 11, 2001 is a complete lie.
11.No hijacked planes would get to New York or Washington, DC either and how about facing reality -this has nothing to do with NORAD as just mentioned above. Again, not even as much as a single front line U.S. airliner has been hijacked since 1973. Were talking about a time period spanning more than a generation before 9-11-2001. Again, there’s a reason for this. Anti hijack mechanisms have been in place since the early 1970s. It’s impossible to hijack a Boeing 767 or a 757. Again, early in the onset of an attempted hijacking some member of the flight crew will key in the four digit we’re being hijacked” code. Word is that on a Boeing 767, for instance, there are 7 different key pad locations throughout the aircraft where a member of the flight crew can type in the four digit code alerting air traffic control that there is hijack situation. Again, if there is an actual hijacking the plane would be taken over electronically from the ground overriding anything that can be done from the inside the aircraft short of cutting a bunch of wires or disabling the entire electrical system which would probably crash the plane anyway. The plane would be flown by remote control from the ground and any negotiations with hijackers will take place with the aircraft on a tarmac. Notice also that there is no scrambling of fighter jets included in the anti-hijack S.O.P. Scrambling of fighter jets takes place when an aircraft goes off course and air traffic control is unable to establish radio contact with the flight crew. Scrambling of NORAD fighter jets has no part in any anti hijack S.O.P. Why should it be? Bring it in. Set it down. All this talk about a stand-down of NORAD on 9-11-2001 is pure blatherskite. The entire concept of Boeing 767s and 757s having been hijacked on 9-11-2001 is pure cockamamie flapdoodle fictitious nonsense.
12.No interceptor jets left ground until the slight of hand Pentagon explosion. And, that was the plan. As noted in answer #11, fighter jets are not part of a hijack response S.O.P. The NORAD flights out into the Atlantic were silly intentional delaying maneuvers. Instead of Andrews Air Force Base which in the Washington, DC area, jets were scrambled from Langley outside of Norfolk, VA and of course they waited until after the phony Pentagon event. This wait was no accident.
13.Because Bin Laden was a patsy. See answer #4. The mainstream media wants to perpetuate the lunatic idea that this dialysis patient with a cell phone sitting in front of a mountain wilderness cave in Afghanistan planned 9/11. Curiously the media also would have us believe that 9/11 was planned by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed .Craven sheeple Americans accept this dual non-reality. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has subsequently been coerced into a bogus confession. Neither of these gentlemen had any part in the events of 9-11-2001.
14.The real story is that Pakistan rescued two of their top military (brigadier level) commanders on Nov22, 2001. What makes this tricky is that Pakistan had just derecognized the Taliban regime as recently as Nov 21. What's more, the so-called Taliban fighters included nearly 3000 Pakistanis, Arabs, and Chechens. So any apparent unexplained clemency on the part of U.S. forces more than likely stems from this. The military orders for the mission were probably already in place. The U.S true to form back in 2001 was capturing displaced men lacking support groups of any kind and forcing them into U.S. created brigades, or falsely accusing them of being guerilla fighters belonging to the totally non-existent Al Qaeda and shipping them to Guantamo Bay. The Northern Alliance pitched in by selling such individuals to the U.S. drawing on the same false accusations.
15.The anthrax mailer was never found because a real investigation would have led to BushMob/FedGov, private military contractors, and western intelligence agencies.
16.The effort in Afghanistan has not faded. The aims were to establish a land bridge” between the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf. Secondly to reestablish the poppy crop to help exhume the CIA drug trafficking to the U.S. aimed with bolstering the prison industrial complex. Thirdly to build Unocal’s pipeline. Notice that a former Unocal executive Arman Karsar is Afghanistan’s puppet head of State. Scarcely can it properly be said that our efforts in Afghanistan have faded.
17.Like Rosie O’Donald has said, for the money. Hussein was not willing to allow without a fight for his beloved and -at the time- sovereign nation of Iraq to become a client state serving the U.S. the global capitalist, and the criminal finance oligarchs; so even pre-9/11 pre-Bush there were evil forces at work attempting to get Bilderberger, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations reprobate William Jefferson Clinton to invade Iraq.
18.He’s not. Bush is backing U.S. created Salvadorian style death squads involving Sunnis and Shi’ites killing Sunnis and Shi’ites. No doubt there is some copycat violence independent of the U.S occupiers .But, by in large all talk of sectarian violence in occupied Iraq is bunk.
19.Bin Laden died and was buried in December 2001. The Taliban is a CIA creation. Al Qaeda is total myth. In fact, the term Al-Qaeda had never been part of normal western vernacular except between 1972 and 1982 as a nickname of sorts for Zbigniew Brezezinskiy’s computer data base of available patsy Golden Crescent drug trade financed guerrilla trainees that assisted the Pakistani ISI and the utterly criminal CIA in covert destabilization in Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Caucasus Chechnya. “Al-Qaeda” is a word resurrected from the past by (as some have suggested) Richard Clark, George Tenet, and Dick Cheney to be used as part of the 9/11 myth/fable/lie. There is no evidence that any organization named Al-Qaeda exists independent of Western intelligence agencies. See links after #22.
20.There were no hijackers. There were double and triple stolen identified patsies whose only 9/11 roles were to create as noted above false money trails etc. The same number of planes was hijacked this morning as were hijacked the morning of 9-11-2001. That number is zero!!! The Bush administration are lackey shills for the aforementioned global capitalist and criminal finance oligarchs serving them with the U.S military as enforcer. Everything said about Iran by the U.S. these days are lies aimed at promoting imperialist, aggressive, and thieving asymmetric war against that yet another sovereign nation with ambitions of harvesting Iran’s resources.
21.Any searching of little old ladies at airports is disingenuousness in support of the bogus, racist , xenophobic war on terror. You’re simply kidding yourself if you think freight coming into this country is in need of inspecting. Furthermore you can bet your bottom dollar that the powers that be do not really want mass inspection of incoming goods because more than 10% of the freight that moves anywhere in the world involves some kind of smuggling that benefits the rich and powerful. This chatter here and there about some need for mass inspection of freight can be chalked up to naivety.
22.Bush should have been impeached as soon as he withdrew the U.S. from the Keota treaty.
From #19
from #2
1. Why did Bush-Cheney refuse to testify before the 9/11 Commission under oath and insist that they testify jointly?
2. Why do so many of the bereaved of 9/11 call the 9/11 Commission a whitewash on key issues?
3 Why did the Bush FBI ignore Arab students in flight school especially Zacarias Moussaoui who expressed total dis-interest in take-offs and landings after the FBI reported it?
4. Why did the Immigration Service grant entry to the alleged hijackers, even giving a visa twice to Mohammed Atta after his assumed death.
5. Why did Bush toss aside a report labeled Urgent: Bin Laden Determined to Strike US while in Texas on vacation just prior to 9/11?
6. Why were Pentagon generals and others warned not to fly commercially just before 9/11?
7. Why did Bush ignore the many foreign and domestic warnings of, and precursors to 9/11?
8. How did a photo of Bin Laden and 4 airliners appear on the cover of a NORAD terrorism document in June 01, if there wasn’t any prior knowledge of the attacks?
9. Bush learned about the first tower strike upon arriving at the school. Why didn’t he then take charge and order the hijacked jets intercepted instead of just sitting there as the planes raced toward their targets?
10. How did Flight 77 get through Ds vaunted air defense 51 minutes after the initial North tower explosion?
11. Didn't the military have standing orders to intercept in this scenario? We know that if this had been Israel, a hijacked aircraft would never get to Tel Aviv, even if the leaders were asleep?
12. With all of the attacks starting in US airspace, why were fighters belatedly sent to patrol the Atlantic instead of the US cities?
13. Why didn’t Bush pull out all stops to kill Bin Laden at Tora Bora, Afghanistan?
14. Why did Bush allow Pakistan to rescue Taliban fighters besieged by US troops at Kuduz, Afghanistan in November 01?
15. Why was the Anthrax mailer never found? Why have only 2 of nearly 400 detainees at Guantanamo been brought to trial amid W’s brags about swift justice for “terrorists”?
16. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 said Pres. Bush at a White House press conference. Why did he let the effort in Afghanistan fade while ordering the invasion of Iraq-pleasing big oil?
17. Why did Halliburton CEO Dick Cheney formally petition Clinton to invade Iraq on two occasions, years before 9/11?
18.Why is Bush now backing Sunni warriors in Iraq that have been killing US troops and civilians if he is serious about terror?
19. Four years after entering WWII, we beat the Japanese across the Pacific and the Germans across Europe. Why 6 years after 9/11, is Bin Laden free, the Taliban resurgent, and al Qaeda larger than ever.
20. Like Bin Laden, 14 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis, and the Saudi are funding the Sunni insurgency in Iraq. Why then is Bush upset with Iran while backing the Saudis? Is war in Iran for hegemony over that oil rich territory on the horizon?
21. Why do Republicans justify searching little old ladies at airports in the name of security, while keeping porous borders, allowing poisoned imports from Red China, fighting cargo inspection, and arming radical Islamic regimes like Saudi Arabia? Is this treason?
22. Will you support impeachment only when it’s too late? After your loved ones are drafted to kill and die for oil and ego?
1.Bush and Cheney feigned trepidation in hopes of lending some appearance of legitimacy to a totally illegitimate commission. The 9/11 whitewash Commission was a complete farce. It was the Philip Zelikow commission, not the Thomas Kean, Lee Hamilton commission. By the way, the subject of Philip Zelikow’s doctoral dissertation was the creation and maintenance of myths. The 19 Arab hijacker 9/11 fairy tale categorically qualifies as a myth. 9/11 was a totally botched false-flag operation. Nonetheless craven sheeple TV-ized, Limbaugh loony lemming-like Americans are bent on giving this pathetic 9/11 farce a free pass.
2.Word is that only 11 of the so-called families are actively seeking a re-opening of any 9/11 investigation. Try googling some of those victim’s names and you’ll be shocked by some of the mysteries that surface further betraying the absolute farce 9/11 was. See links to recent findings in this area after #22.
3.This ‘uninterested in taking off or landing’ statement came from Zacarias Moussaoui who is the archetypal example of a victim of the sheep dip technique used by the Mossad, MI-6, MI-5, CIA, et al.--- A CIA etc. agent (let’s call him agent-A) will befriend an unsuspecting person (Moussaoui) by - say-joining an upholstery class or an art or photography group, something like that , and then go about fashioning a pattern of e-mail and telephone contact with the innocent unsuspecting victim .Then a second MI-6,CIA or -you name it- agent (let’s call him agent - B) starts a self wiretapped malicious series of e-mails and phone calls with agent-A with both agents pretending to plot bombings ,kidnappings, and assassinations. The innocent unsuspecting involuntary patsy who is linked to agent-A is in due time accused of being a “terrorist” (there’s that word again) ; arrested and tortured into bogus confessions based on the phony evidence created by agents A and B .The falsely accused and then incarcerated gull is invariably labeled as being linked to the mythical al Qaeda . The Guy Fawkes bombing plot of 1605 is history’s most notable variation off of this sheep dip technique. The sheeple masses never learn. Most 9/11 patsies were duped using more conventional lines of attack. And believe me; the perpetrators in the run-up to 9/11 had netted a stable of operative patsies numbering well beyond any scant 19; as well as their having created pseudo money trails, paper trails, credit card trails, and e-mail trails sufficient to service perhaps ten make believe hijackings with full bloom fake warnings pre-locked and loaded ready to fool the gullible masses. How gullible ?- you might ask .It just so happens that Mohammed Al Qahtani was likewise tortured into confessing to being the “20th hijacker” nigh on under the supervision of one Donald Rumsfeld. Just as with Bin Laden vs. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - discussed in answer #13; the pathetic American public accepts both contradictions.
4.They were patsies. In any false flag operation such as 9/11 it’s essential that the patsy bubble not be compromised and that no patsies be arrested or outed during the false warning creation phase of the operation The patsies need to be safeguarded until the operation is complete and the perps have succeeded in building up an adequate false facade of blame against the patsies. We all need to understand the mechanism. The MI-6, Mossad, CIA double and triple agents create the patsy rings or cells. The patsies are kept in the dark as to the nature of the project/objective at hand. The CIA, MI-6, MI-5, et al agents will wiretap themselves in order to create false warnings and implicate the patsies. These western intelligence agencies make good and sure that the patsies fly around, get wiretapped, get video taped, e-mail one another, use credit cards, these kinds of things, by which the scapegoats by proxy create phony paper trails, money trails etc. All this in time, seals the patsies doom. Bogus torture induced confessions are matter-of-course. At what point in time do Americans in mass get it through their thick skulls that western intelligence agencies hardly ever actually gather any real intelligence? Their role is to create false warnings to serve empire.
5.Because he knew that the statement “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the U.S. “was simply part of the fake warnings that preceded the 9/11 false flag operation. These and other fake warnings were locked and loaded ahead of time during the setup of the pre-9/11 crime scene and were part of the false veneer needed to add believability to the fake counterfeit terrorist attacks that took place on Sept. 11,2001 .Those warnings were every bit as phony concocted and spurious as the planted evidence in that bevy of rental cars attributed to the non-existent hijackers , complete with copies of the Koran, instructions on how to fly jumbo Boeing jets ,terrorist guidebooks , cockamamie Operation Bojinka gobbledygook and the like.
6.This happened for the same reason that Ariel Sharon as well as Willie Brown the former Mayor of San Francisco were warned. They were deemed worth saving.
7.Same as answer #5 .Those warnings were every bit as phony as the 9/11 false flag operation itself, and the planted evidence amongst that bevy of rental cars referred to in answer #5.
8.Prior knowledge is not the correct term. 9/11 was a false flag operation fashioned around the National Reconnaissance Office Drill and Amalgam Virgo. It was a case of hijacking drills going live of course without any actual hijackings, just silly lies about hijackings plus planted explosives and pyrotechnics triggered by remote control followed by a tsunami of infantile lies. Also be advised that there were training manuals with covers depicting two tall twin buildings with red cross hairs as though from a rifle superimposed over one of them.
9.The lies about there having been hijackings -bear in mind -hadn’t hit the airways at this point in time. No jets were hijacked nor could there have been. There were no planes racing toward any targets. For crying out loud, there hasn’t been a front line modern American jet hijacked since 1973. That spans more than a generation before 9-11-2001. Now just think, there’s a reason for this impressive streak. Anti hijack mechanisms have been in place since the early 1970s .It’s impossible to hijack a Boeing 767 or a 757. Although it’s remotely possible in theory to hijack an Airbus A340, a DC9 or a Folker 100, maybe even a Boeing 737 or a Boeing 777; the Boeing 757, 767, 747, and 768 cannot!!!! be hijacked. Upon an attempted hijacking the big jet would be taken over electronically from the ground and directed to a military facility. Early in the onset of an attempted hijacking some member of the flight crew would key in the four digit we’re being hijacked” code. Word is that on a Boeing 767, for instance, there are 7 different key pad locations throughout the aircraft where a member of the flight crew can type in the four digit code alerting air traffic control that there is hijack situation. In an actual hijacking the plane would be taken over electronically from the ground overriding anything that can be done from the inside the aircraft short of cutting a bunch of wires or disabling the entire electrical system and surely thereby crashing the plane. The plane would be flown by remote control from the ground and any negotiations with hijackers will take place with the aircraft sitting on a tarmac. Notice also that there is no scrambling of fighter jets as part of the anti-hijack S.O.P. Scrambling of fighter jets takes place when an aircraft goes off course and air traffic control is unable to establish radio contact with the flight crew. Scrambling of NORAD fighter jets has no part in any anti hijack S.O.P. Why should it be? Bring it in. Set it down. All this talk about a stand-down of NORAD on 9-11-2001 is pure bunk. The entire concept of Boeing 767s and 757s having been hijacked on 9-11-2001 is pure cockamamie flapdoodle fictitious nonsense. Neither WTC tower was struck. Rather it was in a few instances amateurish vector keyed computer generated images of planes against a background of a real Wescam live video shot , and the majority of times CGIs of planes against a Google earth-like geo-referenced background image using a technique known as greyboxing . It’s safe to say that all the Google-earth backgrounds were prepared before 9-11-2001 for the National Reconnaissance Office Drill. We also beheld absurd pyrotechnic enhanced explosions coming out of an unlikely three sides of the south tower.
10. Flight 77 never existed. This doesn’t mean that tail # N644AA didn’t exist. According to the National Transportation Data Base tail # N644AA had no 9-11-2001 wheel off time-simply 000 to be specific. There were no planes racing toward any targets as Bush sat in Booker Elementary school. The entire story about planes being hijacked on Sept. 11, 2001 is a complete lie.
11.No hijacked planes would get to New York or Washington, DC either and how about facing reality -this has nothing to do with NORAD as just mentioned above. Again, not even as much as a single front line U.S. airliner has been hijacked since 1973. Were talking about a time period spanning more than a generation before 9-11-2001. Again, there’s a reason for this. Anti hijack mechanisms have been in place since the early 1970s. It’s impossible to hijack a Boeing 767 or a 757. Again, early in the onset of an attempted hijacking some member of the flight crew will key in the four digit we’re being hijacked” code. Word is that on a Boeing 767, for instance, there are 7 different key pad locations throughout the aircraft where a member of the flight crew can type in the four digit code alerting air traffic control that there is hijack situation. Again, if there is an actual hijacking the plane would be taken over electronically from the ground overriding anything that can be done from the inside the aircraft short of cutting a bunch of wires or disabling the entire electrical system which would probably crash the plane anyway. The plane would be flown by remote control from the ground and any negotiations with hijackers will take place with the aircraft on a tarmac. Notice also that there is no scrambling of fighter jets included in the anti-hijack S.O.P. Scrambling of fighter jets takes place when an aircraft goes off course and air traffic control is unable to establish radio contact with the flight crew. Scrambling of NORAD fighter jets has no part in any anti hijack S.O.P. Why should it be? Bring it in. Set it down. All this talk about a stand-down of NORAD on 9-11-2001 is pure blatherskite. The entire concept of Boeing 767s and 757s having been hijacked on 9-11-2001 is pure cockamamie flapdoodle fictitious nonsense.
12.No interceptor jets left ground until the slight of hand Pentagon explosion. And, that was the plan. As noted in answer #11, fighter jets are not part of a hijack response S.O.P. The NORAD flights out into the Atlantic were silly intentional delaying maneuvers. Instead of Andrews Air Force Base which in the Washington, DC area, jets were scrambled from Langley outside of Norfolk, VA and of course they waited until after the phony Pentagon event. This wait was no accident.
13.Because Bin Laden was a patsy. See answer #4. The mainstream media wants to perpetuate the lunatic idea that this dialysis patient with a cell phone sitting in front of a mountain wilderness cave in Afghanistan planned 9/11. Curiously the media also would have us believe that 9/11 was planned by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed .Craven sheeple Americans accept this dual non-reality. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has subsequently been coerced into a bogus confession. Neither of these gentlemen had any part in the events of 9-11-2001.
14.The real story is that Pakistan rescued two of their top military (brigadier level) commanders on Nov22, 2001. What makes this tricky is that Pakistan had just derecognized the Taliban regime as recently as Nov 21. What's more, the so-called Taliban fighters included nearly 3000 Pakistanis, Arabs, and Chechens. So any apparent unexplained clemency on the part of U.S. forces more than likely stems from this. The military orders for the mission were probably already in place. The U.S true to form back in 2001 was capturing displaced men lacking support groups of any kind and forcing them into U.S. created brigades, or falsely accusing them of being guerilla fighters belonging to the totally non-existent Al Qaeda and shipping them to Guantamo Bay. The Northern Alliance pitched in by selling such individuals to the U.S. drawing on the same false accusations.
15.The anthrax mailer was never found because a real investigation would have led to BushMob/FedGov, private military contractors, and western intelligence agencies.
16.The effort in Afghanistan has not faded. The aims were to establish a land bridge” between the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf. Secondly to reestablish the poppy crop to help exhume the CIA drug trafficking to the U.S. aimed with bolstering the prison industrial complex. Thirdly to build Unocal’s pipeline. Notice that a former Unocal executive Arman Karsar is Afghanistan’s puppet head of State. Scarcely can it properly be said that our efforts in Afghanistan have faded.
17.Like Rosie O’Donald has said, for the money. Hussein was not willing to allow without a fight for his beloved and -at the time- sovereign nation of Iraq to become a client state serving the U.S. the global capitalist, and the criminal finance oligarchs; so even pre-9/11 pre-Bush there were evil forces at work attempting to get Bilderberger, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations reprobate William Jefferson Clinton to invade Iraq.
18.He’s not. Bush is backing U.S. created Salvadorian style death squads involving Sunnis and Shi’ites killing Sunnis and Shi’ites. No doubt there is some copycat violence independent of the U.S occupiers .But, by in large all talk of sectarian violence in occupied Iraq is bunk.
19.Bin Laden died and was buried in December 2001. The Taliban is a CIA creation. Al Qaeda is total myth. In fact, the term Al-Qaeda had never been part of normal western vernacular except between 1972 and 1982 as a nickname of sorts for Zbigniew Brezezinskiy’s computer data base of available patsy Golden Crescent drug trade financed guerrilla trainees that assisted the Pakistani ISI and the utterly criminal CIA in covert destabilization in Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Caucasus Chechnya. “Al-Qaeda” is a word resurrected from the past by (as some have suggested) Richard Clark, George Tenet, and Dick Cheney to be used as part of the 9/11 myth/fable/lie. There is no evidence that any organization named Al-Qaeda exists independent of Western intelligence agencies. See links after #22.
20.There were no hijackers. There were double and triple stolen identified patsies whose only 9/11 roles were to create as noted above false money trails etc. The same number of planes was hijacked this morning as were hijacked the morning of 9-11-2001. That number is zero!!! The Bush administration are lackey shills for the aforementioned global capitalist and criminal finance oligarchs serving them with the U.S military as enforcer. Everything said about Iran by the U.S. these days are lies aimed at promoting imperialist, aggressive, and thieving asymmetric war against that yet another sovereign nation with ambitions of harvesting Iran’s resources.
21.Any searching of little old ladies at airports is disingenuousness in support of the bogus, racist , xenophobic war on terror. You’re simply kidding yourself if you think freight coming into this country is in need of inspecting. Furthermore you can bet your bottom dollar that the powers that be do not really want mass inspection of incoming goods because more than 10% of the freight that moves anywhere in the world involves some kind of smuggling that benefits the rich and powerful. This chatter here and there about some need for mass inspection of freight can be chalked up to naivety.
22.Bush should have been impeached as soon as he withdrew the U.S. from the Keota treaty.
From #19

from #2

Cornelius Boss
disinformation alert
05.11.2007 23:00
"Neither WTC tower was struck. Rather it was in a few instances amateurish vector keyed computer generated images of planes against a background of a real Wescam live video shot , and the majority of times CGIs of planes against a Google earth-like geo-referenced background image using a technique known as greyboxing . It’s safe to say that all the Google-earth backgrounds were prepared before 9-11-2001 for the National Reconnaissance Office Drill. We also beheld absurd pyrotechnic enhanced explosions coming out of an unlikely three sides of the south tower."
I think it's fairly safe to say that this person is a "no planer" and thus, a disinformation agent working to undermind the efforts of the 9/11 truth and justice movement.
Add another one to the list of those guilty as accessories to murder.
I think it's fairly safe to say that this person is a "no planer" and thus, a disinformation agent working to undermind the efforts of the 9/11 truth and justice movement.
Add another one to the list of those guilty as accessories to murder.
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