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The division bell

James Jones | 03.11.2007 03:11

James Jones | 03.11.2007 02:39
Used by parliment to seperate the those for the current government and those against.But in real life there is a division bell ringing to seperate those that know the real streets from the ones who think they do,that being those that govern us all.

he Division bell

James Jones | 03.11.2007 02:39

For me the division bell came with the death of Rhys Jones. Then shortly after the brutal rape by the same gang of a 15 year old child. Further to that the lack of an investigation by Merseyside police, not including the poor forensic investigation of the crime scene of the murder of the child Rhys Jones and the connection with paid off cops. Cops that crawled on hands and knees, without metal detectors for a week and never found a single bullet of three. Abysmal is not a word good enough to describe the performance of this force. That claims to have reduced crime. But also the worse than abysmal investigation into the rape of a 15 year old child by the same crew resposible for the shooting of Rhys. You may say it was the Crocky crew killed Rhys. But as far as i'm concerned them and their opposites the noggadogs, and their family's, and relations are all to blame. Now the division bell is this. Kill them all. By all I mean them and their family's.No prisoners.Fuck the cops. Time to do justice ourselves.I don't believe a word the cops say anymore.It's time for us to own and use our own guns.

James Jones

James Jones


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Fire cannot put out fire

03.11.2007 08:54

I would only ask you do not mix up revenge with justice, they are not the same thing. And forgiveness is a much superior characteristic than either.

Just like you cannot put out fire with more fire, you cannot get rid of violence and hatred with more violence and hatred. You should use water to put out fire. Water is as opposite to fire as love is to hatred. An eye for an eye and the whole world will eventually be blind.

I admire the outrage that gives rise to your anger. So look at that anger within and see how to best put it to use, and ask yourself will your violence not just serve to perpuate the violence of the cops. In fact it will give them an excuse to continue.

Rise above the language of the cops my friend.
With respect.

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Tools of the Oppressor

03.11.2007 09:31

How many more generations until we learn that violence isn't the smart answer? My grandchildren wont be free and I appreciate your anger but comments like those make it look like my grandchildren's grandchildren will be in the same boat we are in.
