The Crooked Irish Residential Institutions Redress Board
Setanta. | 03.11.2007 01:52 | Other Press | Social Struggles | World
It encourages unscrupulous people to lie and give false statement against unsuspecting innocent people.
Solicitors,Barristers and the Judiciary are adversely involved,and knowingly work with a system that is fundamentally flawed and in breech of National and International Human and Civil Rights.
Solicitors,Barristers and the Judiciary are adversely involved,and knowingly work with a system that is fundamentally flawed and in breech of National and International Human and Civil Rights.
It has been stated that “Victims'/Survivor's of institutional abuse and their legal firms such as Michael E. Hanahoe Solicitors. Sunlight Chambers have pressurized the Tainiste Michael Mc Dowell, leader of the Progressive Democrats, and Minister Michael Martin and their colleagues in the Irish Government to set up The Residential Institutions Redress Board in Dublin”.
So be it, but both myself and my family have suffered great trauma and suffering because of false accusations of child sexual abuse made by individuals through the Redress Board about myself, an innocent person. I have found the Redress Board to be a Draconian and Secretive organization that is blatantly biased against anyone who is named by any applicant who alleges that they were abused while resident as children in Irish State Institutions.
The Board demands secrecy under its threat of a huge fine to anyone who gives away its closely guarded secrets. All the Boards files are kept by them in total secrecy.
Innocent people like me are actively discouraged from pursuing anyone through the Board. In a letter to Mr. Frank Heffernan Solicitor, Kinsella Heffernan Foskin,14 Parnell Street Waterford, a Mr. David Humphries, Barrister at Law, The Law Library, Dublin, said that "It is not in fact expected that many or even any persons named in allegations before the Redress Board will attend". And in his wisdom, he added "I understand from speaking with an official at the Redress Board recently that people are to be informed of allegations made against them as a matter of justice but without it being expected that they will want to attend since no findings will be made against them".
Any applicant to the Redress Board can, and have made serious allegations of crimes against them while they were children, and resident in state run institutions in Ireland. These alleged heinous crimes are detested by the general public, and if successfully tried in court, would result in a prison sentence greater than for murder. This esteemed and learned Barrister, and his Official in the Redress Board, and Mr. Heffernan Solicitor, appears to have little or no regard for innocence and fair justice.
All papers relating to the applicants cases are held by the board in total secrecy. A person who wishes to challenge a false allegation has no right to view these case files, and no right to pursue the Board or its applicants. And its unsuspecting victims are denied their right to access any records of any Redress Board Hearing.
The esteemed and learned Judiciary, Barristers, Solicitors and legal firms who work in and around the Residential Redress Board are acutely aware that some applicants have produced statements alleging abuse, that are fundamentally flawed, unsafe, untruthful and incredible. And these esteemed and honorable people remain silent and are prepared to do nothing about it.
This unwarranted and outrageous Redress Board encourages many applicants to lie, and make false and untruthful statements about innocent people, and, to add insult to injury, the applicants who have lied, and given false evidence, then get paid for doing so by the Board.
And the Irish Judiciary, and the Barristers, and firms of solicitors describe the Residential Redress Board's function as "Justice".
Thousands of euros of public money has been awarded in secret to lying unscrupulous applicants without any fair hearing or challenge through the Board by their unsuspecting victims
I submit that Ireland is in Breech of it’s Constitution, and Civil, National ,European, and International rights for any innocent victims of the Residential Institutions Redress Board. I and my family have been destroyed by the Redress board, and I have no right of challenge, or pursuit through the Board.
I submit that no person is safe while the Residential Institutions Redress Board continues to exist.
I submit that the Irish Government has committed a protracted act of reckless foolishness on a scale unprecedented in the entire history of child abuse compensation schemes.
I submit that it is lightly that a very large number of claims made to the Redress Board through solicitor firms such as Michael Lanigan & Co. Kilkenny City, Ireland, and many, many more are unsafe and incredible.
I would say that if it were possible to investigate these applications to the Redress Board, as many as 90% would prove to have been entirely false.
I believe that the Residential Institutions Redress Board is a National disgrace, and an international scandal. Irish Government politicians, and their colleagues, which include firms of Barristers and Solicitors who gave advise and set up the Redress Board, have placed an evil monster in our society which encourages unscrupulous people to lie, and make false statements alleging their suffering of past abuse. From the public funds if the Irish people, the Redress Board then pays them for doing so.
It is very lightly that so far, one billion euros has been paid out in compensation by the Redress Board to many miserable lying unscrupulous applicants and their legal teams, for false allegations of child physical and sexual, and mental abuse.
I am just one of the many families that have been destroyed by the Redress Board.
Judge Sean O'Leary and his legal colleagues in the Redress Board are fully aware of this monumental, and catastrophic crooked situation. But these Elite, Esteemed, Honorable and highly educated professional people are prepared to do nothing about it.
Mr. Justice Ryan's Report set out an approach to the question of redress "that was both objective and compassionate, and which reflected political and public view that the state should respond to those abused as a result of its past failures".
However, Justice Ryan, in his wisdom, never made any proper provision for policing and pursuit of any applicants, and their legal teams, who might be prepared to make false and untruthful claims to the Redress Board.
I hold evidence that false claims have been made to the Redress Board, and I submit that many false claims have been made to the Redress Board by unscrupulous lying applicants, who have perjured themselves openly in front of Judge Sean O'Leary, and in the full knowledge that they will get away with it.
These lying applicants are robbing the Irish State of substantial amounts of money, and ruining the credibility of genuine applicants to the Board. And destroying innocent victims and their families.
There is no redress for Redress Board for innocent people who have been named by unscrupulous, lying applicants to the Board. When the damage has been done to these unfortunate innocent named victims, they are then left to suffer in degradation, isolation, and frustration, to suffer from being falsely, and wrongfully accused of the most terrible sexual and physical crimes that they did not commit, and from the Boards draconian secrecy, for the rest of their lives.
With so many crooked lawyers around, it is difficult, if not impossible for a falsely accused person to secure the services of any Irish Solicitor who would be prepared to challenge the might of this very corrupt and biased Redress Board..
In the last four years, I have used, or should I say, tried to use the services of ,three firms of Solicitors, and one individual Woman Solicitor, who was also a Nun. The first company advised me to stay low, say nothing, tell nobody, and wait and see if the Gardai would do anything. The second Solicitor, the Nun, worked against me, and failed to carry out my instructions. The Third Solicitor firm also worked against me, and then closed down without any warning .I had paid ten thousand euros to this firm, and got nothing in return. My complaints to the Irish Law Society were fruitless, and a waste of my time. The fourth Solicitor firm, after being silent for two months, informed me, that they were unable to continue with my case. I consider all these Solicitors to be suspect, and I have been searching for a credible solicitor for years in Ireland, and without any success to date.
St. Josephs Residential School Kilkenny.
I now refer to a time thirty years ago, and more recently to two Irish Health Boards, who have colluded together and persecuted myself and my family to this present day. And all because of their unfounded and unproven perception of guilt against myself, and men who have provided sworn statements, and lied, and perjured themselves while at hearings at the Residential Redress Board Dublin.
I have written in detail, and made verbal contact with the Commission to Enquire into Child Abuse. But they informed me that my testimonies were inadmissible because I had not been resident in the institutions as a child. I supplied them with pertinent and very important information about false allegations of child abuse. And just because of some obscure rule of limitation, even though they had seen, and read my submissions, they were prepared to ignore my evidence, and do nothing about it.
Every claim at the Redress Board Hearing is examined in detail by the Board.
I submit that it is wrongful to encourage unscrupulous applicants to the Board to lie, and make false statements.
I submit that it is wrongful to reward lying applicants to the Board, with a biased one-sided opinion, and large sums of money.
Two wrongs do not make a right.
I have no sympathy for any perceptions, which favor the people who have set up the Residential Institutions Redress Board, and for those miserable people who have made false statements alleging that they were sexually and physically and mentally abused by me.
Should you be a genuine applicant to the Redress Board, this vile practice does you no good service, and destroys innocent people and their families.
I have been fighting my corner for years against ill informed and witch hunt hungry people. I have written to every quarter, and got nowhere. But the battle of the innocence goes on.
Crooked Solicitors and Crooked Irish Police.(The Gardai )
I wish to make some comments and observations about Crooked Solicitors, Crooked Kilkenny Gardai. Crooked Barristers. Crooked Legal Council, and a very Crooked Residential Institutions Redress Board, and Crooked Judge Sean O'Leary.
I have seen statements submitted to the Redress Board which clearly show that the Irish State Authorities, namely, The Gardai (The Irish Police Force),The Judiciary, Solicitors, and Barristers, have handled, and acted upon statements submitted by unscrupulous lying individuals from St.Josephs Industrial School Kilkenny City, in Ireland, while knowing that the material contained therein was suspect, unsafe, and fundamentally flawed.
On 9th.January 2003, Mr.Ian Smith, Social Worker and Team Leader in the Waterford Health Board stated that Mr.Ed. Murphy, Social Worker in the South Eastern Health Board had confirmed that it was suspected that a Paedophile ring operated amongst the staff in St.Josephs in Kilkenny.
I submit that when allegations of child sexual, and physical abuse were made, and originating from St.Josephs in Kilkenny, our Witch Hunt public, and State Officials, especially, and notably, the Kilkenny Gardai, formed a perception of guilt against every person that was named by those who had made the allegations.
I submit that the whole system of redress was designed to be in favor of all applicants, and heavily weighted, and biased against all those who were accused by these applicants.
Having formed a perception of guilt against named individuals, the Kilkenny Gardai then acted, without doing their homework, and without any fair justice, and a basic common sense, and intelligence.
I believe that Crooked Solicitors, Crooked Barristers, Crooked Legal Council, a Crooked Redress Board Judge, Sean O’Leary, and the very Crooked Redress Board as a whole, have for years, assisted some unscrupulous applicants, through their draconian law and order, to attain their end, which was their receipt of large sums of money.
And these allusive, and secretive authorities, have done, and are continuing to operate their system of outrageous secrecy, and cookery, and playing their part in a complicated, and well planned, and engineered cover-ups of a monumental national sexual abuse scandal, involving the scandalous neglect by the Irish Government, and the Catholic Church, of our children, who were placed in the care of our Irish State, and Church run institutions over thirty years ago.
In total secrecy, the Residential Institutions Redress Board pays out large sums of money to applicants, and also expenses and legal fees are claimed by the applicant’s legal teams.
And this being carried out by them, while they are aware that false allegations of child sexual, and physical abuse, and mental suffering, that are contained in some of the applicants statements.
And in their full knowledge of the resulting destruction of innocent men, women and children, who have to suffer the stigma, frustration, grief and trauma from what has been wrongfully said against them, and from incompetent and biased Social Workers, Poison Pen Letters, Witch-Hunt gangs of miserable, and ignorant people, and Gardai that will do nothing about it.
I am suffering all of this, after being accused in the wrong through the Redress Board, who then denies me, the falsely accused person, my basic Civil, Constitutional, National, European and International right of a fair, Defense, Challenge, and Reply.
I have recently found out that I have a police record as a result of the untruthful and unfounded allegations made against me by unscrupulous lying applicants, who have made sworn statements against me to the Redress Board.
I suspect that criminal police records are secretly applied to hundreds of unsuspecting and innocent people who have been named at the Redress Board by lying applicants.
The opinion, and belief of the general public, that it was the adult employees, and staff, and the Nuns, including Sr.Joseph Conception, who was the Reverend Mother, and Manageress of St.Josephs, who were the only perpetrators of this alleged sexual, and physical, and mental abuse alleged to have been suffered by the children in St.Josephs Kilkenny.
But contained in their statements that I have seen, which have been written, and witnessed by the Kilkenny Gardai, and presented by Solicitors on behalf of their clients to the Redress Board, clearly shows, that on their own admission, and statement, it was the children themselves that were sexually, and physically, and mentally abusing each other. This was happening on a regular basis, while they were growing up, and while they were resident in St.Josephs Kilkenny.
In these statements, there are multiple, and appalling accounts of explicit, and graphical, sexual and physical contact between boys and boys, and between boys and girls. These children were all residents at that time in St.Josephs Industrial School, Kilkenny.
This deplorable conduct went on in St.Josephs for many years, and this fact has been clearly stated in the men's many statements.
This recorded, and well documented situation is kept in secret from the general public by The Redress Board, and other Irish Agencies of the Law, and it shows, that a large group of children, consisting of vulnerable girls and boys, who have, since a tender age, been having sexual, and physical contact with each other for many years, and that the same children, who are now adults, have now made multiple allegations that they suffered child sexual abuse from the Management, and Staff of St.Josephs.
I submit that it is blatantly obvious that all the statements that I have seen are fundamentally flawed, unsafe and incredible.
The secrecy of the Crooked Redress Board, and the Crooked Gardai, and the Crooked Solicitors, and their Crooked Legal Council, and a whole host of other Crooked professional people who have been, and are involved with these cases, ensure that unscrupulous applicants to the Redress Board can Lie, and make false statements while knowing that they will expect to get away with it.
And the Residential Redress Board pays them large sums of money for doing so.
However, I submit that their enjoyment of this money will be short lived, because they have sold their souls to the Devil for a penny.
These unscrupulous applicants have admitted in their own statements, that they, as children, and also in their teens, and while they were resident in St.Josephs Kilkenny, were engaged in sexual, and physical abuses over a long period of time, with each other.
Boys sexually and physically abusing other boys, and boys sexually abusing girls.
And girls indecently exposing themselves while being unsupervised, and in the company of these boys, while under the care of the nuns, and while they lived in St.Josephs Industrial School, Kilkenny.
Quotations from their Sworn Statements.
Extracts from only a few of their statements of which I have seen, are contained in the following quotations.
These evil practices, and events, are described in the men's statements to the Redress Board as being "Regular"
And their years spent in St.Josephs, while living in "a highly sexualized atmosphere"
"most of the lads were messing around with each other, mostly at night after going to bed.
It consisted of oral sex, masturbation and generally messing around with each others privates".
"We were exploring each other sexually".
"I would recall that a lot of these residents were sexually active with each other while in St.Josephs"
"A boy aged about sixteen used to come into my bed .He used to pull down my clothes .lie on top of me and worked himself up and down until he ejaculated on top of me. He did this when ever he felt like it, which was regular"
"The girls used to do hand stands with no knickers on"
"The lads used to be feeling their privates"
"I remember **Named Girl**She had big breasts and she would come into our rooms topless"
"The boys would feel her breasts"
"I was completely destroyed by the stress of it all and would describe myself as being in a disturbed state of mind"
"I would say at this stage I was in a deep state of depression"
"When I was in Summerhill most of the lads used to masturbate each other regularly"
"One night I came home and found **Named Boy** messing with my brother **Named Boy**He had his hands underneath the bedclothes. I gave **Named Boy** a few digs. This statement has been read over to me by Garda Maher and is correct"
And also witnessed by Garda Sergeant John Tuohy, 16574C Kilkenny Garda Station.
Summerhill was the name of one of the units "sets” which was part of St.Josephs Residential School Kilkenny.
These are some of the horrific examples of children from St.Josephs describing their activities in their statements, which have been written and witnessed by the Kilkenny Gardai in 1995.and 1997.and also presented to the Redress Board in 2003.
Garda Sergeant John Tuohy, Detective Sergeant Liam Maher, and Detective Garda John Bergin of Kilkenny Garda station have written, and acted on the statements by many unscrupulous individuals from St.Josephs who have lied, and falsely claimed that they were sexually and physically abused by me while they were resident in St.Josephs Kilkenny.
The firm of Solicitors, Michael Lanigan & Co.1 High Street, Kilkenny City, have acted on behalf of these unscrupulous applicants, and while representing their clients, presented these statements to the Redress Board for redress.
I wrote to Michael Lanigan & Co, in Kilkenny, but they declined to respond to my request for pertinent information about their unscrupulous client.
In their letter addressed to myself, and dated 23rd.March 2006.they stated "I confirm that I would not be in a position to divulge any information whatsoever in respect of any clients case to a third party. I am sure you will appreciate I must keep Solicitor Client relationships confidential” This was signed by Martin O' Carroll Michael Lanigan & Co.
I wrote to The Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse, but in their reply dated 21st.November 2005.and in their wisdom, they stated "As you are aware, you are not accused of abuse by anyone giving evidence to the Investigation Committee of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse.” and "The complaints that you level at the authorities in this regard are outside the terms of reference of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse."
I made the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse fully aware of the men from St. Josephs Industrial School Kilkenny who had made false statements alleging that they had suffered child sexual, mental and physical abuse while they lived there as children over thirty years ago, and the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse did nothing about it.
The Sunday Times reporter John Burns
In kind with my letters and efforts to make contact with the elusive Irish agencies listed previously and hereafter, I wrote to The Sunday Times, and supplied them with some examples of my grief and suffering as a result of being falsely accused of child abuse, and about the disgraceful way that I and my family have been treated by Incompetent Biased Social Workers of the Irish Health Boards, the corrupt Irish Police force, and the corrupt solicitors, Barristers and their legal teams, and others, who had been involved in our tragic case.
But in their reply dated 25th.November 2003, the Sunday Times news reporter John Burns stated, that "as a mere journalist," he was not competent to deal with these serious matters.
I wrote to the Redress Board while requesting a transcript of a particular hearing where I had proved that an unscrupulous applicant from St.Josephs had lied about me, and that he had committed perjury while at that hearing, but they declined my request.
Even my crooked solicitor wrote to the Redress Board and requested a transcript of that Hearing. They again declined to release the transcript while stating that” We are at a loss to understand "as to why you should require same, as it would serve no useful purpose.
I wrote seven letters of complaint to Superintendent Gordon Ryan of the Kilkenny Gardai in November 2005 about six of these individuals who had made false statements against me. But the Gardai in Kilkenny did nothing about it, and they have remained silent to date.
The seven formal complaints also adversely implicated the Kilkenny Gardai named in my formal complaints, for Neglect of Duty, and their failure to respond to my letters of complaint, and much, much more.
Garda Superintendent Gordon Ryan, Garda Superintendent Patrick G. Mangan, Garda Inspector Pat O'Connor and Garda Sergeant Frank Mc Kenna of Kilkenny Garda Station are all fully aware about this serous situation, and they have done nothing about it to date.
However, as a result of a formal complaint made by myself to An Garda Siochana Complaints Board in Dublin, a full Garda Enquiry was set up by the Complaints Board to investigate the matters. The Gardai investigated the Gardai, while I waited patiently.
Garda Superintendent Gordon Ryan of Kilkenny Garda Station was the subject of this internal Garda enquiry, for his alleged Improper Conduct by neglect of duty, and his alleged failure over a reasonable length of time to respond to my serous enquiries.
Chief Superintendent Garda T.P. Murray was their investigator.
My formal complaints were made to Garda Superintendent. Gordon Ryan on 28th November 2005, and the Kilkenny Gardai have never acted on my statements.
The conclusion of the Garda Enquiry dated 20th.December 2006 was that “The Board having considered all the particular circumstances of the case, is of the opinion that neither an offence nor a breach of discipline on the part of the member complained of has been disclosed. Accordingly, the Board will take no further action in the matter.”
I wrote to the Irish Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, and advised and complained to them about the many matters concerning and about my tragic case. But they avoided any involvement, and declined to respond, while stating;
"As your letter refers to documentation released to you by the South Eastern Health Board on foot of a request made by you under the Freedom of Information Act, I have forwarded your letter and enclosures to the South Eastern Health Board for their attention and direct reply to you on the matter. If you should have any further queries on the matter, you should contact the Freedom of Information Officer in the South Eastern Health Board at 056-7784100."
This was signed by Maeve Hogan, Freedom of Information Officer, and dated 11th.November 2003.
The South Eastern Health Board has remained elusive and silent, and in kind with their elusive colleagues in the Irish Police Force, and The Residential Institutions Redress Board, they have also declined to make any reply to me on the matter.
I wrote to the Ombudsman, and complained in detail about the very bad treatment that I was receiving from Emily O'Reilly, who was the Freedom of Information Commissioner. But to my surprise, I learned that Emily O'Reilly also held the "impartial" post of Ombudsman. This is an obvious conflict of interest of the two positions held by this esteemed and honorable woman, and her positions held intact and unchallenged with the blessing and approval of a very corrupt Irish State Authority.
I did not expect, nor did I receive a favorable reply from the Ombudsman and the Freedom of Information Commissioner.
We have a common, and detested name "Paedophile" which is freely applied by adults to use it to describe any person who is accused of abusing and / or murdering children.
But what name can adults call the children from St.Josephs Kilkenny, who have admitted that they have sexually and physically abused each other regularly for years, while they lived as children under the care of Sister Joseph Conception, and the nuns in St.Josephs Kilkenny. This catastrophic information about the children’s lives in St.Josephs has been made by my false accusers, checked, and written by the Kilkenny Gardai (Police) who have acted on same, and also presented to the Redress Board for redress.
What suitable name can adults use, which would adequately, and accurately describe the Nun, Sr.Joseph Conception, who thirty years ago was the Reverend Mother, and Manageress of St.Josephs Industrial School Kilkenny, and her Holy Sisters of Charity, who lived, and worked there, and the Catholic Church, and the Irish Government Officials, and Civil Servants, and Ministers, and the many other informed and miserable people who allowed these deplorable, and dangerous conditions to happen, and then allowed them to continue for such a long time in St.Josephs?
Would any responsible Person, Mother, or Father, or Nun, allow sexually active, adolescent, depressed, and disturbed, and vulnerable boys to have free unsupervised access to each other, and with other boys and girls of all ages, during day time, bed time, night time, and morning time while they were resident in St.Josephs?
What responsible Person, Father, or Mother, or Nun, would allow physically developing, adolescent, and vulnerable girls, to be unsupervised, and have sexual contact and related activities with sexually active, physically developing and adolescent, immature, depressed, and disturbed and vulnerable boys?
This information about their past events in St.Josephs has been given by these boys, who are now grown men, in their statements to the Kilkenny Gardai named earlier, and also tendered by them as sworn statement before the Redress Board, where they callously declared their truthfulness, and signed documents which stated that;
"Giving false information or evidence to the Board is an offence"
and, "This Statement is correct"
and "I declare that the information which I have given in this form is true to the best of my knowledge, and understand that I am personally responsible for it"
and, "I hereby declare that this statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I make it knowing that if it is tendered in evidence I will be liable to prosecution if I state anything which I know to be false or do not believe to be true"
Sergeant John Tuohy, and Detective Sergeant Liam Maher, and Detective John Bergin received, and wrote down this appalling information in statements submitted by individuals from St.Josephs in 1995,and 1997.
In 2003, more statements were made by the same individuals, and all these papers including the papers of 1995 and 1997 were presented before the Redress Board for redress.
Many of these statements contain conflicting information that did not match their earlier statements documented by the Kilkenny Gardai in 1995 and 1997.
There is clear evidence in one statement, that a Kilkenny Garda, Sergeant John Tuohy informed an applicant in 1995 that a woman member of St.Josephs Staff had admitted sexually abusing him, but the unscrupulous applicant denied it while stating that it must have been **Named Boy**.But to add to this horror, in 2003.the same unscrupulous applicant in his statement to the Residential Redress Board stated "I was sexually abused by "Named Woman Staff Member**.
These points which are pertinent to all the applicants to the Redress Board, who have named me, have been complained about by me to the Redress Board, and to the Kilkenny Gardai, and others, since 2003.
The Kilkenny Gardai has done nothing about it.
The applicants Solicitors have done nothing about it.
Their Barristers and Legal Council have done nothing about it.
Judge Sean O'Leary has done nothing about it. And this Redress Board Judge then declined to prosecute the unscrupulous applicant for Perjury and Offence.
I have seen this happen at a Redress Board Hearing, and the Redress Board has concealed the information. And done nothing about it.
I submit that there may be hundreds more statements in kind with the ones that I have seen, which have been dealt with by the Redress Board. They are being kept in secret by the Board, and in secret by the applicants Solicitors, and Senior and Junior Council, and the Gardai.( The Irish Police Force )
I submit that because these unscrupulous applicants have admitted that while they were resident in St.Josephs,they had taken part in sexual activities among themselves, and abused each other, both physically and mentally, and other, that their statements are unsafe, and without any credibility whatsoever.
In the few statements that I have seen, Sr.Joseph Conception, Sr.Vincent Freer, Teresa Connolly, Myles Brady, Breffney O'Rourke, David Murray, and Tom Walsh, are named by my accusers, as being their alleged abusers in their statements, which have been written, and witnessed by the Kilkenny Gardai, and presented to the Residential Redress Board for redress.
Some of these named people were sent to prison as a result of complaints made against them by the same men that have lied, and made false statements against myself.
Myles Brady died while in prison.
If the Crooked Irish Judiciary are prepared to do nothing about this, and the Crooked Gardai are prepared to do nothing about this, and our Crooked Solicitors and their Crooked Legal Council are prepared to do nothing about this, then who will investigate, and seek Justice for innocent people like myself, and for the good and honest people of Ireland?
Who is safe from these vile monsters that make false allegations alleging that they had suffered child sexual and physical and mental abuse. And then the Irish State Agencies of the law, and especially Irish Health Board Social Workers who have been involved in my tragic case, who will callously act, and destroy innocent people, and their innocent families, while they use and abuse their illicit powers, and their vile unfounded, unwarranted and unproven perceptions of guilt to destroy their innocent victims.
I have seen no fair justice, kindness, or caring from any of the Irish State Agencies who are, and have been involved in my tragic case
I am an innocent person who has been falsely accused by these unscrupulous individuals from St.Josephs Kilkenny, and then very badly treated by the Gardai, and the Irish State Authorities, and especially, by some incompetent, and very biased Social Workers in the Irish Health Boards, and our Witch-Hunt, ill informed Society.
It is my experience, that the law in Ireland is very Crooked, and biased in favor of those who do wrong. But what I have said is truthful and accurate.
I am damned for no good, sound, or just reason, by so many people.
I feel so isolated, and rejected, and stigmatized.
I have done nothing wrong, but I have no one to turn to for help.
My life is ruined.
Is it about time that people should write a little more about the innocent victims who have suffered from false allegations being made against them by unscrupulous, lying applicants to The Residential Institutions Redress Board, Dublin, Ireland.
I and my innocent family have suffered for four years from some vile applicants to the Board, and from learned and esteemed professional people, who know about their lies, and have done nothing about it.
I now have a police record on file. And this was done to me in total secrecy, without any trial, and without any conviction.
I suspect, that all those people who have been named by the hundreds of applicants to The Residential Institutions Redress Board may now have criminal records held on Garda file ?And this criminal record freely given to the named unsuspecting victims, in total secrecy, without a trial, and without a conviction .
The loss of a loved one by death is truly sad and upsetting for those relatives and friends of Judge Sean O'Leary. This man was known as a respected and esteemed High Court Judge in Dublin, Ireland.
However, this honorable man was also the chairman of the Residential Institutions Redress Board.
He was acutely aware that some applicants to the Board had given false statements. And He was aware that Solicitors and Barristers and the Irish Police ( An Garda Siochana) were also involved, and aware of these false and fraudulent claims.
Judge O'Leary was also aware that the Residential Institutions Redress Board was fundamentally flawed, and that the Board was in breech of Civil and Human rights, and European, National and International Laws.
In His position of absolute power and secrecy, Judge O'Leary and His Legal colleagues, actively denied innocent people, who had been falsely named by unscrupulous lying applicants to the Board, their right to defend themselves.
In my case, Judge O'Leary warned me to remain silent, under His threat of a large fine, and a prison sentence should I expose the Redress Board proceedings to the public.
I know of one man, Mr. Myles Brady, who has died in prison after being named by the same lying unscrupulous individuals who have falsely accused me of child sexual abuse to the Board.
I submit that Judge Sean O'Leary was a greater crook than the disgraced Gun- Runner and politician and prime-minister of Ireland Mr. Charles Haughey.
Because, while Mr. Haughey was a crook, and a thief, Judge O'Leary caused utter destruction, and grief, and unrepairable damages, and trauma, to innocent men, women and children, which will effect them for the rest of their lives.
The Residential Institutions Redress Board has caused, and is causing unbelievable trauma, grief, possibly death, and most certainly, human destruction, to many innocent individuals, families, and children.
I have no feeling of loss for this vile and honorable man.
And I have no feeling for his colleagues who worked with Him, and continue to work, and operate in a system that is fundamentally flawed, and biased against all those who have been falsely accused, and named by unscrupulous applicants, who are prepared to lie in their sworn statements to the Redress Board.
The nature and doings of the Residential Redress Institutions Board, and Judge O'Leary's support, and status held, epitomizes a vile corruption in the Irish Government, and the crooked Irish legal profession.
Judge Sean O'Leary knew that He was doing wrong, but He chose to do nothing about it.
Judge O'Leary worked in guilt, lived in guilt, and died in guilt.
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03.11.2007 02:21