printable version Climate Camp & Violence
Freedom of Speech | 01.11.2007 20:06 | Climate Chaos
Climate Camp needs to condemn and distance itself from these acts of violence by Bristol based 'activists'. Silence on this issue is support for violence. These dangerous people should be excluded from our movement ASAP. Violence is unacceptable. The National Climate Camp Gathering in Oxford this weekend should condemn these acts and exclude those responsible.
Freedom of Speech
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01.11.2007 21:07
It is a very difficult decision to decide when to use criminal damage to protect the planet, after all, it takes resources to build machinery and will take more to rebuild them. just because it is a hard decision it does not mean it is one above us to make. it is not above our station.
one thing that is above station is you suggesting who should and should not be a part of the 'climate camp' movement. your views and the way you present them clearly indicate you have not been 'active' for very long, or if so never very much, so expect to be met with derision until you have thought the issues through a bit further.
at the very least get some respect.
01.11.2007 21:09
2. The inanimate objects in question were facilitating the destruction of our planet.
3. Destroying our habitat through climate change will result in massive loss of life and quality of life. Those affected by climate change, past present and future, unlike inanimate objects, are innocent victims I can have sympathy for.
4. Facilitating climate change, eg. polluting excessively, is an act of aggression in that it directly contributes to this loss of life.
5. Such an act of aggression, knowingly contributing to the harm of millions of people, could be considered violent, if not worse.
The people who carried out these actions were acting to prevent violence. Silence on this issue (ie. not carrying out these actions) could have implied support for destroying the lives of millions through climate change.
I imagine most of the people at the gathering have the sense to see through your nonsense argument anyway, so don't get your hopes up.
And from the dust, a billion flowers bloom.
oh puh-leeze!!
01.11.2007 21:23
Activists turn up for their usual and predictable "actions" of heavy-handed symbolism, do this for a bit and then go home and congratulate themselves on being eco-"warriors". The corporations merely wait around until the "activists" have left and carry on, business as usual, exerting institutional and infrastructural corporate violence against the planet. Why should they worry about a bunch of wanna-be actors?
These more direct property-trashing actions actually do give them pause for thought however, because it gets them where they live: not in some namby-pamby place of peace and good will to planet and populations, but in their pockets. That is where the changes are more likely to be successfully seeded: when corporate planetary-fuck-overs become too damn expensive to continue to do.
fed up
Gets The Goods...
01.11.2007 21:33
Direct actions like this are exactly what we need, and from my experiences I can assure you the vast majority of the 'movement' feels exactly the same way.
Up the Saboteurs!
Dave C
e-mail: Gitboy@Action4Peace.Org