Call for nationwide prayer support for deaths in custody march
Larry Fedja | 27.10.2007 12:58 | Repression | Social Struggles | Birmingham | London
A public call to all Christians to support in prayer families of those who have lost a loved one in custody has been made by BMC3, the (Black Majority Churches Consultative Consortium) this week.
The call comes as the UFFC (United Families Friends and Campaign) prepares for their ninth annual march from Downing Street, this Saturday, where they will again this year petition the Government for more accountability and a commitment to ensure action is taken up across all custodial setting where deaths occur.
A recent report published by the Forum for Preventing Death’s in Custody has revealed that the death rate has skyrocketed to nearly 600 in the last 12 months. The Forum has stated that they believe that some of these deaths could and should have been prevented.
See the full article on BLINK:
A recent report published by the Forum for Preventing Death’s in Custody has revealed that the death rate has skyrocketed to nearly 600 in the last 12 months. The Forum has stated that they believe that some of these deaths could and should have been prevented.
See the full article on BLINK:

Larry Fedja
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27.10.2007 13:02
Death in custody march 2006
Alison Leslie
To all the people who plan to pray
27.10.2007 17:35
But prayer won't solve anything. How many times have people prayed in police cells, only for the police to come in anyway, and subject them to vicious attacks? Probably millions. God will not stop the state attacking communities, only community action in the physical world has the potential to do this. I'm not going to tell you how to do this, I don't have all the answers. But I do believe that unity is strength, and through unity oppressed people will eventually find the answers.
Neon Black
To each his or her own!
27.10.2007 20:49
Alison Leslie
Your way or the highway?
28.10.2007 13:30
If you think that ordinary people using ordinary methods to show empathy or solidarity is wrong, outmoded or irrelevant; then you are really just as bad as the oppressor who tries to stifle free thought and expression. Maybe you are really on the wrong side of the fence?
Wake up and smell what you're pushing!!
Alison, you go girl!