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Shell To Sea Solidarity Night

sam | 24.10.2007 13:52

Films,talk & action planning about The Shell To Sea campaign in Mayo, Ireland. Wednesday 31st October, 8pm The Sumac Centre.

Films,talk & action planning about The Shell To Sea campaign in Mayo, Ireland. Wednesday 31st October, 8pm The Sumac Centre.



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more info pleeze

24.10.2007 14:09

what is this about? please explain a bit more/....


More info here

25.10.2007 10:35

Take a look at this website


more information

25.10.2007 13:32

Sorry not to give more information at the time I was in a rush!.
The Shell to Sea campaign is based in Erris, county Mayo, and is a community based resistance to Shell building an on-shore gas refinery & raw gas pipeline. It has been active for over 7 years, 5 men went to jail 2 years ago for refusing to allow Shell onto their land to build the pipeline & got widespread publicity at the time, they're known as the Rossport 5. People regularly stop work at the refinery site and since last October there has a been a massive police prescence in the area and many repeated instances of police brutality.
On Wednesday there will be a film about the campaign a short talk & questions about whats happening now & then a short film about an incident that happened in June this year where the police were particularly brutal. The hopefully there will be time to plan taking action for those who want to.
