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Crassrail jobs! spin will CURSE East End, mis-led by MP Jim F Patrick -1

AADHIKARonline supporting Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill | 23.10.2007 13:15 | Globalisation | Social Struggles | London | World

BBC TV’s ‘Politics Show’ on Sunday 21 October 2007.

BBC London presenter Tim Donavan’s introduction stated that “London has the most entrenched problem of unemployment and poverty…..”

By©Muhammad Haque
1315 GMT London Tuesday 23.10.2007: CrossRail Jobs lies by East London MP Jim OF Patrick

I have this open question to East London MP Jim OF Patrick challenging him to show how the unending failures by the schools in Tower Hamlets – which are failing in effect to provide the requisite skills and qualifications to half of the school going population in the area if not more – can be reversed and to also show me how the market forces which operate in the UK economic decision-making can be replaced and if so by what alternatives.

For almost 4 years of the Khoodeelaar! campaign against CRASSrail, we have said, and shown with continuous production of current - up-to-date- evidence, that the CRASSrail hole link was not about the inner city area. We have as shown that there was no economic demand for the rail by the people in the borough of Tower Hamlets. We have show shown that EVEN the touts of CRASSrail were themselves admitting that the CRASSrail line was essentially fir Big Business and to meet a small part of the overall transport needs that can be found in London.

We have shown – and are continuing to show, that the local Tower Hamlets Council itself has failed and will go un to fail u show any substantive to the contrary.

The same is the case withy the ‘local’ MP Jim OF Patrick.

We are focussing on him for his own sake. If he has any sense, he will immediately renounce and retract the ignorant, untrue and pathetic statement he has made for CrossRail plotting liars.

Those liars say that CrossRail will bring benefits – that is the ordinary people in the borough of Tower Hamlets.

Jim OF Patrick has said the same thing. Although in his statement as broadcast there was no direct use of the word CrossRail, we are treating it to be another instanced of Jim OF Patrick's unwarranted and unrepresentative endorsement for CrossRail in context. Jim OF Patrick is an avid backer of CRASSrail. This has to be seen in the overall career plan that he is following for himself. He will say anything to add a bit more ingratiation with the [Blaired UK central Govt] administration. It matters not to Jim OF if what he says is banal, untrue and careless.

I am doing this latest examination of Jim OF’s careeristic misrepresent if the needs of the people in the East End of London as part of the Khoodeelaar! analysis if the lies that are continuing to be peddled by the touts of Big Business CRASSrail hole plot.

Jim OF Patrick is one if the touts. There is a legal requirement en a MP to tell the truth. We have put everyone who has held any public position and has peddled the mantra if the CRASSrail that we shall take appropriate legal action against the t test the veracity of every substantive utterance or assertion that they make.

This time, the Khoodeelaar! Questioning of Jim OF Patrick has been based en the London package as broadcast on the BBC TV’s ‘Politics Show’ on Sunday 21 October 2007.

That package was fronted by the BBC London political editor Tim Donovan.

BBC London presenter Tim Donavan’s introduction stated that “London has the most entrenched problem of unemployment and poverty…..”

The reporter Victoria Hollins was shown walking on the ground described in the BBC package as being Poplar in East London.

Victoria Hollins said that in Poplar…. “the rate of unemployment is almost twice the national average..”

Enter Jim OF Patrick:
“There are more jobs moved into my constituency Poplar and Canning Town in the past 10 years than in any than in any other constituency in Britain

What’s happened is that most companies have relocated and have brought the staff with them! But those jobs are going to be there for generations to come…”

[To be continued]

AADHIKARonline supporting Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill
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