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Socialist Presidential Ticket: Moore and Alexander

Stewart A. Alexander | 23.10.2007 00:25 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | London

Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party shared a mutual victory on Saturday, October 20, in St Louis, Missouri. During the National Convention of Social Party USA, Brian Moore was nominated as the presidential candidate to represent the party’s national campaign ticket and Stewart A. Alexander was nominated as the vice presidential candidate.

Stewart A. Alexander
Peace and Freedom Party
Socialist Party USA

October 21, 2007

Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party shared a mutual victory on Saturday, October 20, in St Louis, Missouri. During the National Convention of Social Party USA, Brian Moore was nominated as the presidential candidate to represent the party’s national campaign ticket and Stewart A. Alexander was nominated as the vice presidential candidate.

Most of the United States presidential candidates, for Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party, were on the tickets of both parties; however, the field of 11 presidential candidates for Socialist Party USA resulted in the nomination of Brian Moore, from the State of Florida, and Stewart A. Alexander, from the State of California.

Brian Moore is now the eight presidential candidate, for Socialist Party USA, in the past 30 years. In 1976, Frank Ziedler, from Wisconsin, was the presidential candidate, and the vice presidential candidate was J Quinn Brisber. In 2004, Walter F. Brown, from Oregon, was the presidential candidate, and the vice presidential candidate was Mary Alice Herbert.

Brian Moore and Stewart Alexander are setting forth a very aggressive agenda; designed to represent working class people and to restore America’s confidence in the national leadership. Recent national polls have revealed that America’s confidence, in the national leadership, is at its lowest point in more than 100 years; both candidates believe Americans, and the world, are prepared to receive what socialism has to offer.

The immediate withdrawal from Iraq is the number one concern of both candidates and both parties. At the National Convention, Brian Moore stated, that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have failed American voters, because “they have chosen to continue funding Bush’s war.” Moore says he is only committed to an immediate withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. Moore has also committed to closing all U.S. military bases on foreign soil and to end U.S. imperialism.

Moore and Alexander initially want a 50 percent reduction in U.S. defense spending, while using a portion of these dividends to enhance veteran benefits. Alexander recently proposed that retired veterans, with 10 to 30 years of military service, should receive retirement income ranging from $15,000 to over $30,000 annually, and exempt from federal taxes up to $100,000.

The Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party are strong supporters of a single payer health care system and to make good health care available to all; including dental care. Both candidates, and both parties, are Pro Choice and supports a woman’s right to choose.

Moore and Alexander are both in favor of abolishing the Patriot Act, the Military Tribunal, and all executive orders adversely affecting the rights and freedoms of working class people. Both candidates have also committed to ending the war that the Democrats and Republicans have waged on the 12 million plus immigrants in America; both candidates also reject the separation of immigrant families.

Brian Moore is 64 years of age and resides near Tampa, Florida. Moore obtained a Masters Degree in Public Administration from Arizona State University and is fluent in Spanish. Moore served three years in the U.S. Peace Corps in Latin America, and has 25 years experience in developing Health Maintenance Organizations across the nation. Recently Moore was a candidate for U.S. Senate in the State of Florida and received 20,000 votes.

Stewart Alexander is 56 years of age and resides in Murrieta, California. He attended California State University Dominguez Hills, in Los Angeles County; however he did not receive a degree. He served in the U.S. Air Force, receiving an Honorable Discharge in 1976, as a transportation specialist. Presently, Alexander is employed as a manager with a Ford dealership, and began his career in automotive sales in 1989.

Alexander was a community activist with the Florida Consumer Action Network (F-CAN) in 1986; from 1986 to 1989, he was a political talk show host on KTYM Radio, in Los Angeles; and was a candidate for mayor of Los Angeles in 1989. Recently, he was a candidate for California lieutenant governor, in 2006, receiving more than 44,000 votes. Presently, he is on the State Executive Committee (SEC) for Peace and Freedom Party.

Both Brian Moore and Stewart Alexander will appear as presidential candidates on the California Primary Ballots for Peace and Freedom Party, on February 5, 2008; however, Stewart Alexander says his support for Brian Moore, to be the next president of the United States, is a joint mission to take back America for working class people.

Stewart A. Alexander
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