Bought my last Big Issue
John McLean Look-a-Like | 20.10.2007 22:58 | Other Press
I just bought my last Big Issue, from an elderly woman from the south east of europe whose only words of english seemed to be 'Big Issue' and 'thank you'. I've been buying it since it has been launched. For the last year I've not bought a copy from anyone except people from the south east of europe, simply because those are the only vendors I've come across. That did make me worry about what happened to the people I used to buy it from, but the vendors nationality isn't what has changed my mind.
The only time I didn't buy the magazine is when I've been homeless myself. I used to work with well paid people who never bought the magazine, and constantly questioned me as to why I did. My workmates attitude made me feel they were privileged and right-wing and ignorant. I gave them two reasons - firstly, it is a good magazine for the price, secondly, I thought one day I would be homeless and perhaps reliant on it for survival.
I was living rough for a bit recently and got a bit ill, so I'm staying in someone's home. Coincidentally I also got some cash so I feel like a millionaire since I'm able to pay my way for the first time in ages, and maybe that is affecting my thinking. I just saw John Bird 'founder and editor-In-chief of the Big Issue' being interviewed by Andrew Marr on BBC News 24. My impression was he was the most self righteous, self promoting Hitlerian frauds I have ever heard. My impression was he was one of those people who get involved in 'good causes' simply to boost their own public image, to look down on those people he has conned. Like a merchant banker who throws a fiver into a beggars hat just to impress his date. Like when Thatcher promoted picking up rubbish as a green agenda.
Thing is he wasn't the founde of the Big Issue. That was Gordon Roddick, Anita's husband. Gordon took the idea from a grass roots american magazine produced by the homeless, and then hired Bird to produce a British version using professional journalists. Bird has since tried to stand as London mayor only to throw in his hat to try to start a new political party sometimes called the Street Party by John and now called the Social Movement. John has been flirting with the tories and new labour, but earns most of his money on the after dinner circuit criticising the welfare state - for five grand a night. You can buy a lot of Big Issues for five grand.
John Bird previously said "The working class is violent and abusive, they beat their wives and I hate their culture". That is far less offensive and dangerous than what he said on the BBC tonight.,,1856417,00.html
I was living rough for a bit recently and got a bit ill, so I'm staying in someone's home. Coincidentally I also got some cash so I feel like a millionaire since I'm able to pay my way for the first time in ages, and maybe that is affecting my thinking. I just saw John Bird 'founder and editor-In-chief of the Big Issue' being interviewed by Andrew Marr on BBC News 24. My impression was he was the most self righteous, self promoting Hitlerian frauds I have ever heard. My impression was he was one of those people who get involved in 'good causes' simply to boost their own public image, to look down on those people he has conned. Like a merchant banker who throws a fiver into a beggars hat just to impress his date. Like when Thatcher promoted picking up rubbish as a green agenda.
Thing is he wasn't the founde of the Big Issue. That was Gordon Roddick, Anita's husband. Gordon took the idea from a grass roots american magazine produced by the homeless, and then hired Bird to produce a British version using professional journalists. Bird has since tried to stand as London mayor only to throw in his hat to try to start a new political party sometimes called the Street Party by John and now called the Social Movement. John has been flirting with the tories and new labour, but earns most of his money on the after dinner circuit criticising the welfare state - for five grand a night. You can buy a lot of Big Issues for five grand.
John Bird previously said "The working class is violent and abusive, they beat their wives and I hate their culture". That is far less offensive and dangerous than what he said on the BBC tonight.
John McLean Look-a-Like
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