Guerilla Foresting in the hood
Johnny | 20.10.2007 16:37 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Health
milliona of mature & semi-mature trees die in the UK alone every year due to ivy starving the trunk of light. When ivy reaches the top of a tree or its crown, it usually dies & often falls over which is a serious health & safety risk.
Simply cutting the ivy off at the bottom with small pruning saw which takes minutes or less, saves the tree+local wildlife & helps stop climate change.
I saved 5 trees in less than 5 minutes today near woodborough park sherwood, you can save hundreds in a hour or so.
Be a Guerilla Forester,like Mr Hood!
Simply cutting the ivy off at the bottom with small pruning saw which takes minutes or less, saves the tree+local wildlife & helps stop climate change.
I saved 5 trees in less than 5 minutes today near woodborough park sherwood, you can save hundreds in a hour or so.
Be a Guerilla Forester,like Mr Hood!
So get a cheap folding pruning saw out & save your local trees & or ask your council etc to do it.If you have to deal with a private landlord mention the health & safety implications, a tree falling over & hurting someone adjacent or on their land can land them into serious trouble.
I saved 5 trees in 5 minutes today near woodborough park in Sherwood, just be aware not to get ivy saw dust in your lungs, the more trees there are though, the less ivy.
Ivy on trees usually happens at the edge of forests & wasnt as common as it is today, its known as the fringe effect, so cut back your fringe today & help save the planet!
& while your at it, get rid of the sycamore it takes over & starves out the other trees.
One other ting, dont carry a pruning saw with you in the middle of town or anywhere near demonstrations, the police may & say you are carrying a dangerous weapon,even in a vehicle its best in a locked case. Be great if the police were more worried about arms companies selling billions of pounds worth of taxpayer subsidised weapons of mass destruction to any regime they can, but they seem to be more worried about peaceful common people carrying them.
What would Maid Marion say about that, anyway
I saved 5 trees in 5 minutes today near woodborough park in Sherwood, just be aware not to get ivy saw dust in your lungs, the more trees there are though, the less ivy.
Ivy on trees usually happens at the edge of forests & wasnt as common as it is today, its known as the fringe effect, so cut back your fringe today & help save the planet!
& while your at it, get rid of the sycamore it takes over & starves out the other trees.
One other ting, dont carry a pruning saw with you in the middle of town or anywhere near demonstrations, the police may & say you are carrying a dangerous weapon,even in a vehicle its best in a locked case. Be great if the police were more worried about arms companies selling billions of pounds worth of taxpayer subsidised weapons of mass destruction to any regime they can, but they seem to be more worried about peaceful common people carrying them.
What would Maid Marion say about that, anyway
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Ivy is not a bad thing!
21.10.2007 21:00
22.10.2007 08:48
This place is full of lies...
don't chop down ivy
22.10.2007 12:39
Ivy has rights to!!
24.10.2007 00:43
Ivy is very well adapted to living in woodland, which represents it’s natural habitat. It’s growth characteristics enable it to survive where light levels are low, on the ground and up trunks of trees whose dense foliage shade the woodland floor. Ivy’s attributes of shade tolerance and evergreen foliage have proved invaluable in our gardens, where it has been used for attractive evergreen coverings for north facing walls and to provide ground cover in dark corners. Although the common ivy Hedera helix appears the most frequent, a variety of cultivars and other species are available for horticultural use.
Hedera helix, is the only native British evergreen climbing shrub. It has a habit known as dimorphism, whereby two forms occur within the same species. The juvenile growth, with its characteristic lobed ‘ivy shaped’ leaves, is adapted to living in low light conditions and is found creeping along the ground or climbing up walls and tree; while as the plant matures, it can throw out bushy branches and flowering shoots with very different, elliptical leaves (lanceilate to ovate). This adult form will only develop where the light conditions allow, and it is mostly found on the climbing section of the plant, only rarely on the ground.
Ivy has a very bad reputation and it is commonly thought that it kills trees. Contrary to popular belief, ivy is not parasitic and does not directly affect the health of the trees it climbs. Unlike true parasitic plants, (such as mistletoe, whose roots tap directly into the resources of the host plant) ivy has its feeding roots anchored in the ground and simply uses the tree as a support to get to where it wants to go. The masses of tiny, hair-like roots sprouting from the under surface of the stems, are simply designed to provide support and allow the plant to climb. Although these roots provide almost immovable adhesion to the rough surfaces of tree trunks and walls, they are not used for feeding, and at worst only penetrate the outermost layer of bark on host trees.
It is primarily in terms of competition for natural resources that ivy affects the health of trees, particularly where light is concerned. If ivy has become established on a tree, it is more likely to be a sign of stress than a cause of it. A heavy infestation of ivy, particularly in the upper crown, is usually an indication that the tree is in a natural state of decline; most healthy crowns will let insufficient light through for the ivy to grow vigorously. Ash, Fraxinus excelsior, is an exception as the crown tends to be thin and open. This allows major infestations to occur, thereby restricting photosynthesis, but it is still unlikely that the life of a healthy tree will be shortened. In the case of a diseased or dying tree, where the it’s growth rate and vigour may be slow or in decline, the ivy’s more vigorous growth allow it to smother the tree. The bushy adult growth will then have a tendency to make the tree top heavy, making it more likely to fall, particularly during adverse weather conditions.
One of the most important aspects when contemplating the removal of ivy from a mature tree, is its enormous wildlife value. The dense mass of foliage and intertwining stems around the trunks of trees, provide shelter for birds to build their nests, and dark nooks and crannies where bats can roost through the day. In Autumn, ivy flowers are an important source of pollen and nectar for wasps, butterflies, bees and a hose of fly species. Over winter, ivy protects woodland soils from full snow cover and frost. This enables ground foraging birds such as blackbirds, robins, dunnocks and thrushes to continue feeding;. while a sheltered habitat is also provided for small mammals and insects.
The berries, which ripen in March / April, have a high fat content and, although poisonous in large quantities, they provide both native and migrant birds with an invaluable early energy resource. Woodpigeons, starlings, resident and migrant thrushes and newly arrived summer migrants such as blackcaps feed on them. Some species of invertebrate are known to feed on the foliage of ivy, and several species of beetle bore the mature stems, while spiders spin their webs to catch others that fly in to shelter.
It should rarely be considered necessary or appropriate to remove ivy from trees within a woodland setting, where it is an integral part of the native ecosystem. An experiment was carried out, from 1890-1942, where ivy was cut on half the trees in a wood, and left to its own devices on the rest. When the wood was felled in 1942 there appeared to be no difference in the height, average girth or cubic content of the trees. On the other hand, in parks and gardens where conditions have allowed it to grow unchecked, it can become quite a problem; choking the crowns of ornamental trees, swamping less vigorous shrubs and smothering walls and rockeries.
Although rarely a problem to the tree, a dense covering of ivy over the trunk and throughout the crown of a mature specimen can inhibit essential safety checks, by limiting a visual inspection of the trunk and main branches. Where mature trees are growing in residential gardens often close to dwellings or public open space, it is important to be able to complete regular hazard assessments and monitor the decay of old wounds. In such circumstances it becomes essential to remove the ivy.
From a practical viewpoint , the most effective way of removing ivy is to cut it near to the base of the tree. When doing this, it is necessary to remove a section of all the stems around the entire circumference of the tree’s trunk. Once cut from it’s roots the ivy growth, up the trunk and branches, can be left to die on the tree, and when sufficiently dry and brittle it can be removed. The best time to consider this work is over the winter when the host tree is likely to be bare of leaves, and visibility while completing the task is much improved. Very dense ivy can sometimes be used by bats to hibernate through the winter. To avoid unnecessary disturbance of hibernating bats it is best to cut the stems of ivy in the late summer or autumn, so the foliage dies before the winter months. The removal of ivy during the summer should be avoided where possible, because of it’s likely use by nesting birds and roosting bats.
It is an offence under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), to intentionally damage or destroy a wild bird’s nest, whether in use or under construction. The use of the ivy by bats for shelter and roosting must also be considered. A bats roost is protected both under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), and The Conservation (Natural Habitats etc.) Regulations 1994, which make it an offence to damage or destroy a breeding site or resting place of any bat, and it does not require the offence to be intentional or deliberate. Furthermore, under an amendment made within the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, it became an offence to recklessly damage or destroy a bat roost, and it could be reckless not to consider possible use of ivy for roosting.
Please don't damage the environment. Not such a top tip!
another conservationist
ivy can be good in the ground & feeds wildlife,but kills trees&needs controlling
24.10.2007 07:20
ecologist your right I wish I had been able to put up more of mine & others knowledge & experience in this area
another conservationist has great advice, I try not2cut back ever except in winter, although I seem to find that whenever I cut it using procedure you cut & pasted that it takes many months to years for the ivy to die, giving wildlife plenty of time to move as well as saving the tree
I try & encourage it on walls but even on walls it doews damage & needs controlling,
what wild forests & natural woodland are some poeple on about?, our forests in britain are all but gone with nothing mostly but fringes & even in an ancient woodland, I would say use your commonsense & discretion.
I couldnt add more research before, people who read indymedia arent idiots, so I say cut it back & cut the crap "truth"monger
Ivy uses trees for support but does not feed on the tree. Generally healthy trees will not allow ivy to become fully established. However, as trees age their crowns may begin to allow more light to penetrate. In such situations the extra light can stimulate growth in the ivy at the expense of the tree which subsequently declines.
Ivy tends to establish itself in deciduous trees. These trees lose their leaves in winter, to lower their wind resistance. Because ivy is evergreen, it raises the wind resistance and increases its weight which means that the tree is more likely to suffer damage in stormy conditions.
In addition, the presence of ivy can hinder tree inspections and may conceal serious defects in a tree. To remove ivy from the tree you will need to cut away a section about an inch in length further down to isolate the growth towards the top of the tree. This will then die back and fall away or can be pulled from the tree.
heres an uncontroversial tip
24.10.2007 15:03
Oh and I would only remove a sycamore if a) i was going to replace it with something more appropriate or b) if it was definately competing with something. A sycamore is better than no tree at all.
27.10.2007 19:26
I used to use the metal to make things but now you can weigh it in with other metal at about 90quid/tonne for steel, that with abondoned sytex & heras etc it can pay the bills
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