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Untrue Anti-Tatchell Smears Rebutted

Friend | 19.10.2007 14:15 | London | Oxford

A statement by friends of Peter Tatchell, written in co-operation with him asserting that the defamatory smears made against him in this thread are untrue.


Smear campaign against Peter Tatchell

Wild, unfounded allegations have been made against Peter Tatchell by Karl
Khan / Stelios. These allegations are his spin on Tatchell. They are not
true. They are being made by a person who is a member of George Galloway's Respect Party, which is hostile to Tatchell and Tatchell's party, the Greens.

These attacks by Karl / Stelios look like a sectarian campaign to gain
advantage for Respect by smearing Peter Tatchell and the Green Party.

We would advise people to go to Tatchell's website:


Please read Tatchell in his own words. Thousands of his articles, speeches
and news releases are archived there. None support the Iraq war or an attack on Iran. None back the neo cons. None are racist or Islamophobic. None support Zionism. These allegations are all fiction. But if you don't believe us, go to Tatchell's website and read for yourself.

You can also read the archive of Tatchell's Guardian articles here:


Again, none of these articles support any of the outrageous defamatory
allegations made by Karl / Stelios.

You can also read a biography of Tatchell here, which shows that Tatchell is the exact opposite of Karl / Stelios's misrepresentations:


Read all this and judge for yourself. You will see that Karl and certain Respect Party colleagues are stooping to dirty political tricks to gain political advantage.

Best wishes.

Friends of Peter Tatchell



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the allies of Respect

22.10.2007 13:43

Anyone curious as to what the anti-Tatchell remarks were, should go here.

The demonstration which Tatchell attended to make his own point which the above attacks him over was a
'demonstration was supported by the left-wing Respect Party, 1990 Trust, Muslim Association of Britain, Islamic Human Rights Commission, Hizb ut-Tahrir and the Federation of Student Islamic Societies.' [quoting from the above]

Now, even given that it can be dodgy to judge anyone, or any group, by their allies .... we should note that the Islamic Human Rights Commission (big name for box number in Willesden) bragged a few ago that it had terrorised bookshops to not stock a book on the oppression of women in Moslem states (called 'Behind the Veil', or similar title). We should also note that Hizb ut-Tahrir is anti-semitic and homophobic and has harassed gay, Jewish, Hindu and Sikh students at several universities.

Would Respect join a rally with a White Nationalist Party ? No. But why not ? Several of such oppose the Iraq war. It is part of the comedy of these times that the BNP, whose moral sentiments are close to islamofascism, spend so much time dissing British Moslems; whilst the Left, whose moral sentiments - one might think - are far from those of the hizzies are prepared to tolerate them.

Tatchell has the guts to criticise the Left for its craven kowtowing to moslem fascism. But I suspect that the time is not far distant when he will have probs with the Green Party. Not only is National Socialism the only destination for pro-capitalist anti-globalisation, but its religious yearnings will surely seek something *established* to cleave to.

david murray