Massive chemtrailing over West Yorkshire this afternoon
dh | 19.10.2007 00:20 | Climate Chaos | Sheffield
Did you ever know the skies looked like this?
However much you deny it, before the end of the Nineties nothing like this could be seen
This is mostly a phenomenon of the last seven years
However much you deny it, before the end of the Nineties nothing like this could be seen
This is mostly a phenomenon of the last seven years
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yo hed
19.10.2007 00:28
Thank you for reporting this.
19.10.2007 08:07
Did anyone else observe these occurences yesterday or were we all too busy with our heads down working?
Sad beyond belief.
19.10.2007 08:51
Could it be that the secret society that controls the planet (and Mars) feel threatened by the visionary insight of dh into their evil plans? So they have therefore decided that the only way to neutralise this threat is by dropping chemicals over him? And the the rest of Yorkshire? Presumably to pacify his enquiring mind so that their dastardly conspiracy can conquer the civilised world (and Neptune) unhindered?
Why does IMC UK allow its 'news service' to be abused by these losers? Oh yes, and where is the science? Ask the likes of dh about 9/11 and you will all kinds of bogus 'science' invented by bored Americans to compliment their egotistical struggle against the evil empire. So where is the science to support this chemtrails bollocks?
Big Lizard
haarping on about chem/con
19.10.2007 09:09
quite coincidently I notice these trails in the sky mostly when there's an airport not too far off, and there's a busy flight path...and a clear sky.
mmh, Leeds Bradford Int'l Airport
19.10.2007 10:42
What a stupid post. It should be hidden on the grounds of idiocy. Why not actually attempt to follow the so call 'chemtrails' back to where they come from, or even more useful sit for a while and watch how the vapour trails of the planes you can see dissipate into the 'chemtrails' you are so worried about.
This is just a case of another pointless distraction by conspiraloons from the real issue that all planes are bad and destroying the environment. We dont need chemtrail conspiracies to argue that. Every plane produces these sort of vapour trails; depending on the size of the engines and how high they fly will dictate the nature and visabilty of the trails.
But hey, don't let doing some actual research get in the way when it is so much easier to parrot half-arsed websites from right-wing yanks.
contrary to popular belief...
19.10.2007 10:48
May the infinite power of love, compassion and non-violence shine through and save those who choose to accept the light and open their eyes and hearts to Truth.
open mind, open heart
Answers please
19.10.2007 11:37
Exactly what economic, political theory do you propose as a possible alternative capitalism ?
From the links you gave, you seem to propose a 'medium', the unsubstantiated claims of many 'alternative' medicines and 'free' energy.
Please tell all on Indymedia how this will contribute to the overthrow of capitalism.
Also while I'm at it, what exactly do the 'chem trails' have to do with the 9/11 'truth' campaign (which was the link you gave) ?
I suppose neither of you will answer these questions, which makes me wonder why you bother to persist in sending these posts to Indymedia and then complain when they are justifiably hidden.
the cur
Hey, Big Lizard, CONCERNED and unnecessary
19.10.2007 11:52
Try researching "weather modification".
Weather modification, eh?
19.10.2007 12:08
michael fish
Well Big Lizard... why so angry?
19.10.2007 12:14
So if science can't prove something beyond a doubt then it doesn't exist?
Big Lizard's quite offensive rant at dh for merely observing what is occurring is typical of those who would rather remain safely behind the veil of ignorance. If this type of topic is not Alternative News then I see little point for Indymedia. To call someone a 'loser' for presenting or being interested in this type of information is the sign of someone who will do anything to maintain their current sense of reality - and distort others'.
Whether or not there is anything in the chemtrail theories - the fact there are so many planes travelling around Earth at this point in our time and space should surely be a visible reminder to us all of our assumed progress and the associated costs to the health of our planet.
Here one person has embarked upon a great study but it needs many more people to also carry out this type of report. If mainstream science does not credibly investigate something then there is no data is there?
This is what Wiki currently says – there are many sources of information if you wish to look.
Lots of information here also
“All truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self-evident.” Schoepenhouer
“Ridicule is the tribute that mediocrity pays to genius.”
Truth is stranger than fiction.
What do you think, much-respected Danny?
Whose side are they on?
19.10.2007 13:07
On a similar note. If I was a profiteer in the aviation industry then seeing genuine concerns about global warming and pollution being associated with a conspiracy theory about 'chemtrails' would certainly bring a smile to my face.
I wonder who is really encouraging, or perhaps pulling the strings of the likes of dh?
Lil gaiter
Dear friend 'Cur'
19.10.2007 13:36
The only point I wanted to make is that a secular world view which attempts to solve all of Mother Earth and humanity’s ills through politics and the legal system alone is, in my humble opinion, deeply flawed. The universe and cosmos are entities so unfathomable and mysterious that you or I could never hope to comprehend them in this lifetime with the very limited capacity of our third-density minds. Even those great scientific minds Albert Einstein and Professor Stephen Hawking have recognised this.
Living in constant fear, anger, anxiety, hatred and denial generates immense self-destructive low-frequency electromagnetic energies. What we need to do as a race is break the cycle of paranoia, suspicion, hatred and greed. The change has to start with the individual. Live fearlessly, be happy and always follow your heart, not your mind. As Gandhi said, be the change you wish to see.
Love, Peace and Harmony to all
p.s. before anyone says anything, I’m not a consumer of illicit substances, and I do shower occasionally
p.p.s. wind power, wave power, etc are, of course, forms of 'free energy'
open mind, open heart